Recipe This | My 7 Day Slimming World Speed Foods Soup Week (2024)

Slimming World Speed Foods Soup Week. Introducing you to my 7 day slimming world speed foods soup week. A fun thing that I first started back in 2013 that is ideal for adding more slimming world speed foods into your diet.

Recipe This | My 7 Day Slimming World Speed Foods Soup Week (1)

Table of Contents

Slimming World Speed Foods

My mum was the first person to ever introduce me to the Slimming World Speed Soup. I remember sat in the kitchen amused as she made herself a pot of soup and told me it was for fast weight loss on Slimming World.

She would reheat her speed soup in the microwave and have a good weight loss for the week thanks to the soup.

When I joined Slimming World a few years later, what always fascinated me was the Slimming World Speed Foods. As in eat more of these speed foods and you can lose weight easier.

As a 12 year old on Slimming World my brain darted to the strawberries. Two weeks later I was in a field with my mum strawberry picking.

That summer in 1994 I shed 2.5 stone on Slimming World in the six week school holidays. Ever since then Slimming World speed foods have been a big part of my daily diet.

Today is all about me sharing with you the slimming world speed foods list so that you can pick and choose your favourite speed foods, my speed food inspired soup week and the more about speed foods if you are not familiar with them.

What Are Speed Foods?

Speed foods are foods that are low in calories, extremely healthy and that are associated with a fast weight loss if you eat enough of them.

You are probably wondering what are speed foods on Slimming World? Well basically it is a big list of super healthy speed fruits and speed vegetables that can help you reach your weight loss goals.

When I was younger, they were always referred to as Slimming World super speed foods, but now most people just call them speed foods or speed fruit and speed vegetables.

Speed Fruit

Let’s start the Slimming World speed foods list with speed fruits:

  • Apples
  • Apricots
  • Blackcurrants
  • Berries (all types)
  • Damsons
  • Grapefruit
  • Lemons
  • Lime
  • Mandarins
  • Melon (All types)
  • Oranges (all types)
  • Papaya
  • Passion Fruit
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Plums
  • Pomelo
  • Redcurrants
  • Rhubarb
  • Star Fruit
  • White Currants

Though sadly, this speed fruits list does not allow blended, pureed fruit. So, no drinking blueberry smoothies every day!

Speed Vegetables

Here is the speed foods list of all the speed vegetables:

  • Alfalfa Sprouts
  • Artichokes
  • Asparagus
  • Aubergine/Eggplant
  • Baby Sweetcorn
  • Bamboo Shoots
  • Bean Sprouts
  • Beetroot
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Capers
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Celeriac
  • Celery
  • Chard
  • Chicory
  • Chillies
  • Courgettes/Zucchini
  • Cucumber
  • Endive
  • Fennel
  • Green Beans
  • Garlic
  • Gherkins
  • Kale
  • Leeks
  • Mangetout
  • Mushrooms
  • Okra
  • Onions (all types)
  • Pak choi
  • Peppers
  • Radishes
  • Runner Beans
  • Salad Greens (all types)
  • Samphire
  • Spinach
  • Squash (all types)
  • Sugar Snap Peas
  • Swede/Rutabaga/Neeps
  • Tomatoes (including fresh, tinned, and basic tomato sauce)
  • Turnip
  • Watercress
  • Water Chestnuts

Or the easy way of explaining the list is to say its everything but excludes:

  • Bananas
  • Potatoes
  • Garden Peas
  • Sweetcorn
  • Avocado

Or those are the foods I remember to avoid when following speed days. But just think how many curries and how many soups and how many salads you can make off the list above.

This graphic is also fantastic for printing off or printing to save for later:

Recipe This | My 7 Day Slimming World Speed Foods Soup Week (3)

How To Eat More Slimming World Speed Foods?

I get it. A lot of people don’t like vegetables and don’t eat enough of them. So how do they get more speed foods in their diet?

Well, there are a few ways you can add more Slimming World speed foods:

  • Slimming World Speed Days – Where you eat just Slimming World Speed Days for 24 hours. Great for a quick boost in energy and weight loss. I always compare the SW speed foods to that of the daily allowed foods on the cabbage soup diet plan. It’s like sticking to the cabbage soup diet for one day only! You could also plan to do this for 3 days a week too if you wanted to.
  • Slimming World Speed Week – You can also create a few different versions of speed weeks too. I don’t recommend just speed foods for a week, but you can mix it up with the “p” protein foods too.
  • Slimming World Speed Soups – Probably the most common and just like the speed soup recipe we have on Recipe This. You use soups as your speed food and then binge on them all day long. You could have 2-3 speed soup days if you want. Or make yourself your own challenge.

Slimming World 7 Day Soup Challenge

Well, the Slimming World 7 Day Soup Challenge is what I am doing, and it works without making you feel deprived or without you craving other things. It’s a great way to eat more speed vegetables and easy to make ahead.

You replace 2 of your 3 meals a day with any type of speed foods that are made into the soup. It doesn’t just have to be the traditional speed soup if you don’t want it to be.

You can also load the soup into flasks for work, you can add seasonings such as making a curry soup.

Or if you get bored of soup you could just eat speed vegetables, such as making yourself a salad or enjoying some peppers or root vegetables.

Below you will find exactly what I ate during my slimming world speed soup week. It was great fun, and I can’t wait to do it again soon.

Slimming World Speed Soup – Day 1

Its Monday morning and I am ready to give these Slimming World Speed Foods a great go this week.

  • Exercise – 36mins step aerobics & 36minute dog walk
  • Treat – 2 squares dark chocolate
  • Snacks – apple with cinnamon
  • Breakfast – air fryer pumpkin with cinnamon
  • Lunch – green soup with more pumpkin
  • Dinner – pulled turkey with cinnamon loaded steamed carrots
Recipe This | My 7 Day Slimming World Speed Foods Soup Week (4)

As you can see, I love cinnamon and it is ideal for making basic fruits and vegetables less boring.

Slimming World Speed Soup – Day 2

Hello day 2 and can you believe I have made my own DIY version of slimming world speed foods that includes chocolate?

  • Exercise – 36mins step aerobics & 24minute dog walk
  • Treat – 2 squares dark chocolate
  • Breakfast – air fryer courgette, pumpkin, and peppers
  • Lunch – air fryer chicken burger, poached eggs and brussel sprouts
  • Dinner – cauliflower speed soup
Recipe This | My 7 Day Slimming World Speed Foods Soup Week (5)

Note that over the last 2 days I have only had soup once a day, yet I have still had 2 meals a day of just speed foods. Change it suit what you have going on and what you like to eat.

Slimming World Speed Soup – Day 3

Its Wednesday and day 3 and because I am still having chocolate I do not feel deprived at all. It kind of feels like fun too.

  • Exercise – 36mins step aerobics
  • Treat – 2 squares dark chocolate
  • Breakfast – air fryer courgette, pumpkin, and peppers
  • Lunch – chicken breast, steamed prawns, and Brussel sprouts
  • Dinner – cauliflower soup
Recipe This | My 7 Day Slimming World Speed Foods Soup Week (6)

What I do is load diced pumpkin, courgette and peppers into the air fryer and have them as a veggie breakfast stir fry. They don’t need oil and you can season them as you wish.

Slimming World Speed Soup – Day 4

I am finding myself repeating the meals, but I love them and they are easy and convenient.

  • Exercise – 36mins step aerobics
  • Treat – 2 squares dark chocolate
  • Breakfast – air fryer courgette, peppers, and tomatoes
  • Lunch – chicken burger, poached egg, steamed broccoli, and cauliflower
  • Dinner – cauliflower curry soup with extra air fryer pumpkin
Recipe This | My 7 Day Slimming World Speed Foods Soup Week (7)

I love to cook air fryer pumpkin because it doesn’t need oil and you can just throw it into the air fryer and then toss it in your favourite herbs or spices.

Slimming World Speed Soup – Day 5

I have made it to day 5 and I am impressed with what I have eaten and how it hasn’t felt like an effort. If you have done the cabbage soup, note that its much easier than that.

  • Exercise – 36mins step aerobics
  • Treat – 2 squares dark chocolate
  • Cheats – Haribo sweets and paleo mayonnaise
  • Breakfast – leftover butternut squash curry
  • Lunch – turkey sausages with steamed baby carrots
  • Dinner – leftover butternut squash curry soup

First naughty treats today. I had about 5 of the kids Haribo sweets bag and a little healthy paleo mayonnaise. Sometimes you just want something to dunk into your sausages.

Slimming World Speed Soup – Day 6

Only two days left to go! And today I am having as a day off. That is because we are testing new recipes for Recipe This and they all include oil. Plus, I am having a baked potato which isn’t speed foods.

I do still have some pumpkin with cinnamon for breakfast though, so at least my day starts well!

Slimming World Speed Soup – Day 7

It’s the final day and what is it about Sunday’s and wanting to eat comforting food and not move from the sofa?

Well, its another recipe testing day so don’t stick to just speed foods. But I do enjoy plenty of soup maker speed soup and some of my favourite instant pot brown rice.

Slimming World Speed Week Results

As you can see from what you read above, I only stuck to my speed foods diet for 5 out of the 7 days. But quite often that is all you need to see good results from it. Plus, I find it easier to stick to during the week when kids are at school and you have a better routine.

A couple of weeks ago I did the cabbage soup diet plan and lost 5 pounds. I didn’t cheat, yet here I am on the Slimming World Speed Foods and I have lost 6.5 pounds.

Considering I did it for 5 days that is more than a pound off a week.

Listen To Slimming World Speed Food

Recipe This | My 7 Day Slimming World Speed Foods Soup Week (8)

Want to learn more about our Podcast? Then click here and you can browse through past episodes and subscribe to the Magic With Gadgets Podcast.

Your Speed Foods Diet Plan

Now it is your turn to add more speed foods into your diet. It’s a great way to have a detox, eat more vegetables and shed a few extra pounds.

Here are a few things for you to read through before you do your speed week:

  • Soup Maker Speed Soup
  • Air Fryer Pumpkin
  • Instant Pot Detox Cabbage Soup
  • Soup Maker Cabbage Soup

And best of luck and do tell us how much weight you lose on your speed week.

Can’t read it now? Then pin it for later!

Recipe This | My 7 Day Slimming World Speed Foods Soup Week (9)
Recipe This | My 7 Day Slimming World Speed Foods Soup Week (2024)


Are bananas speed food? ›

There are lots of other fruit and veg which you can eat to your hearts content on Slimming World, like banana for example, but these foods are the speed ones which means they can be eaten on an SP day, and they're the ones that Slimming World recommends filling up at least 1/3 of your plate with!

What is speed food on Slimming World recipes? ›

What are Slimming World Speed Foods? Slimming World Speed Free Foods are Free Foods that are super-low in calories per gram. To help you zoom towards your target weight, fill at least a third of your plate with Speed Free Foods at mealtimes and make them your first choice if you're hungry between meals.

What is the best speed food to lose weight? ›

Here are few foods that speed up metabolism and turn up your body's fat burn.
  • Spinach. This green powerhouse is loaded with iron. ...
  • Fish. Fish is a good source of iodine and selenium, minerals that promote thyroid gland function, which regulates metabolism. ...
  • Green tea. ...
  • Yogurt. ...
  • Water. ...
  • Grapefruit. ...
  • Avocados.
Dec 13, 2017

What fruit is super speed on Slimming World? ›

Some of your fave fruits and veg come under Slimming Speed Foods. Btw, there are also super Speed Foods: think apples, blackberries, grapefruit and cherries — which are even lower in energy and higher in nutrients.

What fruit increases speed? ›

Bananas- This fruit is a portable and easy-to-digest carb source to give you fast pre-workout fuel. Even better, they're packed with potassium, an electrolyte you need to maintain normal fluid levels in your cells. Potassium also helps your muscles contract and supports normal blood pressure.

Are blueberries a speed food? ›

“As a result, blueberries now qualify as not just a Free Food (foods which can be enjoyed freely by our members without weighing, counting and measuring), but as a Speed Free Food, so they are ideal for snacking on, for sprinkling on your breakfast or enjoying as part of a dessert after a delicious healthy meal.”

Does speed food make you lose weight? ›

Speed Free Foods are even lower in calories so they're the very best foods to eat when you want to lose weight. So if you swap one third or more of the slimming Free Food on your plate for super-slimming Speed Free Food, you're naturally reducing the calories – without weighing, measuring, counting or going hungry.

What rice is free on Slimming World? ›

At Slimming World, we don't believe in cutting out food groups. In fact, potatoes and dried plain pasta, rice, noodles and couscous are all Free Foods, which means that you can eat as much of them as you like! If you fancy some quick, comforting carbs, our healthy pasta and rice recipes will hit the spot.

What is not allowed on Slimming World? ›

Another fantastic thing about Food Optimising is that no food is banned. The key is moderation, which is why alcohol and foods that are high in fat or sugar have a Syn value. Slimming World members are encouraged to plan 5-15 Syns a day to keep their weight loss on track, without feeling like they're missing out.

How to lose 10 pounds in a week? ›

To lose 10 pounds in one week, you'll need to burn between 3,500 and 5,000 calories more than you consume each day by restricting your diet to small portions of nutritious yet low-calorie foods, and significantly increasing your aerobic exercise with interval training, sports, and other vigorous activities.

How to lose 5 pounds in a week? ›

Losing 5 pounds a week comes to reducing your food intake by 3500 calories over seven days. The value that represents the decrease in calorie intake is known as the calorie deficit. If you want to lose 5 pounds in a week, you will need to reduce your food intake by 17,500 calories, which is a huge calorie deficit.

What is the best fasting to lose belly fat? ›

16/8 Method: Fast for 16 hours and have an 8-hour eating window daily. For example, you might fast from 8:00 pm to 12:00 pm the next day and eat between 12:00 pm and 8:00 pm.

How to speed up weight loss on Slimming World? ›

Here are some simple strategies to ensure you get a great weight loss in your first week:
  1. Understand how to make changes to your eating habits. ...
  2. Follow a flexible eating plan. ...
  3. Start cooking from scratch. ...
  4. Swap takeaways for fakeaways. ...
  5. Eat less fatty and sugary foods. ...
  6. Realise you're not alone. ...
  7. Stay to group every week.

What is the weight loss wonder fruit? ›

Acai berries can be used alongside calorie controlled diets and exercise plans to help you enhance the weight loss that you will already achieve.

Are grapes good for weight loss? ›

Research shows that eating fruit daily helps reduce weight gain, and that may be especially true with grapes. Grapes are primarily linked to weight loss because they have high water content, making one feel fuller. The fiber in grapes also contributes to feelings of fullness.

What foods are good for speed? ›

Foods for Runners and Joggers
  • Fruit and vegetables for vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  • Lean protein such as fish, poultry, beans, lentils and tofu.
  • Healthy fats such as olive oil, avocado and nuts.
  • Healthy carbohydrates such as rice, whole grain breads/pastas and oatmeal.

Are bananas a good source of quick energy? ›

Bananas may be the best quick snack for sustained energy. While bananas are a good natural source of sugar, they are also rich in fibers that help slow the digestion of that sugar. Bananas contain helpful nutrients that make the body feel full of energy.

Do bananas speed up digestion? ›

Their fiber – which helps with digestion – is the reason for this. Bananas contain a type of fiber called pectin, which can play a part in controlling how quickly you digest carbohydrates. Bananas may be good for your tummy, too.

What fruit is speed fruit? ›

So what comes under the speed food umbrella? Berries including blackberries, blackcurrants, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, redcurrants, cranberries, loganberries. Oranges including satsumas, Clementines, tangerines.


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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.