Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU · 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (2024)

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (1)


SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University

Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377

Email: [emailprotected] EDUCATION: 1983 Ph. D. Major - Chemistry (Biochemistry)

Miami University, Oxford, Ohio Dissertation title: Fatty Acid Biosynthesis in Cyanobacteria and Green Plants Major Professor: Dr. Jan G. Jaworski

1979 B.S. Major - Chemistry/Cellular Biology

Juniata College, Huntingdon, Pa. Senior research project: Alanine Aminotransferase from Oat Seedlings Research Advisor: Dr. Ruth E. Reed

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 2017-2018 Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Western Michigan University (WMU), Kalamazoo, MI Responsibilities: Serves as the chief academic officer and oversees the academic mission and vision of the university, academic policies and activities and is responsible for alignment of strategic planning to the university goals and objectives. Works collaboratively with the university president and leadership to advance excellence. Fiscally responsible for a $300,000,000 budget that fuels the academic enterprise of the university which serves nearly 24,000 students. Direct reports include the deans of 7 academic colleges, as well as 3 support colleges (honors, graduate and libraries); 1 vice provost for budget and personnel and 5 associate provosts (enrollment management, extended programs, global education, institutional effectiveness which includes accreditation and undergraduate programs & assessment). Also reporting directly to the Provost office is the chief information officer, the director of academic labor relations which includes collective bargaining, the director of institutional research, the director of the Office of Sustainability and the director of the public radio station, WMUK. Additional responsibilities include resource development and revenue expansion, educational quality, faculty, staff and student concerns, faculty governance, faculty and staff development and sabbatical and tenure and promotion decisions. Accomplishments:

• Implemented a policy to require all Academic Affairs faculty and administrative search committee members to complete Equity and Implicit Bias Training. Nearly 500 individuals, many of whom volunteered to take the training completed it in this first year.

• Established priority goals and instituted principled based budget decisions. Engaged in campus wide conversations regarding a transition to responsibility centered management budgeting.

• Worked with the provost council to establish cluster hiring plans to build on strengths and provide opportunities to support cross discipline initiatives.

• Established a partnership with Student Affairs to increase engagement with students in residence halls and in the community.

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (2)


PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (con’t): • Instituted an Academic Affairs “Engagement Award” to recognize accomplishments by units. • Established priority registration for all military, veteran and ROTC students. • Renewed an emphasis on retention through $60,000 challenge grants to academic colleges.

Increased fall to spring retention to highest level in 5 years and fall to fall retention by nearly 2.0% to achieve highest ever in the history of the university.

• Worked with the Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion to re-energize the university wide diversity council and the college diversity councils.

• Supported initiatives to become a JED campus and provide a comprehensive program to support student mental health.

• Worked with Development and Alumni Relations to improve donor relationships and endowment account spending for scholarships.

• Created a new initiative to specifically provide financial support to students who are near graduation and have exhausted all aid. Nearly 100% graduation success of all students (>200) supported.

• Improved communication and relationship with community colleges to ensure students have clear pathways for transfer to WMU. Signed over 25 Memorandum of Agreements with community colleges that articulated pathways.

• Continued conversations with area colleges and universities and international institutions regarding pathway programs that lead to graduate education at WMU through 4+1 programs.

• Along with Student Affairs, fully rolled out the WMU Signature Program, a co-curricular learning program for all undergraduate and graduate students.

• Designed a Signature Program for Faculty and Staff to recognize their participation in student success and provide other opportunities for learning.

• Coordinated the implementation of Success@WMU for Fall 2018, a peer mentor community building initiative for all new first-year and transfer students. Program goals to create a sense of belonging and community among all new students and increase retention.

• Initiated the “Freshman 15 Program” where all new incoming students are encouraged by advisors to aim and register for an average of 15 credit hours each semester. Data show that students registered for 14 or more credits hours are more successful in their academic pursuits. Program successfully increased new freshman/transfer students registered for 14 or more credits beginning Fall 2018 by 20%.

• Worked with our Government Relations Office to help secure $1.5 million in state support for WMU Unified Clinics.

• Enhanced teaching with technology initiatives through the purchase of virtual reality equipment, learning glass, and makerspace equipment.

2012- Dean, Graduate College Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI Responsibilities: Serves as the primary advocate for graduate study, promotes academic excellence by facilitating the shaping of graduate policy, overseeing all policy and procedures related to graduate education including nomination and approval of graduate faculty and appointments for graduate assistantships, monitoring criteria for graduation, approving all thesis and dissertations, assisting faculty in program and curriculum development, guiding and mentoring graduate students, developing recruitment and retention strategies, overseeing graduate enrollment services and integrating services that support students in becoming accomplished and ethical scholars, researchers and professionals. Serve as a member of the Provost leadership team, participate in sabbatical and tenure review, serve as needed as hearing officer for collective bargaining grievances.

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (3)


PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (con’t): Accomplishments:

• Increased visibility of graduate education at WMU through development of marketing material, e-communication strategies, social media and the web.

• Assemble a task force to investigate stream lined web based application/admissions process, developed a funding model to acquire and worked to implement for Fall 2014 a single unified third-party cloud based application for ease of use by both applicant and department. Oversaw the implementation of a new application system and customer relationship management software for Fall 2018,

• Centralized the $13,000,000 graduate assistantship budget within the Graduate College and the tuition payment for graduate assistants to maximize full year awards and provide oversight of policy.

• Helped organize along with Graduate Deans at Michigan State, Michigan, Wayne State and Michigan Tech, biennial Graduate Education Day at the Michigan State Capitol to bring awareness to the economic impact of graduate education in Michigan

• Provided a review for all graduate programs during the 2014-15 Academic Program Review and Planning Process.

• Expanded new student orientation (including online) and developed with Office of Faculty Development training tools for new teaching assistants, including a week-long summer teaching institute and optional year-long in classroom mentoring and teaching portfolio preparation.

• Created graduate student ambassador positions for assistance with recruitment, retention and outreach.

• Centralized graduate admissions operations within the Graduate College. • Expanded recruitment activities to virtual graduate fairs. • Secured Federal dollars to continue efforts to recruit and retain a diverse student body. • Began a systematic method of tracking and communicating with prospects and applicants. • Hosted regular meetings with graduate directors and coordinators to provide relevant updates and

discuss concerns. • Collaboratively worked with the Faculty Senate Graduate Studies Council to update graduate

education policies. • Grew accelerated graduate degree programs and certificates and developed with partner

(domestic and international) institutions 3+2, 4+1 and 1+1 programs. • Established faculty fellow positions to provide leadership development opportunities for faculty.

Concept of faculty fellows has been adopted university wide. • Implemented an online ethics/responsible conduct training course for all new graduate appointees

in Fall 2015 and for all new graduate students in Summer 2016. • Developed new orientation programs and mentoring programs for faculty mentors. • Moved a number of professional development workshops toward an online format for 24-7

access. • Increased development/fundraising efforts in support of graduate education (space, programming,

and scholarships). Advocated for, secured and oversaw a $500,000 space expansion and renovation for the Graduate College. Grew scholarships for graduate students including working with Alumni Relations to realize Legacy Scholarships for graduate students and the first scholarships for accelerated degree students.

• Partnered with Student Affairs to secure one million dollars for renovated dedicated graduate student housing.

• Created and implemented the first strategic plan (2015-2020) for the Graduate College. • Designed and oversee an all university interdisciplinary doctoral program.

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (4)


PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (con’t): Major university committee memberships include: Faculty Senate Research Policies Council and Graduate Studies Council, Athletic Board, Title IX Committee, Critical Incident Response Team, Higher Learning Commission Advisory Committee and Enrollment Forecast Committee. Professional Development: Attended: Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) annual meetings 2012-2018; Midwest CGS annual meeting 2013-2018; CGS summer workshop 2013, 2017; American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) Strategic Enrollment Management Conference 2013 2010-11 American Council on Education (ACE) Fellow Host institution: Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio

Mentors: Dr. Carol A. Cartwright, President and Dr. Kenneth W. Borland, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost

Became the first person from WMU to be accepted to the American Council on Education Fellow’s program, an elite higher education professional development opportunity that pairs fellows with the leadership team of a host institution and other university Presidents and Chancellors who serve as mentors. Fellows are guided on issues that resolve around strategic planning, resource management, budgeting and fund raising, athletics, program assessment and review, positioning and marketing, working with Board of Trustees and creating an inclusive, diverse and global community. Additionally, we worked with other education leaders, policy makers, legislators, the NCAA and foundations such as Lumina who were addressing challenges in higher education. My own personal learning goals included review of university budget models, alignment of budget with strategic planning, general education reform and enhancing the diversity mission of an institution. Professional Activity at BGSU: Breadth of exposure to and engagement with President’s senior leadership team and the Provost’s Council and various university administrative units, including Business and Finance, Student Affairs, Human Resources, Development, Academic Affairs, Legislative Affairs and The Board of Trustees. Engaged with the execution of their strategic plan and budget process, implementation of a new undergraduate general education curriculum and the creation of a diversity network. Other Professional Development: Three week-long leadership development retreats with hands-on experiences with building leadership capacity, understanding group dynamics and power relations, negotiation, conflict management, planning and budgetary decisions, review of diversity and ethical case studies, and working with Board of Trustees. The seminars were presented by university presidents and other leaders in various areas related to academia. Additional opportunities included: Presidents and Chancellors training at the NCAA; designing a university positioning piece in consultation with a marketing agency; working with Roosevelt University on strategic initiatives to address campus differentiation and William Rainey Harper Community College on the design of a new student center; webinars and membership in the Society for College and University Planning (SCUP); visits with Congressional representatives; campus visits to other institutions of higher education.

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (5)


PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (con’t): 9/2007-12 Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan Responsibilities: Oversee curriculum, assessment, accreditation, enrollment and diversity programs for 26 departments and interdisciplinary programs. Collected and assembled information and data for college dashboards, accreditation and academic program review and planning. Facilitate interdisciplinary and international program initiatives. Oversee college academic advising office and departmental office coordinators council. Participate in university initiatives on recruitment and retention. Coordinate volunteer activities (ex. Science Olympiad, new admitted student events). Facilitate and review department’s compact planning for college and academic program planning for university. Assisted in sabbatical and tenure and promotion review. Accomplishments:

• Implemented of a successful yearly course seat rollout plan for general education and service courses to accommodate the needs of freshman and transfer students during orientation.

• Aligned college compact planning with university academic program planning. • Re-developed a student credit hour and productivity measures model for resource (re)-distribution

of the college’s $45 million budget. • Established a college level committee focused on diversity and another on internationalization. • Implemented a college level new faculty orientation and new faculty reception. • Helped units develop program level outcomes for assessment and tracking of student success. • Established a college level assessment award(s). • Established the office associates council to address issues and concerns of staff. • Moved forward with the first living learning community for A&S and developed programming to

ensure student engagement. • Implemented student success measures to aid in retention and established assessment measures of

college level advising to implement continuous improvement. • Worked with donors to direct gifts to areas of college need, including securing a $5million

bequest. Professional Development: Attended: Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences (CCAS) annual meetings 07-11; 2008 Michigan Arts and Sciences Dean’s Conference on Women’s Philanthropy and Cultivating Women Donors and Understanding International Agreements; CCAS 2008 Seminar for New Deans. 9/04-present Professor- Chemistry/Biochemistry and Biological Sciences Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan 9/94-8/04 Associate Professor- Chemistry/Biochemistry and Biological Sciences Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan 9/92-8/94 Assistant Professor- Biological Sciences

Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (6)


PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (con’t): 1/90-8/94 Assistant Professor- Chemistry/Biochemistry

Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan Research Specialty: Investigations into the hormonal, dietary and xenobiotic regulation of the hepatic genes involved in carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolism as well as the cellular and nuclear signals involved in this regulation. Studies are applied to the understanding of diabetes and insulin-resistance. Influence of the redox state of the cell on gene expression is also studied. Teaching: Undergraduate and graduate level biochemistry courses with lab and 4 graduate level special topics courses- 1.) Oncogenes and growth factors 2.) Membrane and lipid biochemistry 3.) Proteins and nucleic acids 4.) Regulation of transcription by environmental factors. Redesigned advanced biochemistry laboratory experience to include an authentic research experience including hypothesis generation, experimental design, data collection, analysis and reporting. Other curriculum innovations included use of problem and project based learning and service learning activities for area K-12 students. Direction of graduate and undergraduate student research. 9/02-8/03 Visiting Scientist (sabbatical leave)

Pharmacia Corporation, Kalamazoo, Michigan Specialty: Applied transcript profiling, Affymetrix genechip technology and bioinformatics to the study of metabolic diseases.. 9/97-2009 Director of Co-op and Internship Opportunities in Chemistry Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan Duties: Establish connections with industry to obtain practical experience opportunities for students. Facilitate placement of students in these opportunities as well as permanent jobs. Work with students on resume and interview preparation. Provide career talks. 10/87-11/89 Postdoctoral Research Associate Advisor: Dr. Alan G. Goodridge Department of Biochemistry, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Specialty: Techniques in molecular biology-DNA/RNA isolation, subcloning and sequencing, genomic and cDNA library construction, transcription run-on assays from isolated nuclei, receptor assays, transient transfections in primary cells, gene expression and metabolic regulation. Teaching: Lectures on photosynthesis in basic biochemistry course for undergraduate and graduate students. Supervised the research projects of two graduate students during their laboratory rotation and two undergraduate students during their independent study projects.

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (7)


PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (con’t): 1/87-9/87 American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellow 1/85-9/86 NIH Developmental Biology Training Grant Postdoctoral Fellow Advisor: Dr. Alan G. Goodridge Department of Pharmacology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio Specialty: same as above Teaching: Biochemistry senior undergraduate's seminar course. Supervision of two graduate students research during their laboratory rotation and one undergraduate during his independent study project. 11/83-9/84 Research Associate Advisor: Dr. John W. Porter

Department of Physiological Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin

Specialty: Immunochemical techniques- polyclonal and monoclonal antibody production, immunotitrations, immunoaffinity chromatography. 9/82-8/83 Graduate Research Assistant 9/80-8/82 Teaching Fellow 9/79-8/80 Teaching Assistant Advisor: Dr. Jan G. Jaworski Department of Chemistry, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio Specialty: Protein purification, enzyme isolation and kinetics. Fatty acid and lipid metabolism. Organic synthesis including specifically acylating proteins with 14C fatty acids. Teaching: Three years lab assistant in freshman chemistry, including one year as head TA. Assisted with the preparation of a freshman chemistry lab manual. Substitute lecturer for a general science course for nursing students.

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (8)


RESEARCH GRANTS: 17-18 Western Michigan University

Assessing In-Course Projects and Students Interest in Science- $4,000 S. Stapleton and MA Sydlik, Co-PIs

14-19 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Developing Scientists as Teachers; Developing Students as Scientists: A Dual Approach to Transforming the Culture of Undergraduate Biology Education- $1,400,000 (14-16 J. Geiser, PI; S. Stapleton, Co-PI; S. Stapleton, PI 16-19)

14-18 National Science Foundation Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP): Broadening Particiatiopn (BPR): Understanding URM STEM graduate student’s identity integration and assimilation into a community of practice- $1,246,037 (M. Grunert, PI; S. Stapleton, J. Steinke and R. Schwartz, co-PI)

13-18 National Science Foundation The Michigan AGEP Alliance for Transformation (MAA): Mentoring and Community Building to Accelerate Successful Progression into the Professoriate- $160,000

12-14 National Science Foundation WIDER: EAGER: Evidence-based Instructional Practices at WMU: An Examination of Instructor Practices, Institutional Climate, and Social Networks- $299,536 (C.Henderson, PI; M. Grunert, A. Beach, T. Greene and S. Stapleton, co-PI)

11-16 National Science Foundation

REU Site: Environmental Signal Transduction- An Interdisciplinary Research Experience for Undergraduates- $318,000 (S. Stapleton, PI; J. Spitsbergen, co-PI)

10-15 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Innovative Approach in Secondary Education Science Teacher Preparation- $1,000,000 (S. Stapleton, PI; W. Cobern, L. Ginsberg and R. Schwartz, co-PIs)

09-12 U.S. Dept. of Education GAANN Program Energy and the Environment: Graduate Research and Educational Training- $400,000 (S. Stapleton, PI; S. Bertman, D. Huffman, J. Miller, S. Obare and D. Schreiber, co-PIs)

08-13 National Science Foundation

S-STEM Improving the STEM Workforce by Improving Community College Science Teachers- $460,000

(H. Fynewever-PI; H. Petcovic, S. Stapleton and W. Cobern, co-PIs) 06-10 National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates Site: Interdisciplinary Research in

Environmental Signal Transduction - $508,261 (S. Stapleton, PI; J. Spitsbergen, co-PI) 04-09 National Science Foundation The Michigan AGEP Alliance- $5,996,201 (WMU share $600,000)

(J. Weiss-UM, PI A. Gallimore-UM, co-PI; K. Klomparens-MSU; co-PI, S. Salley-Wayne, co-PI; W. Weiner-WMU, co-PI (04-05); S. Stapleton,-WMU facilitator (06-07))

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (9)


RESEARCH GRANTS (con’t): 05-06 Western Michigan University Faculty Research and Creative Activities Award - $10,000 02-07 National Science Foundation

Environmental Signal Transduction: An Interdisciplinary Research Experience for Undergraduates - $322,682 (S. Stapleton, PI; S. Malcolm co-PI)

02-06 National Science Foundation

Oxidative Stress and G6PDH Expression - $290,630

02-03 National Science Foundation REU Supplement Oxidative Stress and G6PDH Expression - $3,000

99-02 National Science Foundation Environmental Signal Transduction: An Interdisciplinary Research Experience for Undergraduates - $152,414 (S. Stapleton, PI; S. Malcolm co-PI) 99-00 Western Michigan University

Faculty research and creative activities award - $5000 98-02 National Institute of Health Insulin Regulation of G6PDH - $109,000 96-97 Western Michigan University Faculty Research and Creative Activities Award - $5000 95-96 Western Michigan University Research Fellows Award Program Faculty Mentor - $11,000 94-97 Western Michigan University Center for Reseach Excellence in Environmental Signal Transduction $200,000 (S. Stapleton, co-PI) 92-96 National Institute of Health Regulation of gene expression by insulin-mimetic agents - $109,000 92-98 American Chemical Society

Sponsoring laboratory for a summer educational experience for the economically disadvantaged (Project SEED)- $3,000

92-94 Diabetes Research and Education Foundation

The relationship of IGF-I and amylin in the etiology of diabetes - $7,000 1992 National Science Foundation

Acquisition of a LSC - $35,000 1991 American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Sponsoring Laboratory for High School Teacher Summer Fellow - $6500

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (10)


RESEARCH GRANTS (con’t): 1991 Western Michigan University

President's Research Award - $15,000 1991 Western Michigan University

Faculty Research and Creative Activities Award - $5000 91-94 National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Ethanol- glucocorticoid regulation of G6PDH $360,000 (R. Kletzien, PI; L. Ginsberg, co-PI, S. Stapleton, co-PI) 1990 Western Michigan University

New Faculty Research Support Grant: Hormonal regulation of lipogenic enzymes - $3300

COLLABORATIVE/CONTRACT AGREEMENTS: 13-15 Perrigo Corporation Science Education Opportunities for Middle School Students in Allegan County- $25,000 06-11 Metabolic Solutions Development, Inc. PPARγ-sparing Activity Analysis - $154,000 02-03 Pharmacia Corporation

Sabbatical Leave Award - $30,000 02-03 Pharmacia Corporation

Contract in Collaboration with Dr. Tom Modric to Utilize c.elegans in Signal Transduction - $62,000

00-02 Kellogg Company Scientific Aide Training Program - $75,000 97-98 Pharmacia and Upjohn Company

Signal Transduction Mechanisms - $2,900 94-99 Kalamazoo Center for Michigan State Medical Studies (KCMS)

Understanding the Mechanism Behind Water and Salt Retention During Congestive Heart Failure. (K. Fisher- PI; S. Stapleton, co-PI) - $150,000

94-96 Kalamazoo Center for Michigan State Medical Studies (KCMS)

Signal Transduction in Insulinomas. (M. McCloud, PI; S. Stapleton, collaborator) - $60,000

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (11)


PUBLICATIONS (peer reviewed): Steinke, J., Schwartz, R., Stapleton, S. R and Grunert Kowalske, M. (2018) Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, Submitted. Becoming a Scientist: Perceptions of Identity Incompatibility Reported by Underrepresented Minority STEM or SBE Graduate Students. Hsiao, Chin-ju and Stapleton, Susan R. (2009) Biochimie, 91, 329-343. Early sensing and gene expression profiling under a low dose of cadmium exposure. Arkwright-Keeler, Daryl L. and Stapleton, Susan R. (2007) BAMBED, 35, 24-27. Education Resources for Guiding Discussions on Ethics in Science. Hsiao, Chin-ju and Stapleton, Susan R. (2004) J. of Biochem. and Molecular Toxicology, 18, 133-142. Characterization of Cd-induced Molecular Events Prior to Cellular Damage in Primary Rat Hepatocytes in Culture: Activation of the Stress Activated Signal Protein JNK and Transcription Factor AP-1. Xu, Jun, Maki, Daisuke and Stapleton, Susan R. (2003) J. of Biochem. and Molecular Toxicology 17, 67-75. Mediation of Cadmium Induction of Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase Expression and Oxidative Damage is Through the Depletion of Glutathione. Martinez-Mier, Gustavo, Toledo-Pereyra, Luis, H. McDuffie, J. Eric, Warner, Roscoe, L. Hsiao, Chin, Stapleton, Susan R. and Ward, Peter A. (2002) J. Investigative Surgery 15, 1-10. Exogenous Nitric Oxide Downregulates MIP-2 and MIP-1alpha Chemokines and MAPK p44/42 After Ischemia and Reperfusion of the Rat Kidney. Fisher, K. A., Lee, S. H., Walker, J. Dileto-Fang, C., Ginsberg, L. and Stapleton, S. R. (2001) Am. J. Physiol. 280, F922-F926. Regulation of the proximal tubule sodium/hydrogen antiporter with chronic volume contraction. Thebo, Jennifer, S., Senagore, Anthony, J., Reinhold, David, S. and Stapleton, Susan, R. (2000) Diseases of the Colon and Rectum 43, 155-162. Molecular Staging of Colorectal Cancer: K-Ras Mutation Analysis of Lymph Nodes Upstages Dukes’ B2 Patients. Wagle, A., Jivraj, S., Garlock, G. and Stapleton, S. R. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 14968-14974. Insulin Regulation of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Gene Expression is Rapamycin Sensitive and Requires Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase. Stapleton, S. R., Garlock, G., Foellmi-Adams, L. and Kletzien, R. F. (1997) Biochem. Biophys. Acta 1355, 259-269. Selenium: Potent Stimulator of Tyrosyl Phosphorylation and Activator of MAP Kinase. Heubner, J. M., Eversole, R. R., Jackson, W. F., Mackenzie, C. D., Stapleton, S. R. and Beuving, L. J. (1996) Mediators of Inflammation 5, 443-447. Leukotriene C4 Biosynthesis in Isolated August Rat Perioneal Leukocytes. Cramer, C. T., Cooke, S., Ginsberg, L. C., Kletzien, R. F., Stapleton, S. R. and Ulrich, R. A., (1995) J. Biochemical Toxicology 10, 293-298, Upregulation of Glucose-6- Phosphate Dehydrogenase in Response to Hepatocellular Oxidative Stress: Studies with Diquat. Berg, E. A., Wu, J. Y., Campbell, L., Kagey, M. and Stapleton, S. R., (1995) Biochimie 12, 919-924, Insulin-like Effects of Vanadate and Selenate on the Expression of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase and Fatty Acid Synthase in Diabetic Rats.

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (12)


PUBLICATIONS (peer reviewed con’t.): Berguido, F., Kagey, M., Howard, Jr., C. F., and Stapleton, S. R., (1995) Primates 36, 423-429, Insulin-Like Growth Factor I Levels Decrease in the Development of Diabetes in Macaca Nigra. Holmen, S. L., VanBrocklin, M. W., Eversole, R., Stapleton, S. R., and Ginsberg, L. C. (1995) Invitro Cell Devel. Biol. 30, 347-351, Efficient Lipid-Mediated Transfection of DNA into Primary Rat Hepatocytes. Zhu, Yuan, Goodridge, Alan G., and Stapleton, Susan R., (1994) Biochem. J. 303, 213-216, Zinc, Vanadate and Selenate Inhibit the Triidothyronine-Induced Expression of Fatty Acid Synthase and Malic Enzyme in Chick-Embryo Hepatocytes in Culture. Rank, K. B., Harris, P. K., Ginsberg, L. C., and Stapleton, S. R. (1994) Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 1217, 90-92, Isolation and Sequence of a Rat Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Promoter. Stapleton, S. R., Stevens, G. J., Teel, J. F., Rank, K. B., Berg, E. A., Wu, J-Y., Ginsberg, L. C., and Kletzien, R. F. (1993) Biochimie, 75, 971-976, Effects of Acetaldehyde on Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Activity, mRNA Level and Lipogenesis in Primary Rat Hepatocytes. Swierczynski, J., Mitchell, D. A., Reinhold, D. S., Salati, L. M., Stapleton, S. R., Klautky, S. A., Struve, A. E., and Goodridge, A. G. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 17459-17466, Triiodothyronine-induced Accumulations of Malic Enzyme, Fatty Acid Synthase, Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase, and Their mRNAs Are Blocked by Protein Kinase Inhibitors; Transcription is the Affected Step. Salati, Lisa M., Ma, Xiao-Jun, McComick, Charles M., Stapleton, Susan R., and Goodridge, Alan G. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 4010-4016, Triiodothyronine Stimulates and Cylic AMP Inhibits Transcription of the Gene for Malic Enzyme in Chick-Embryo Hepatocytes in Culture. Stapleton, Susan R., Mitchell, David A., Salati, Lisa M., and Goodridge, Alan G. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 18442-18446. Triiodothyronine Stimulates Transcription of the Fatty Acid Synthase Gene in Chick-Embryo Hepatocytes in Culture. Insulin and IGF-I Amplify that Effect. Goodridge, A.G., Carpenter, W.R., Fisch, J.E., Goldman, M.J., Kameda, K. and Stapleton, S.R. (1989) Reproduction, Nutrition et Developpement 29, 359-375. Structure and Regulation of the Avian Gene for Fatty Acid Synthase. Stapleton, Susan R. and Porter, John W. (1985) Biochem J. 226, 653-659. Purification of Nucleotide-Requiring Enzymes by Immunoaffinity Chromatography. Jaworski, Jan G. and Stapleton, Susan R. (1984) Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Structure, Function, and Metabolism of Plant Lipids, Neuchatel, Switzerland. Fatty Acid Synthesis in the Cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis. Stapleton, Susan R. and Jaworski, Jan G. (1984) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 794, 240-248. Characterization and Purification of Malonyl-Coenzyme A- Acyl Carrier Protein Transacylase from Spinach and Anabaena variabilis. Stapleton, Susan R. and Jaworski, Jan G. (1984) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 794, 249-255. Characterization of Fatty Acid Biosynthesis in the Cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis.

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (13)


INVITED ARTICLES/REVIEWS: Stapleton, Susan R. (2011) American Society for Quality Higher Education Brief 4, #3. Reflection on a Liberal Arts Education. Stapleton, Susan R. (2000) Cell and Molec. Life Sci. 57, 1823-1824. Introduction: The Selenium Conundrum. Stapleton, Susan R. (2000) Cell and Molec. Life Sci. 57, 1874-1879. Selenium: An Insulin-mimetic. DATA DEPOSITORY: Hsiao, C-J. and Stapleton S. R. (2009) National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) Accession Number: GSE 8013. Online Link: Gene expression profiling under low dose and short incubation time of cadmium in primary rat hepatocyte in culture. PUBLISHED ABSTRACTS: Coulibaly, S., McPherson K., Nair, S., Ruff, D. and Stapleton, S. R. (2011) FASEB J. 25, 530.5. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the insulin-mimetics, selenium and vanadium, in insulin-resistance in primary hepatocytes. Nair, S. and Stapleton, S. R. (2007) In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology-Animal 43, 265. Model of Insulin Resistance in Liver Cells. Sevak, S. and Stapleton, S. R. (2007) In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology-Animal 43, 266. Role of the p38 MAPK Pathway in Oxidative Stress Induced Expression of Heme Oxygenase. Nair, S. and Stapleton, S. R. (2007) FASEB J. 21, A523.4. Model of Insulin Resistance in Liver Cells in Culture. Hsiao, C-J. and Stapleton, S. R. (2006) FASEB J. 20, A81.2. Gene Expression Profiling under Cadmium-Induced Oxidative Stress in Rat Hepatocytes. Ouellettte, S. and Stapleton, S. R. (2006) FASEB J. 20, A354.5. Cadmium Induced Oxidative Stress and Glutathionylation. Stapleton, S. R., Goel, D., Schneider K. M. and Hsiao C-J. (2005) FASEB J. 19, A209.30. Cadmium Induction of Oxidative Stress-Responsive Transcription Factors. Hsiao, C., Maki, D. and Stapleton, S. R. (2003) FASEB J. 17, A130.14. Cadmium Induced Oxidative Stress, Cell Signaling and Gene Expression in Liver. Arkwright-Keeler, D. L. and Stapleton, S.R. (2003) FASEB J. 17, A636.3. The Glucose and Insulin Responsiveness of the Rat Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Promoter Requires an E-Box Sequence.

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (14)


PUBLISHED ABSTRACTS (con’t): Stapleton, S. R., Clark, A., Eakin, J. Hsiao, C., Shooks, L., Wiest, S. M. and Xu, J. (2001) FASEB J. 15, A903. Effects of Antioxidants on Increases in Both Cytotoxic Parameters and Gene Expression by Cadmium. Stapleton, S. R., Eakin, J. Simonton, R. L. Reish, N. J. and A. Clark (2000) FASEB J. 14, A 1091. Mechanism of Induction of Gene Expression by Cadmium. Xu, J., Maki, D. and Stapleton, S. R. (1999) FASEB J. 13, A1524. Cadmium Induces Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Gene Expression. Stapleton, S. R., Jivraj, S. and Wagle, A. (1998) FASEB J. 12, 1404. Insulin and the Insulin-mimetic Selenium Mediate the Regulation of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Gene Expression via Different Signal Proteins. Fisher, K. A., Lee, S. H., Walker, J., Dileto-Fang, C. L., Ginsberg, L. C. and Stapleton S. R. (1998) FASEB J. 12, 1019. Chronic Regulation of the Renal Na/H Antiporter Isoform NHE-3 with Depressed Effective Arterial Volume. Stapleton, S. R., Garlock, G. L., Arkwright, D., Wagle, A. and Jivraj, S. (1997) FASEB J. 11, 1076. Insulin Regulation of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Gene Expression Requires PI 3-Kinase not the RAS/MAP Kinase Signal Pathway. Stapleton, S. R. and Li, G. (1996) FASEB J. 10, 2253. Effects of Insulin and Insulin-Mimetics on mRNA Levels of c-FOS AND c-JUN in Primary Rat Hepatocytes in Culture. Stapleton, S. R., Berg, E. A., Wu, J.Y., Garlock, G., Foellmi-Adams, L., and Kletzien, R. F., (1994) FASEB J. 8, 447. Induction of Insulin-Regulated Genes by Insulin-Mimetics; Evaluation of Involvement of the Tyrosyl Phosphorylation Cascade. Berg, E. A., Wu, J-Y. and Stapleton, S. R., (1993) FASEB J. 7 , 304. The Effects of Selenium on Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase. Cramer, C. T., Ginsberg, L. C., Stapleton, S. R., Kletzien, R. F. and Ulrich, R.G. (1993) The Toxicologist 13, 120. Induction of G6PDH in Rat Hepatocytes Under Oxidative Stress Conditions. Zhu, Y., Mirmiran, R., Goodridge, A. G., and Stapleton, S. R., (1991) FASEB J, 5, 4617. Vanadate and Selenium Inhibit the Triiodothyronine Induced Enzyme Activity and mRNA Level for Both Fatty Acid Synthase and Malic Enzyme. Teel, J. F., Kletzien, R. F., Ginsberg, L. C., Stevens, G. J., and Stapleton, S. R. (1991) FASEB J. 5, 310. Acetaldehyde Increases mRNA Levels of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase in Rat Hepatocytes in Culture. Stevens, G., Rank K., Sauer, J., Stapleton, S., and Ginsberg, L. (1991) Environ. and Molec. Mutagenesis 17, 252. Evaluation of Unscheduled DNA Synthesis Induced in Acetaldehyde Treated Primary Rat Hepatocytes. Stevens, G., Kletzien, R., Ulrich, R., Stapleton, S., Ginsberg, L., (1991) The Toxicologist 11, 175. Effects of Acetaldehyde and Glucocorticoids on G6PDH Activity in Primary Rat Hepatocytes in Culture.

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (15)


PUBLISHED ABSTRACTS (con’t): Stapleton, S. R., Mitchell, D. A. and Goodridge, A. G. (1990) FASEB J. 4, 2096. Zinc Inhibits Triiodothyronine Induced Transcription of the Fatty Acid Synthase and Malic Enzyme Genes. Salati, L.M., McCormick, C. M., Stapleton, S. R., and Goodridge, A.G., (1990) FASEB J. 4, 1166. Transcription of the Malic Enzyme Gene is Increased by Triiodothyronine and Decreased by Cyclic AMP. Goodridge, A.G., Goldman, M.J., Back, D.W., Fisch, J.E., Stapleton, S.R., Kameda, K., Roe, B.A. and Wilson, R.K. (1988) FASEB J. 2, 1327. The Gene for Avian Fatty Acid Synthase: Structure and Regulation. Stapleton, Susan R., Kameda, Kensuke and Goodridge, Alan G. (1987) FASEB J. 46, 2188. Isolation and Characterization of Goose Fatty Acid Synthase cDNA and Genomic Clones. Stapleton, Susan R. and Jaworski, Jan G. (1983) Federation Proceedings 42, 1973. Fatty Acid Synthetase from the Cyanobacteria Anabaena variabilis. Stapleton, Susan R. and Jaworski, Jan G. (1982) Federation Proceedings 41, 1193. Malonyl-Coenzyme A- Acyl Carrier Protein Transacylase from Spinach. PRESENTATIONS: Berkowitz, D., Kloeppel, B., and Stapleton, S. (2017) Council of Graduate Schools Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ. Understanding Accelerated Master’s Degrees. Pogatshnik, J., Stapleton, S. and Watson, J. (2017) Council of Graduate Schools Summer Workshop, Denver, CO. Accelerated Master’s Degrees: Strengths and Challenges. Thomas, S. D., Nunez, A. A., Fierke, C. Cano, A. Stapleton, S. R. and Charlesworth, D. D. (2017) Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate National Forum, Washington DC. Transformational Programming and Success Metrics of the Michigan AGEP Alliance. Grunert Kowalske, M., Steinke, J., Schwartz, R., Stapleton, S., Mercado Santiago, M., Sydlik, M.A., Bryson, T., Wright, C, and Yildiz, M. (2017) Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate National Forum, Washington DC. Understanding URM STEM Graduate Students’ Identity, Integration and Assimilation into a Community of Practice. Coulibaly, S. F. and Stapleton, S. R. (2016) WMed Research Day, Kalamazoo MI. Role of Oxidative Stress in Glucosamine-Induced Insulin Resistance in Rat Liver Cells. Schwartz, R., Mesci, G., Northcutt, C., and Stapleton, S. (2015) European Science Education Research Association. Helsinki, Finland. Authentic science to authentic teaching: A teacher preparation program for developing science identities and views of Nature of Science and Scientific Inquiry. Schwartz, R. S., Northcutt, C., Mesci, G., and Stapleton, S. (2014) Association for Science Teacher Education, San Antonio, TX. Experiencing Research for Teaching Science [ExpeRTS].

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (16)


PRESENTATIONS (con’t): Schwartz, R., Northcutt, C. K., Mesci, G. and Stapleton, S. R. (2013) National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico. From Science Research to Science Teaching: Developing Preservice Teachers’ Knowledge and Pedagogy for Nature of Science and Inquiry. (poster and paper) Schwartz, R., Northcutt, C. K. and Stapleton, S.R. (2012) National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Indianapolis, IN. Experiencing Research for Teaching Science: Tracking Changes in Future Secondary Teachers’ Conceptions of Nature of Science, Scientific Inquiry and Inquiry Science Teaching. Stapleton, Susan R., Schwartz, Renee and Northcutt, Cathy K. (2012) HHMI Undergraduate Science Education Program Director and Professors Meeting, Washington, DC. Experiencing Research for Teaching Science. Pennock, P., Stapleton, S., and Curtis, A. (2012) Michigan Alliance for Graduate Education and Professoriate Scholars Seminar (MASS) 2012 Research Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI. Retrospective cross-sectional study evaluating follow-up care visits and pharmacological therapy of individuals with diabetes and hypertension in an urban community health center. Pennock, P., Stapleton, S., and Curtis, A. (October 2012) Michigan Premier Public Health 2012 Conference, Big Rapids, MI. Retrospective cross-sectional study evaluating follow-up care visits and pharmacological therapy of individuals with diabetes and hypertension in an urban community health center. *Coulibaly, S. and Stapleton, S. R. (2009) Western Michigan University Celebration of Research and Creative Works. Glucosamine Effects in Liver.*Received best presentation award *Nair, S. and Stapleton, S. R. (2008) Western Michigan University Celebration of Research and Creative Works. Model of Insulin Resistance in Liver. *Received best presentation award Coulibaly, S. and Stapleton, S. R. (2008) Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Conference. Assessment of the Effects of Glucosamine in Liver. Ruff, D. and Stapleton, S. R. (2008) Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, Kalamazoo, MI. Transcriptional Regulation of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PDH) By Glucose and Insulin. Zaya, R. M., Eversole, R., Stapleton, S., Harris, S. Niewiadomska-Bugaj, M., Mihalki, D. and Ide C. (2007) International Association for Great Lakes Research 50th Annual Conference, University Park, Pa. Atrazine Exposure May Affect Lipid Storage in Xenopus laevis Tadpoles. Nair, S. and Stapleton, S. R. (2007) Society for Invitro Biology Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. Model of Insulin Resistance in Liver Cells in Culture. *Sevak, S. and Stapleton, S. R. (2007) Society for Invitro Biology Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. Role of the p38 MAPK Pathway in Oxidative Stress Induced Expression of Heme Oxygenase. *Received best presentation award *Hsiao, C-J. and Stapleton, S. R. (2007) Western Michigan University Research Day. Gene Expression Profiling under Cadmium-Induced Oxidative Stress in Primary Rat Hepatocytes. *Received best presentation award

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (17)


PRESENTATIONS (con’t): Nair, S. and Stapleton, S. R. (2007) Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Conference. Model of Insulin Resistance in Liver Cells in Culture. Sevak, S. and Stapleton, S. R. (2007) Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Conference. Role of the p38 MAPK Pathway in Oxidative Stress Induced Expression of Heme Oxygenase. Goel, D., Hsiao C-J., Schneider K. M. and Stapleton, S.R. (2005) Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Conference. Role for p38 in Cadmium Induction of Oxidative Stress-Responsive Transcription Factors. Malcolm, S. B. and Stapleton, S. R. (2005) 15th Annual Equity in the Classroom Conference, Kalamazoo, MI. Research Experiences for Underrepresented Science Undergraduates that Generate Graduate Commitment. Schneider K. M., Goel, D., Hsiao C-J. and Stapleton, S.R. (2005) ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA. Signaling and Transcription Factor Activation. Goel, D., Hsiao C-J., Schneider K. M. and Stapleton, S.R. (2004) ASBMB Fall Conference: Redox Signaling in Biology and Disease. Role for p38 in Cadmium Induction of Oxidative Stress-Responsive Transcription Factors. Arkwright-Keeler, D. and Stapleton, S.R. (2003) Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Conference. The Glucose and Insulin Responsiveness of the Rat Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Promoter Requires an E-Box Sequence. Fox, A. and Stapleton, S. R. (2002) Argonne Annual Symposium for Undergraduates in Science, Engineering and Mathematics. Selenium and Vanadium: Stimulator of Toxicity or Insulin-mimetic? *Atueyi, U., Shooks Foss, L., and Stapleton, S. R. (2002) Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Conference. The Role of AKT in Signaling Pathways in the Liver. *Received best presentation award Stapleton, S. R., Culp, S., Kobrak, P, Dirks, D., Maher, S., Marker, K. (2002) Western Michigan University Conference on Research Ethics Education. Mentor/Mentee Relationships. Hsiao, C. and Stapleton, S. R. (2001) Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Conference. Activation of Activator Protein-1 Protein Expression by Oxidative Stress Atueyi, U., Goines, A. and Stapleton, S.R. (2001) Argonne Annual Symposium for Undergraduates in Science, Engineering and Mathematics. Insulin Signal Transduction Pathway: Activation of Key Proteins Downstream of PI-3 Kinase. *Arkwright, D. and Stapleton, S. R. (2001) Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Conference. Characterization of the Glucose Responsiveness of the Rat Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase Promoter. *Received best presentation award Stapleton, S. R., Clark, A., Hsiao, C., Shooks, L. M., Wiest, S. M. and Xu, J. (2001) Great Lakes/Central Regional American Chemical Society Meeting. Antioxidants and Metal-induced Oxidative Stress.

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (18)


PRESENTATIONS (con’t): Stapleton, S. R., Clark, A., Eakin, J. Hsiao, C., Reish, N. J. Simonton, R. L. Wiest, S. M. and Xu, J. (2000) 23rd Annual Midwest Environmental Chemistry Conference. Effects of Cadmium on Gene Expression. *Maki, D. and Stapleton, S. R. (2000) Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Conference. Cadmium Induced Gene Expression and Signal Transduction Pathway. *Received second place presentation award *Stapleton, S. R., Eakin, J., Simonton, R. L., Reish J. N. and Clark, A. (2000) Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Conference. Mechanism of Induction of Gene Expression by Cadmium. *Received best presentation award Stapleton, S. R., Arkwright, D., Jivraj, S and Wagle, A. (1999) ASBMB Fall Symposia: Insulin and the Insulin-Mimetics, Selenium and Vanadium, Mediate the Regulation of G6PDH Expression via Different Signal Proteins. Cook, S. L. and Stapleton, S.R. (1999) XIII National Conference on Undergraduate Research. Regulation of G6PDH Expression by Cadmium. *Xu, J., Maki, D. and Stapleton, S. R. (1999) Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Conference. Cadmium Induces Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Gene Expression. *Received best presentation award Stapleton, S. R., Jivraj, S. and Wagle, A. (1998) Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Conference. Insulin and the Insulin-mimetic Selenium Mediate the Regulation of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Gene Expression via Different Signal Proteins. Berguido, F. J. and Stapleton, S. R. (1997) Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Conference. Effect of Insulin and Vanadate on SRE-Mediated c-fos Expression and JNK Activation. *Jivraj, S., Wagle, A. and Stapleton, S. R. (1997) Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Conference. Insulin Regulation of G6PDH Gene Expression in Primary Rat Hepatocytes Requires the Activation of Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase. *Received best student presentation award Cook, S. L., Chapin, S. M. Leduc, J. L. and Stapleton , S. R. (1997) Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Conference. The Regulation of G6PDH by Metal Induced Oxidative Stress. Lee, S-H., Stapleton, Susan R. and Fisher, K. A. (1997) Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Conference. Chronic Regulation of the Renal Na/H Antiporter Isoform NHE-3. Leduc, J. L. and Stapleton, S. R. (1996) American Chemical Society, Great Lakes Regional Meeting, Normal Ill. Effects of Cadmium-Induced Oxidative Stress on G6PDH Activity. Leduc, J. L. and Stapleton, S. R. (1995) Argonne Sixth Annual Symposium for Undergraduates in Science, Engineering and Mathematics. Effects of Cadmium-Induced Oxidative Stress on Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Activity in Stable Rat Liver Cells.

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (19)


PRESENTATIONS (con’t): Stapleton, S. R., Garlock, G. and Arkwright, D. (1995) ASBMB Fall Symposia: Insulin-Mimetics Stimulate Phosphorylation of Signal Proteins Involved in the Insulin Signaling Cascade Holmen, S. L., Ginsberg, L. C.and Stapleton, S. R. (1994) IX National Conference on Undergraduate Research. Luciferase as a Reporter Gene for the Expression of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase in Mammalian Cells. Kabbe, A. M., Ginsberg, L. C.and Stapleton, S. R. (1994) IX National Conference on Undergraduate Research. Factors Affecting Regulation of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase. Ebersole, J. D., Ginsberg, L. C. and Stapleton, S. R. (1994) IX National Conference on Undergraduate Research. Isolation of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Promoter From a Genomic Library. Kagey, M. L. and Stapleton, S. R., (1994) IX National Conference on Undergraduate Research. The Relationship of IGF-1 and Amylin in the Etiology of Diabetes. * Stapleton, S. R. , Cramer, C. T., Cooke, S. and Ginsberg, L. C. (1994) FASEB Summer Conference: Nutrient Control of Gene Expression. Regulation of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Expression by Oxidative Stress. *Received young investigator award Kabbe, A. M., Ginsberg, L. C.and Stapleton, S. R., and Rank, K. B. (1993) Argonne Fourth Annual Symposium for Undergraduates in Science, Engineering and Mathematics. Use of Polymerase Chain Reaction to Explore Factors Affecting the Molecular Regulation of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase. Berguido, F. Kagey, M. L., Howard, C. F. and Stapleton, S. R., (1993) Argonne Fourth Annual Symposium for Undergraduates in Science, Engineering and Mathematics. The Relationship of IGF-1 and Amylin in the Etiology of Diabetes. Ebersole, J. D., Ginsberg, L. C., Stapleton, S. R., and Rank, K. B. (1993) Argonne Fourth Annual Symposium for Undergraduates in Science, Engineering and Mathematics. Screening Lambda Dash II Genomic Library Using Polymerase Chain Reaction. Holmen, S. L., Ginsberg, L. C., Stapleton, S. R., and Rank, K. B. (1993) Argonne Fourth Annual Symposium for Undergraduates in Science, Engineering and Mathematics. Luciferase as a Reporter Gene for the Expression of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase in Mammalian Cells. Rank, K., Ginsberg, L. Kletzien, R., and Stapleton, S., (1993) Michigan Academy of Science Arts and Letters, Isolation and Characterization of Rat Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Promoter. Berg, E. A., and Stapleton, S. R,, (1993) Michigan Academy of Science Arts and Letters, The Effects of Selenium on Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase. Ahlstrom, T. W., Kletzien, R. F., Ginsberg, L. C. and Stapleton, S. R., (1992) Argonne Third Annual Symposium for Undergraduates in Science, Engineering and Mathematics. Induction of G6PDH and SOD in Primary Rat Hepatocyted: Correlations Through Oxidative Stress. Stevens, G., Rank, K., Sauer, J., Stapleton, S. R., and Ginsberg, L. (1991) Michigan Society of Toxicology. Evaluation of Unscheduled DNA Synthesis Induced in Acetaldehyde Treated Primary Rat Hepatocytes.

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (20)


PRESENTATIONS (con’t): Stapleton, Susan R., (1991) Western Michigan University American Chemical Society Science Symposium. Effects of Alcohol on Fatty Acid Metabolism. Teel, J. F., Kletzien, R. F., Ginsberg, L. C., Stevens, G. J., and Stapleton, S. R., (1991) Michigan Society of Toxicology. Acetaldehyde Increases mRNA Levels of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase in Rat Hepatocytes in Culture. Stapleton, Susan, R., and Ginsberg, L. C., (1991) Western Michigan University Regional Gathering of Biology and Junior High/ Middle School Teachers. Gene Regulation. Stapleton, Susan R., (1990) Western Michigan University American Chemical Society Science Symposium. Alcohol and Liver Metabolism. Stapleton, Susan R., (1990) Western Michigan University Regional Gathering of Biology and Junior High/ Middle School Teachers. Regulation of Fatty Acid Metabolism: How and why the genes for fat biosynthesis are turned off and on. Stapleton, Susan R., Kameda, Kensuke and Goodridge, Alan G. (1987) Case Western Reserve University Eleventh Annual Graduate Research Symposium. Isolation and Characterization of Goose Fatty Acid Synthase cDNA and Genomic Clones. INVITED SEMINARS/PRESENTATIONS: 2018: Center for the Study of Ethics in Society, Western Michigan University, MI. Integrating

Research Ethics into the High School Science Classroom (Panel moderator with Cheryl Dickson, Carrie Ferrario, Luke Perry and Michael Tanoff).

Young Professions in Higher Education, Grand Rapids, MI Leadership- Challenges and Opportunities in Higher Education (with Eric Mullen Grand Rapids Community College and Nicole DeKraker, Ferris State University).

2017: Council of Graduate Schools Summer Workshop and New Deans Institute, Denver CO.

Accelerated Master’s Degrees: Strengths and Challenges (with Jerry Pogatshnik, Eastern Kentucky University and Johnna Watson, University of North Carolina Charlotte).

2016: Council of Graduate Schools Annual Meeting, Washington DC. International Competition for

Master’s Students (with Stephan Riek, University of Queensland and Keiichiro Yoshinaga, Kanazawa University)

2013: Council of Graduate Schools Summer Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Legal Context for

Broadening Participation (with Karen Butler-Purry, Texas A&M University) 2012: HHMI Undergraduate Science Education Program Director and Professors Meeting,

Chevy Chase MD. Pre-service Teacher Preparation (with Kimberley Tanner, San Francisco State University).

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (21)


INVITED SEMINARS/PRESENTATIONS (con't): 2010: HHMI Program Directors Meeting, Chevy Chase MD. Sustaining, Growing and Improving

Teacher Preparation Programs (with David Bynum, Stony Brook)

Shirley and Michael K. Bach Workshop on Teaching Ethics, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI. Different Disciplines, Different Goals in Teaching Ethics- Panel Discussion Participant

2009: Spring Michigan Alliance AGEP Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Applying

for Graduate Fellowships 2007: Mega Midwest Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate Conference, Chicago Il

Presenting Your Research Michigan Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Winter Conference, Detroit MI Skill

Set Needed to Excel in Undergraduate Research 2005: Andrews University, Chemistry Assembly Series, Berrien Springs, MI Opportunities for

Research Experiences for Undergraduates 2003: Michigan State University, Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies, Kalamazoo, MI Cell

Biology: applications to orthopaedic surgery 2002: The National Association of Graduate Professional Students Midwest Conference March 22-24,

Kalamazoo, MI Teaching the sciences to the masses, lecture and lab 2001: Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI Insulin and Insulin-Mimetic Action 2001: Michigan State University, Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies, Kalamazoo, MI Cell and

Molecular Biology 2000: Wayne State University, Detroit, MI Insulin and Insulin-Mimetic Action 1999: Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, MI Insulin and Insulin-Mimetic Action 1999: Michigan State University, Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies, Kalamazoo, MI Cell

Biology: applications to orthopedic surgery 1997: Michigan State University, Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies, Kalamazoo, MI Cell and

Molecular Biology 1995: Oakland University, Rochester, MI. Regulation of Gene Expression by Insulin-Mimetics Michigan State University, Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies, Kalamazoo, MI Cell and

Molecular Biology: applications to orthopedic surgery 1994: Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI. Regulation of Gene Expression by Insulin and Insulin-Mimetics

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INVITED SEMINARS/PRESENTATIONS (con't): 1993: Murray State University, Murray, KY. Regulation of G6PDH Gene Expression Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. Alcohol Regulation of G6PDH Gene Expression Michigan State University, Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies, Kalamazoo, MI Cell and

Molecular Biology: applications to general and orthopedic surgery 1992: Pfizer Inc., Groton, CT. Regulation of Fatty Acid Synthase Gene Expression

WMU Department of Biological Sciences. Regulation of Fatty Acid Synthase Gene Expression Merrion Merrell Dow, Cincinnati, OH. Regulation of Fatty Acid Metabolism Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Regulation of Hepatic Fatty Acid Metabolism. 1991: Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI. Regulation of G6PDH by Alcohol WMU Departments of Biology and Chemistry. Radiation Safety at WMU EDITORIAL AND REVIEW: 1/05-12/07; Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education (BAMBED) 2010-13; ‘15- Editorial Board Member 2/05-10, 12 National Science Foundation and American Society for Engineering Education Graduate

Research Fellowship Program, panelist 12/05 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Special Emphasis Panel,

panelist 3/05 Kansas NIH Center of Biomedical Research Excellence in Protein Structure and

Function, Pilot Projects ad hoc, reviewer 12/04 Kansas NSF First Awards Program, ad hoc reviewer 10/04 National Science Foundation Chemistry Research Experience for Undergraduates

Program, panelist 7/04 University of Michigan Diabetes Research and Training Center, Pilot/Feasibility

Program, ad hoc reviewer 2/04 National Science Foundation and Oak Ridge Associated Universities Graduate Research

Fellowship Program, panelist 9/03 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students, abstract


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EDITORIAL AND REVIEW (Con’t): 5/03 Israel Science Foundation, ad hoc, proposal reviewer 3/03 National Science Foundation and Oak Ridge Associated Universities Graduate Research

Fellowship Program, panelist 7/01 National Science Foundation Course Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement Program,

panelist 5/01 American Chemical Society Great Lakes Regional Mtg., Signal Transduction, Session

Co- Chair 2/01 National Science Foundation and Oak Ridge Associated Universities Graduate Research

Fellowship Program, panelist 1999 Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, “The Selenium Conundrum “multi-author” review

editor 6/98 United States Department of Agriculture, Animal Division of the National Research

Initiative Competitive Grants Program; Animal Growth, Development and Nutrient Utilization panel member

10/96 National Institute of Health Physiological Chemistry Special Emphasis Panel, ad hoc

panel member 10/96 National Institute of Health Endocrinology Study Section, ad hoc panel member 5/96 American Chemical Society Great Lakes Regional Mtg., Biochemistry Division Chair, 94-2005 United States Department of Agriculture, Animal Division of the National Research

Initiative Competitive Grants Program, Outside (ad hoc) Reviewer 10/92 National Institute of Health GMA-2 Study Section, ad hoc special panel member 90-present Select reviewer for the following journals: Biochemical Journal, Biochemical

Pharmacology, Diabetalogia, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, Journal of Cellular Physiology, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Journal of Nutrition, Nutritional Neuroscience

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PROFESSIONAL AWARDS/RECOGNITION: 2016 WMU Excellence in Discovery Award- Research and External Funding over $1 Million

Level for 5 Years as PI (2010-2015) 2016 WMU Excellence in Discovery Award- Research and External Funding over $1 Million

Level for 5 Years as co-PI (2010-2015) 2015 WMU Excellence in Discovery Award- Research and External Funding 2015 WMU Excellence in Discovery Award- Research and External Funding over $1 Million

Level for 5 Years (2009-2014) 2013 National Society of Leadership and Success- Excellence in Service to Students Award 2010-11 American Council on Education (ACE) Fellow 2007 Bennett J. Cohen Educational Leadership Award- Michigan Society for Medical

Research 2004 Recipient of Outstanding Contribution Award- Kalamazoo Section of the American

Chemical Society 2004 NCAA Silver Anniversary Award Nominee- Juniata College 02-07 Appointed to the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Committee

for Education and Professional Development 01-02 WMU Research Ethics Fellow 1999 Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers 99-08 Appointed Local Section Career Program Coordinated- Kalamazoo Section of the

American Chemical Society 99-01 Appointed to the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Human

Resources Committee’s Task Force on Professional Development, Mentoring, and Employment

1997 Western Michigan University Faculty Development Appreciation Award 1996 Recipient of WMU President’s Faculty Stipend Award 95/96 WMU Research Fellows Award Program; Daryl Arkwright, graduate fellow 94, 96, 98 Recipient of WMU College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Appreciation Award 94, 95 WMU nominee for Carnegie Foundation Professor of the Year Program 1992 Selected to Who's Who in Science and Engineering 90-98 Departmental Merit- WMU

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PROFESSIONAL AWARDS (con’t): 90-98, 05 Administrative Merit- WMU 1987 American Heart Association, Postdoctoral Fellow 85-86 NIH Developmental Biology Training Grant Postdoctoral Fellow 1983 Graduate Achievement Award - Miami University 1982 Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award - Miami University, Chemistry

Department 1980 Selected to Outstanding Young Women of America PROFESSIONAL AWARDS (con’t): 76/77 Jacob Brumbaugh Chemistry Scholarship - Juniata College SUPERVISION OF STUDENT RESEARCH, DISSERTATION AND THESIS PROJECTS: Current graduate students supervising Sylvie Coulibaly, Ph.D. program Biological Sciences Jaafar Hachem, Ph.D. program Chemistry Ph.D. dissertations advised 2010 Sandhya Nair Adiyodi Veetil, Ph.D. Chemistry

Dissertation title: Glucosamine Induced Insulin Resistance in Primary Rat Hepatocytes and Role of Selenium as Insulin Mimetic

2007 Peter K.W. Harris, Ph.D. Biological Sciences

Dissertation title: The Effect of Chloramphenicol on BB88 Murine Erythroleukemia Cells

2007 Chin-ju Hsiao, Ph.D. Biological Sciences

Dissertation title: Characterization of Molecular Events Following Heavy Metal Exposure: A Cellular Regulatory Symphony in Response to Early Cadmium Insult

2005 Daryl Arkwright, Ph.D. Biological Sciences

Dissertation title: The Glucose and Insulin Responsiveness of the Rat Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Promoter

1998 Jennifer Thebo, Ph.D., Biological Sciences Dissertation title: Molecular Staging of Colorectal Cancer: K-ras Mutation Analysis of Lymph Nodes Upstages Dukes’ B2 Patients

Dissertation nominated for Council of Graduate Schools Distinguished Dissertation Award in Biological and Life Sciences

MA/MS thesis advised 2016 David Ruff, II, M.S. Biological Sciences

Thesis title: Expression of Insulin Responsive Genes in Insulin Resistant Conditions and The Effect of Selenium on Gene Expression

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (26)



Thesis title: Study of the Insulin Mimetic Sodium Orthovanadate in Glucosamine Induced Insulin Resistance in Rat Hepatocytes

2011 Phyllis Haugabook Pennock, M.S., Biological Sciences Thesis title: Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study Evaluating Follow-up Care Visits and Pharmacological Therapy of Individuals with Type II Diabetes and Hypertension in an Urban Community Health Center

2007 Pramod Thekkat, M.S., Chemistry

Thesis title: Transcriptional Regulation of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase by Glucose

2005 Deepti Goel, M.S., Chemistry

Thesis title: Effect of Antioxidants on Cadmium Induced Oxidative Stress and Signal Transduction

2000 Daisuke Maki, M.S., Biological Sciences Thesis title: Cadmium Induced Gene Expression and Signal Transduction Pathways 1999 Jun Xu, M.S., Biological Sciences

Thesis title: Reactive oxygen species generated by depletion of cellular glutathione mediates cadmium cytotoxicity

1998 Sanjay Jivraj, M.S., Biological Sciences

Thesis title: Mechanism by Which Insulin and Its Mimetics, Selenate and Vanadate, Regulate Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Gene Expression

1997 Ginny Garlock, M.S., Biological Sciences

Thesis title: Activation of Signal Proteins by Insulin and Selenate in Primary Rat Hepatocytes.

1996 Daryl Arkwright, M.S., Biological Sciences Thesis title: Glucose Induced Oxidative Stress and Regulation of Gene Expression. 1997 Asavari Wagle, M.A., Chemistry Thesis title: Elucidation of the Signal Transduction Pathway Required for the Activation of G6PDH Gene Expression by Insulin and its Mimetics. 1997 Francisco Berguido, M.S., Biological Sciences

Thesis title: Effect of Insulin and Vanadate on SRE-Mediated c-Fos Expression and JNK Activation in Primary Rat Hepatocytes in Culture.

1996 Guangmin Li, M.S., Biological Sciences

Thesis title: Effects of Insulin and Insulin-Mimetics on mRNA Levels of c-Fos and c-Jun in Primary Rat Hepatocytes in Culture

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Thesis title: Effects of Insulin and Insulin Mimetics on Antioxidant Enzyme Levels: In vivo and In vitro

1995 Jui-yu Wu, M.A., Chemistry Thesis title: Regulation of the Expression of Lipogenic Enzymes by Insulin-Mimetics 1994 Eric Berg, M.S., Biological Sciences Thesis title: The Effect of Insulin Mimetics on Enzymes of Fatty Acid Biosynthesis 1992 Delfina Valencia, M.A., Chemistry

Thesis title: Isolation and Characterization of the Triiodothyronine Regulatory Region of the Fatty Acid Synthase Gene in Avian Species.

1991 Yuan Zhu, M.A., Chemistry

Thesis title: The Effects of Selenate, Molybdate and Chromate on the Triiodothyronine Induced Enzyme Activity and mRNA Level for both Fatty Acid Synthase and Malic Enzyme.

Honors thesis advised 2018 Demetria Rachelle Meyer, B.S. 2007 Shruti Sevak, B.S 2007 Loren LaPointe, B.S. 2007 Jeremy Kelley B.S. 2006 Kristalyn Mauch B.S. 2003 Ukamaka Atueyi, B.S. 2000 Brian Dishinger, B.S 1998 Bryan Sauer, B.S 1997 Alison Holmes, B.S. 1994 Michelle Kagey, B.S. 1993 Lora Campbell, B.S. 1993 Troy Ahlstrom, B.S 1992 Joanna Gonyer, B.S. 1992 Rebecca Hozak, B.S

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (28)



President’s Cabinet, 2017-2018 Strategic Management Executive Committee, 2017-2018 Western Michigan University Research Foundation Board of Directors, 2017 Academic Affairs Strategic Planning Committee, Chair 2016-17 Committee on University Strategic Planning, 2013-16; reappointed 2017 Pre-college Committee, 2016- AAUP Faculty Agreement Administrative Bargaining Team, 2017 Interdisciplinary PhD in Evaluation Faculty Search Committee, Administrative Representative

2015-2017 Interdisciplinary Health Sciences PhD, Faculty Search Committee, 2015-2016 Fossil Fuel Investment Strategy Committee, 2015-16

Cooley Law School Strategic Planning Committee (Presidential appointee) 2015-16 Library Dean Search Committee, Chair 2015 Doctorate of Physical Therapy Advisory Committee 2015-

Honorary Degree Award Committee 2015- Critical Incident Response Team 2015- Graduate Student Housing Task Force 2014-16 Department of Education First in the World Grant Advisory Committee 2014- Michigan Pre-College Conference Committee 2014 Interdisciplinary Health Sciences PhD Advisory Board, 2014- HLC Advisory Committee 14- University Strategic Planning Key Performance Indicator Committee 14- Office of Faculty Development Advisory Board 14- Title IX/Violence Against Women’s Act Committee- 14- Cooley Law School 3+3 committee 14-16 Cooley Law School Curriculum Committee 14-17 Customer Relationship Management Software Review Committee 14-16 Honorary Degree Policy Committee 2014-2015 University Enrollment Management Team including Forecast Committee, Goals Committee, Out of

State Recruitment and Tuition Committee 13-16 Athletic Board 13- Bioethics Committee 13-16 University Equity, Diversity and Social Sustainability Committee 13- Centers and Institutes Task Force 13-14 Sustainability tracking, assessment and rating system (STARS) Committee 13-14 Provost’s Council 12- Graduate Studies Council 12- Graduate Student Advisory Committee/Graduate Student Association (ex officio) 12- University Student Success Committee 12-15 University Higher Learning Commission Advisory Committee 12-13 Provost Council (Dean’s council and Associate Provost council) 12- University HLC Focused Visit Steering Committee 11-12 University Strategic Planning Committee 2011, and Implementation Team 2012-16 Housing Marketing Committee 10-12 University Service Learning Advisory Board 10-14 Subcommittee to Address HLC Subcriterion 3 09-10

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ADMINISTRATION (con’t): Graduate College Review Committee 09-10 HLC subcommittee on student learning and effective teaching 09-11 Lewis Walker Institute (LWI) Advisory Board 09- LWI Service Learning Advisory Cmt. 09-10 College of Arts and Sciences Diversity Committee 09-11 President’s Commission on Gender Equity 09-10 6th Graders at WMU Organizational Committee and Presenter 09-15 College of Arts and Sciences International Committee 09-11 MichBio High School Visitation Organizational Committee 2009 Office of Diversity and Inclusion- Advisory Board 08- ICES Online Implementation Committee 08-10 ICES Online Advisory Committee 08-11 Science Olympiad Organizational Committee 08-12 Vet and Military Student Services Oversight Committee 08-12 College of Arts and Sciences new faculty orientation 08-11 College of Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee 07-12; Chair 07-08 College of Arts and Sciences Assessment Committee, Chair 07-12 Center for the Study of Ethics in Society- Executive Board 4/07- Research Advisory Team 07- MLK Day Planning Cmt. 07-10 Gender and Women’s Studies search committee, Chair 07-08 Admissions Open House, Junior Spotlight, Admission Counselor Presentations 07- Resource Center for Research Ethics (RERC) Steering Committee 06- Michigan Alliance for Graduate Education & the Professoriate Alliance Steering Committee 05-06 Graduate Program Review-Physical Sciences Team Member 05-06

Research Policy Council; Member 2000-09; 12- ;Secretary 02-03; Vice-Chair 03-04 and 07-09; Chair 04-07 RPC Select Committee on Research Recognition, Chair, 2003 RPC Select Committee to Review Role, Function and Operational Efficiency of the

Graduate College, 2004-2005 RPC Select Committee on Celebration of Research and Creative Work, Chair 07-08 Graduate College HBCU Recruitment Task Force, 2000-2007 Ad Hoc Committee to Review Centers and Institutes, 2005 AAUP Constitution and By-laws committee, 2004-2005 College of Arts and Sciences Strategic Planning Committee, 2000 College of Arts and Sciences Associate Dean Search Committee, 1999 College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Faculty Advisor Panel, 1997-1999 College of Arts and Sciences Women’s Caucus Committee, 1997-2000; 2003-2005,Chair Graduate Dean Search Advisory Committee, 1996-97 Center for Research Excellence in Environmental Signal Transduction; Exec. Comm., 94-96 Faculty Research Grants Review Committee, 1992-1995, 2000 Quantitative review board member, 92-93, 2000 Quantitative review board chair, 93-95 Science Building Task Force, 1991-1998 Radiation Safety Committee; Co-director, 1991-1996 Radiation Safety Committee; Chair, 1997-02 Radiation Safety Committee; Member, 1990-1991; 1996-present

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (30)


ADMINISTRATION (con’t): Academic: Chemistry Department-WMU Space Committee, 2007 Academic Program Planning Committee, Chair, 2003 Undergraduate Studies Committee, 2000- Personnel Committee, 2000-present; Chair, 2006-2007 CUME Committee, Chair, 1998-02 Director of Co-op and Internship Opportunities in Chemistry, 1997-2014 Ph.D. Program Reactivation Committee; Chair, 1990-1997 Graduate Recruitment and Appointment Committee; Member, 1990 - 1993 Curriculum Review Committee; Member, 1990-1995 Executive Committee; Chair, 1996, 1997 Faculty Search Committees, 93-97, 99, 2000, 2003 Executive Committee; Member, 1990-1999 Radiation Safety Officer, 1990-2000 Chemistry and Biological Sciences Department Thesis or Dissertation Committee Member- Kristi Tullis, Ph.D., Chemistry Aimen Sabah Ali Al Hilfi, M.S. Chemistry Phyllis Haugabook Pennock, Ph.D., Science Education 12/15 Carrie McKean, Ph.D., Biological Sciences, graduated 7/13 Brandy Skjold, Ph.D., Science Education, graduated 7/12

Miles Rogers, Ph.D., Biological Sciences, graduated 5/11 Chad Trumble, M.S., Biological Sciences, graduated 2/10 Paul Knoll, M.S., Chemistry, graduated 4/08 Renee Zaya, Ph.D., Biological Sciences, graduated 4/10 Yuchun Lin, Ph.D., Chemistry, graduated 8/09 Trish Basford, Ph.D., Chemistry, graduated 8/07

Len Harris, M.A., Chemistry, graduated 8/04 Berta Rembimbas-Cohen, Ph.D. Biological Sciences, graduated 12/04 Felicia Cordrea, M.A. Chemistry, graduated 8/02 Allison McKenna, M.S., Biological Sciences, graduated 4/02 Martha Babbit, M.S., Biological Sciences, graduated Szi Feng, M.S., Biological Sciences, graduated 6/00 Sam Hamdan, M.A., Chemistry, graduated 12/98 Santiago Navarro, M.S., Biological Sciences, graduated 8/97 Phill Peters, M.S., Biological Sciences, graduated 7/97

Mark Galbraith, M.S., Biological Sciences, graduated 7/97 Stephanie Miner, M.S., Biological Sciences, graduated 7/97

Mark Lombard, M.S., Biological Sciences, graduated 7/96 Sheri Holmen, M.S., Biological Sciences, graduated, 7/95

Fernando Lopez, M.S., Biological Sciences, graduated, 4/95 Carol Wierenga, M.S., Biological Sciences, graduated, 4/95

Clay Cramer, M.S., Biological Sciences, graduated, 4/94 Jennifer Goodwin, M.S., Biological Sciences, graduated, 4/93

Sarah Neering, M.S., Biological Sciences, graduated 12/93 Sheila Wang, Ph. D., Psychology, graduated 12/93 Janet Teel, M.S., Biological Sciences, graduated, 8/92

Laura Badalamenti, M.S., Biological Sciences, graduated, 6/92 Greg Stevens, M.S., Biological Sciences, graduated, 6/91 Joe Davis, Ph. D., Chemistry, graduated, 6/90

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU· 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (31)


ADMINISTRATION (con’t): Chemistry and Biological Sciences Department Honors Thesis Committee Member-

Michael Clift, graduated 4/05 Elizabeth Weiss-DeBoer, graduated 4/04 Jill Rouleau, B.S., graduated 8/02 Miranda Carr, B.S., graduated 4/00 Brian Dishinger, B.S., graduated 4/00 Scott Pinchot, B.S., graduated 4/00 Karen Gabrielse, B.S., graduated 4/98 Adrian Cook, B.S., graduated 4/98 Brendan Kelley, B.S, graduated 4/97 Michelle Kagey, B.S., graduated 4/94 Sheri Holmen, B.S., graduated 4/94 Joanna Gonyer, B.S., graduated 4/92 Rebecca Hozak, B.S., graduated 4/92

SOCIETIES and OTHERS (membership and appointments held): American Podiatric Medical Association Council on Podiatric Medical Education

2018- Postsecondary Educator Elected Member 2018- Accreditation Subcommittee Member Council of Graduate Schools-

2016- Consultant 2015-2016 Selection Committee for CGS/ProQuest Dissertation Award in Biological and

Life Science Midwest Association of the Council of Graduate Schools - 2018-19 Chair 2018 Midwest Regional Meeting Organizer 2017-18 Chair Elect 2016-17 Member at Large 2015- Membership Committee Tuskegee Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate

2014- Advisory Committee American Council on Education, Council of Fellows

2013-2016 Professional Development Committee Michigan Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation 2010-11 Executive Director Search Committee 2006-12 Steering Cmt/Research Team Member Michigan Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate 2012- Steering Committee American Association for the Advancement of Science Member

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SOCIETIES and OTHERS (membership and appointments held): American Chemical Society 2011 Kalamazoo Section: Past Chair 2010 Kalamazoo Section: Chair 2009 Kalamazoo Section: Chair Elect

2001 Great Lakes Regional Meeting: Signal Transduction Session, Co-chair 2000-2008 Kalamazoo Section: Women's Chemist Committee and Coordinator of Activities

for Regional Girl Scout Chemistry Merit Badge 2000-2007 Kalamazoo Section: Career Program Coordinator 1997-1999 Kalamazoo Section: Women's Chemist Committee Chair 1997 Great Lakes Regional Meeting: Biochemistry Division, Chair

American Diabetes Association Member American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

2002-2007 Education and Professional Development Committee Member 1998-2001 Professional Development, Mentoring and Employment Committee Member

Honor Society Member

Golden Key Phi Kappa Phi Sigma XI

COMMUNITY (recent volunteer positions): Battle Creek Math and Science Center Outdoor Education Center Taskforce 2013 Kalamazoo Habitat for Humanity Volunteer 2012- Kalamazoo Central High School, Parent Association, Co-Chair 2009-2011 Kalamazoo Central High School, Parent Association Book Scholarship Committee, Chair 2010-11 Kalamazoo Public Schools Science Fair Judge 2000-2004 Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Council Member 2001-06, 2017; Vice Chair 2003; Chair 2004-6 Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Finance Committee 2007-present; Usher 2008- present; Stewardship Committee 2016 Kalamazoo Food Drive Volunteer 2009-2014 Reading for Everyone Volunteer 2001-2005 Kalamazoo Public Schools, Arcadia Elementary Parent Association Volunteer Coordinator 1999-2001; Vice Chair 2001-2003; Chair 2004 Chemistry Merit Badge for Girl Scouts, Organizer 2000-2008 Salvation Army Bell Ringer 1998-

Stapleton Vitae 2019 - YSU · 1 SUSAN R. STAPLETON Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Phone: 269-387-2393; Fax: 269-387-2377 Email: - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.