THE KANSAS CITY STAR Thursday, February 22, 1973 Pupils See Teacher Fined for Speeding Stuart, Fla. (AP)-When a sixth-grade teacher, Cheryl Mixon. was fined for speeding in a school zone, ,27 of her pupils were in the courtroom. Mrs. Mixon, 24, took the pupils from Stuart Middle School to court with her, yesterday as of their social studies class.
She was charged with driving at 56 miles an in a 20 zone. As pupils houthe watched, Martin County Judge Dwight Geiger fined Mrs. Mixon $50 and warned that "school zones are put out for a purpose." No detail is too small at D.W: NEWCOMER'S SONS (ADVERTIsem*nT) You know how Arthritis know arthritis how can its hurt. minor You pain can make it difficult for you to do what you want to get a good night's sleep. You know the arthritic's special problems and wants.
We, the makers Strength of studied the have arthritic's problems and wants for a long time. Now we have made Arthritis Strength Bufferin. Each two-tablet. dose has 5 grains more pain reliever than two regular aspirin. Specially formulated.
In the first minutes, it speeds much more pain reliever on its way to where you hurt than regular aspirin. Even more than the other arthritis pain formula. Bufferin's famous Bufferin stomach protection ingredients are included to help protect against the stomach upset regular aspirin can cause. Get relief that lasts for hours. Try Arthritis.
Strength Bufferin. It's everything the name says it is. Arthritis Strength SUFFER 1972. Bristol- Myers Co. WANT AD INFORMATION Place Ads for 3 or More Consecutive Days For Lowest Rates and Greatest Returns! WANT AD RATES Type Sizes Styles These Rates Apply Only to -Ads Charged in the State of Missouri and the State of Kansas.
The following rate tables apply only to want ads set in solid agate type in uniform run-in style. The three-day rates apply for three or more consecutive days both morning and evening or Sunday without change in copy. The rates under 'General Classifications" apply to all classifications not otherwise designated as "Special Classification." Minimum charge 10 words or 2 agate lines. Claims for error must be time insertion. for correction before Rates on request for weekday service morning only or evening only Advertisers who wish to use a blind box number in care of the Star may do so by allowing the cost of four words for the address.
A service charge of $1.00 will be made for the Es use of each blind box number. General Classifications BOTH MORNING AND EVENING SUNDAY 1 Day 3 Days -7 Days Cost Per Day Cost Cost 1 80 1.70 5.10 11.90 2.64 2.49 7.47 17.43 3.50 3 31 9.93 23.17 4.40 4.15 12.45 29.05 5.27 4.97 14.91 34.79 6.15 5 80 17.40 40 40.60 Rooms to Rent Lost and Found Situations Wanted (Except Hotels and Convalescent Homes) BOTH MORNING AND EVENING OR SUNDAY 1 Day -3 Days -7 Days Cost Per Day Cost Cost 1.65 1.59 4.77 11.13 2.49 2.34 7.02 16.38 3 30 3.11 9.33 21.77 4.15 3.89 11.67 27.23 4 97 67 14 01 32.69 5.80 5.45 16.35 38.15 Set solid ads both morning and evening or Sunday of more than 35 words are charged on the measured line rate of 95c an agate line each day or 90c an agate line each day both morning and evening or Sunday for 3 or more consecutive days without change in copy. On all advertisem*nts, (not set solid agate run-in) with display effects agate caps, extra white space or display type -the following rates apply to all classifications except those listed under Special Classifications: 95c an agate line each day for both morning and evening or Sunday. 90c an agate line each day for both morning and evening or Sunday for 3 or more consecutive days without change in copy. Such want ads are charged with the actual space occupied.
The unit of measurement is the agate line -14 agate lines to the inch. Rates on request for weekday service morning only or evening only. OFFICE HOURS Telephone Service Week Days 8:30 PM Saturdays 7:00 PM Holidays ....8:30 PM Closed. and Copy Changes accepted on Sunday by telephone 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM -dial 221- 5500 and ask for Want Ad Service Desk, Want Ad Counter Week Days 7:30 PM Saturdays 7:00 AM-12-Noon Sundays and Closed DEADLINES Preceding, Times 12 Noon Week Day PM Week Preceding Day Star 5:00 Sunday 11 AM Saturday For faster service, phone your Sunday Star want ads on Thursdey or Friday. ADVERTIsem*nT FOR BIDS Sealed proposals for: TV STL AND OF.
FICE ALTERATIONS AT THE UNIERSITY OF MISSOURI-KANSAS SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY, 650 EAST 25TH KANSAS CITY SOURI FOR THE CURATORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. will be received by The Curators of the University of Missouri, Owner, at the Office of the Superintendent of Physical plant, 1011. East 51st Street, Room 101. City, Missouri until. 11:00 a.m.
CST March 7, 1973 Chancellor's and will Dining be opened Room and in University City. Center, at University MisPlans and specifications and information concerning preference granted -to Missour materials and bidders, the work to be done, other Items relating to the proiect, and contract documents, together with the printed form on which BIDS MUST BE MADE may all be obtained Physi- at the Office of the Superintendent of cal Plant, University of CIty. 1011 East Slat Street, Room 101, Kansas City, Missouri and at the office of Neville, Sharp Simon, Inc. Architects, 106 West Fourteenth, fifty Kansas ($50.00) City, shall Mis. souri, A deposit of made for each set of specifications and drawings requested.
Attention of bidders Is particularly called to the requirements as to the Conditions of Employment to be observed under the contract. The Curators of the University of MIssour reserve the right to waive Informalities In bids and to relect any or all bids. THE CURATORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI By: Dale O. Bowling, Vice-President for Business Management Date: February 12. 1973 INVITATION TO BID for each route) are hereby for SEALED PROPOSALS (Separate, bid trash pickup for the Kansas City, Mo.
School District. PROPOSALS MUST BE SUBMITTED in duplicate in the Form of Proposal set forth in the specifications, to Dr. Glen L. Hanks, the Secretary of the Board of DI. rectors of the School District of Kansas City, ROOM 1006, Board of Education Building, 1211 McGEE Street, Kansas City, not later than 2:00 p.m.
Monday, March 5, 1973 Each proposal must be accompanied by certified check- or bid bond by an acceptable surety in the amount of not less than five per cent of the bid, which will be retalned until after the contract for the work has been awarded. All bids must be in strict accord with the specifications which may be obtained in the office of Don Allee, Director, Maintenance Department, at 800 East 21st Street. A performance and payment bond in an amount equal to 100 per cent of the contract price, must be furnished and executed to the School District of Kansas City, by the successful bidder (s), after contract (s) Is awarded. Bond be in the Form of CONTRACTOR'S BOND as included in the specifications. The bidder shall include in his proposal the cost of this bond.
The right to reject any or all proposals and to postpone the date of receiving bids by the issuance of an addendum 10 the specifications is reserved. The School District of Kansas City. Missouri Henry P. Poindexter, President Glen L. Hanks, Secretary NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals will be received by: The Board of Education, Ft.
Osage Reorganized School District R-1, Rt. No. 2, Box 928, Independence, Missouri, for the construction of: A NEW JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION ADDITION TO THE VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL CLASSROOM ADDITION TO BUCKNER SCHOOL INDUSTRIAL ARTS SHOP ADDITION AND REMODEL Bids will be received at the Office of the Board of Education, Missouri, Highway 24 and Missouri Highway 7, Buckner, Missouri, until 8:00 p.m. o'clock, Tuesdav, February 27, 1973 and there publiciv opened and read aloud. A cashier's check, certified check or acceptable bidder's bond in not less than 5 pct.
of the bid submitted must accompany each bid. Plans and Specifications may be obtalned from Herman A. Scharhag, Architect, 1806 Swift Avenue, North Kansas City, upon deposit of $50.00. The Owner reserves the riaht to reject any and all bids and to waive any or all formalities. Board of Education Von D.
Young, President NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE For default in payment of debt secured by deed of trust, executed by Charles E. Moser and Faith, E. Moser, dated Julv 31, 1967, recorded in Book 5984, Page 99, office of recorder of deeds, Jackson County, Missouri, at Kansas Citv, the un designed will on Wednesday, March 14, 1973, between the hours of nine o'clock a.m. and five o'clock p.m. at the North front door of the Jackson Countv Court House.
12th and Oak Streets. Kangas City. Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash all of Lot 17, Block 6, CRESTON, a subdivision In Kansas City, Jackson County. Missouri, according to the recorded plat thereTooether with and subiect to a joint driveway easem*nt over the South A 1c feet of the above property and over the 4.15 feet immediatelv South thereof and adiacent thereto as set forth in document No. B-71674, recorded in Book B-4624 at page 673 in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Jackson County.
Missouri, at Kansas City, to satisfy said debt and costs. Rov P. Swanson Public. Notices Trustee DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES ANDERSON passed ELSIE away 57, Feb. of 21.
1109 D. W. NEWCOMER'S SONS 561-0024 PASEO AT BUSH CREEK BARTLETT-MRS. IVA CARSON, 74, of 210 South Pleasant, passed away Feb. 21.
Services 3 p.m Friday Carson ChaDel, Interment Mount Washington Cemetery. Family will receive friends 7- 9 p.m. Thursaay at the GEO CARSON SONS Winner at Fuller 252-7900 age 68. ot 5212 Vermont, passed away teD ua. 2U Services 10 Friday in our chapel.
Inte ment Floral Hills Memorial dens. Friends rnav call 7-9 p.m. Thursuay at the chapel. FLORAL HILLS FUNERAL HOME Blue Ridge at Gregory 353-1218 -CLARENCE (BROWNIE), age 62, of 5209. Smart, February 20.
Funeral m. Friday 10 the unapel. 2825 blvd. Interment Mt Washington. Family will receive friends 79 inursday evening.
BLACKMAN GUARDIAN HOME 241-4040 BROWN -MR. ARTHUR of 1308 $. 42nd, Services p.m. S. Friday 37th, at the Chapel, Strong Ave.
at Thursday where friends call after 3 contributions p.m. Family' suggests to the Bldg. Fund of the Argentine Baptist Church. Maple Hill Cemetery. SIMMONS FUNERAL HOME 831-1882 CLEMENT, JOSEPH age 64, of 319 Indiana, passed away February 20.
Funeral 10 a.m. Friday in the chapel, 2825 Indep. Blvd. Interment Mt. Washington.
Family will receive friends at the chapel 7-9 Thursday evening. BLACKMAN GUARDIAN HOME 241-4040 COLEMAN-MR. HOWARD Friday of 7145 Gibbs Rd. Services 3 p.m. at the Chapel, Strong Ave.
at S. 37th, where friends may call after 4 p.m. Thursday. Interment Maple Hill Cemetery. SIMMONS FUNERAL HOME 831-1882 MR.
58; of WOODROW 7716 Locust, passed away February 21st. Funeral services Trinity Uhited Methodist Church, 640 E. Armour, a.m. Saturday. Interrent Memorial Park Cemetery.
In state Muehlebach Chapel from 7-9 p.m. Friday. MUEHLEBACH 6800 TROOST 444-2060 DAVIS -LOURAU 86 years, of 8024 Springvalley passed away February 20. Services p.m. Friday in the Chapel, 2825 Indep.
Blvd. Interment Florel HiNs. In state 7-9 p.m. Thursday. BLACKMAN GUARDIAN HOME 241-4040 DROWN-MRS.
GRACE MOSSBARGER, age 88, of 627 N. Delaware, passed away February 20. Funeral servIces 2 pm. Friday in our Chapel. Burial Woodlawn Cemetery.
Friends may call at Chanel 7-8 Thursday evening. In lieu of flowers family suggests contributions to First Christian Church Memorial Fund. OTT MITCHELL CHAPEL OF FLORAL HILLS Main at Truman Mo. 252-8900 FERRIS, MR. JOSEPH 59, of 5347 Buena Vista Dr, Mission, passed away February 19.
Services 10 a.m. Friday Carson Chapel Indep. Graveside Service 2 30 p.m.; National Cemetery, Ft. Leavenworth. Friends may call after 5 p.m.
Thursday at the chapel. GEO CARSONS SONS Winner at Fuller 252-7900 FOSTER- MRS. ROSE 572 East Park, Olathe, passed away Feb. 22. Services Saturday Hoge 79 Chapel, where family will receive friends Friday evenina.
Interment Pleasant Valley Cemetery. HOGE FUNERAL HOME 642-3565 OVERLAND PARK, KAN. GARDNER-MRS. MARY 1019 South 46th passed away Feb 2. Arrangements pending.
WARNICK-EADS-HILDEN 1416 Minnesota 371-1416 GLOVER-MRS. CARRIE 83, of 6622 Park, passed away Feb. 21. Services p.m. Friday In our chapel.
Interment Lee's Summit Cemetery. D. W. NEWCOMER'S SONS 561-0024 PASEO AT BRUSH CREEK GRIMES- SAMUEL 499 79, of passed away February 19. Services 1 pm.
Friday in our chapel. Interment Floral HIlls Memorial Gardens Friends may call 79 p.m. day at the chapel. FUNERAL HOME Alue at Gregory HITE, CLYDE age 73, of 822 HITcrest Dr Services 1:30 p.m. Thursday in the Porter Chapel, Interment High.
land Park Cemetery Friends may call at the chapel, from 7-9 p.m. Wednesday. GEO. F. PORTER SONS 18th St.
Terr. Minnesota 621-6400 ISRAEL-ALFRED, 36, of 4401 South Cottage, passed away Feb, 21st, 1973. Funeral services 3 p.m. Friday Blue at graveside Keillath, Israel Ridge Cemetery, 1901 Blue Ridge Blvd. LOUIS MEMORIAL CHAPEL 6830 TROOST 361-5211 REN 66, of 1401 Fast 22nd ave passed February 70.
Services m. SaturMeterhoffe Fleeman F.H.. seph, Mo. Interment Memorial Park Cemetery, St. Josenh.
Missouri. Friends may AV call. at Me Antioch Chapel, 2-9 p.m.. GILLES Thursday ANTIOCH CHAPEL. 3325 N.E.
VIVION RD. 453-7700 DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES LECHNER-TERESA. KAY age years old, of 6 First Belton, passed away February 1973. Funeral services Gates Chapel, State Line at 41st a.m. Friday.
interment Calvary tery, K.C.. Mo. Friends may call from 9 Thursday evening. GATES FUNERAL HOME CO 2-1023 LYON- LORAINE Edgerton, age 75, passed away February 21. Services p.m.
Saturday at the Chapel. Interment Edgerton the Chapel. Visitation to 8:30 Friday at BRUCE MORTUARY, GARDNER, KAN. MRS. THERESA, of Mis sion, Kan.
Services 10 a.m. Thursday St. Anthony's Catholic Church 615 No. Rosary at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Porter Chapel where friends may call after 6 p.m.
Interment Mount Calvary 18th. St. GEO. Terr. F.
PORTER Minnesota, SONS. 621-6400 McCARTY- MISS CLARA MAY, of 7536 Baltimore, passed away February 21. Rosary Muehiebach Chapel 8 p.m. Thursday, Funeral services St. Elizabeth's Church, 10:30 a.m.
Friday. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. In state at the Muehlebach Chapel after 2 p.m. Thursday.
MUEHLEBACH 6800 TROOST 444-2060 age 69, of 1906 passed away Feb. 21. EARP SONS MORTUARY TRUMAN RD. 231-0970 MRS. JENNIE age 98, of 8100 Wornall passed away February.
20. Funeral services Muehlebach Chapel 3 p.m. Friday. Interment MemoriPark Cemetery. In state Muehlebach Chapel after 4 p.m.
Thursday. MUEHLEBACH 6800 Troost 444-2060 OLIVER-HOLLIS, 76, of 4410 W. 97th Overland Park, passed away Feb ruary 20, Los Altos, Calif. Services 2 p.m. Friday at the George Hamilton Combs Chapel, 6031 Ward Parkway.
Interment Saturday a.m., Highland Park Cemetery, Pittsburg, D. W. Kan. NEWCOMER'S SONS 561-0024 METCALF AT 82ND, O.P., KAN. PARKS- MRS.
EARLENE, 4021. Lloyd. Services 2 p.m. Friday, chapel. Interment Lincoln Cemetery.
LAWRENCE A. JONES SONS WOODLAND 100 LINWOOD 921-1800 years, of Blue Services 8:15 (FRED), a.m. Friday at the St. John Lalande Catholic Church, Blue Springs. Burial Agra, Kan.
MAYFIELD FUNERAL HOME BLUE SPRINGS, MISSOURI CA 8-4444 AC 9-3276 PHILLIPS, MR. ARTHUR age 77, of 2011 W. 42nd passed away February 20. Services Friday p.m. Visitation 7-9 p.m.
Thursday at the chapInterment Maple Hill Cemetery. GATES FUNERAL HOME CO 2-1023 POE-MR. VIRGIL 42, of 1225 River, passed away February 21. Services 1 p.m. Friday Carson Chapel Indep Interment Floral Hills Cemetery.
Family receive friends from 7:30 to 9 p.m Thursday the Chapel. GEO. C. CARSON SONS Winner at Fuller 252-7900 PUSCH--MISS EMMA, Friday of in Saint 1234 Luke's Ohio, p.m. Lutheran Church, Broadview Reynolds.
Friends may call at our chapel on 18th Wash. Blvd. after p.m. Thursday. interment Memorial Park.
FULTON-NICKEL CHAPELS 371-5555 RADWICK-MR. MARION (ROD) age 59, of 3736 Warwick, passed away February 21. Funeral services Muehlebach Chapel 1 p.m. Friday. Interment Mt.
Moriah Cemetery. In state at the Muehlebach Chapel from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday. In lieu of flowers the family suggests contributions to the Cancer Soci. ety.
MUEHLEBACH 6800 TROOST 444-2060 RAGAN, MRS. GRACE HANNA, 70, of Dallas, passed away February Rosary 8:30 p.m. Thursday at our chapel. Mass 10 a.m. Friday St.
Ann's Catholic Mt. Church, 7231 Mission Rd. Interment Washington Cemetery. D. W.
NEWCOMER'S SONS 561-0024 METCALF AT 82ND KAN. RASHBAUM-PHILIP 83, of 1264 W. 72nd, passed away February 21, 1973. Serv. ces Friday at the Chapel, 6830 Troost.
Interment Sheffield Cemetery. Kindly omit flowers, family suggest contributions to K.C. Heart Assn. LOUIS MEMORIAL CHAPEL 6830 TROOST 361-5211 SIDERS-MRS. IDA, 96, Richmond, passed away February 20.
Services p.m. Friday Gowing Chapel. Interment Sunny Slope Cemetery. Family will re ceive friends after 7 Thursday evening in our chapel. GOWING FUNERAL HOME Richmond, Mo.
776-2255 -MR. RALPH 80, Richmond, died February 21st. Services 1:30 p.m. Friday Thurman Chapel. Interment Hickory Grove Cemetery.
Visitation 7-8 p.m. Thursday. THURMAN HOME Richmond, Mo. 776-2233 SOWERWINE-ROBERT age 6751 N. Woodland, K.
passed away Feb. 20. Bible Vigil, 8 p.m. at McGilley Antioch Chapel. Services 10 a.m.
St. Cha les Catholic Church. interment White Chapel Memorial Gardens. Friends may call at the chapel after 3 p.m. Thurs.
Family suggests contributions to the Robert Sowerwine Memoral Fund of the church. McGILLEY ANTIOCH CHAPEL 3325 N.E. VIVION RD. 453-7700 SWEITZER-ODELLE WHITSITT, 83, of Harrisonville, died in the Cass County Hospital Tuesday. Funeral service in the Runnenburger Funeral Home Friday, Feb.
23rd 10:30 a.m. receive Burial In friends Orlent Cemetery. Family will to our chapel Thursday, Feb. 22nd p.m. RUNNENBURGER'S FUNERAL HOME.
Harrisonville, Mo. 884-3712 SWIETON-WALTER age 76, RR 2, Bonner Springs, passed away Feb. 21st. Services 8:30 a.m. Saturdav at Butler's, 22 So 18th.
9 a.m. St. Joseph Church. Interment Mount Calvary, Rosary, 8 p.m. Friday Friends may call p.m.
Friday. JOS. A BUTLER'S SONS Harry Butler, Owner 22 18th 321-2222 TAUTE-BRUNKE, age 70, services 2 p.m, Friday Amoret Zion Lutheran Church, Interment Mulberry Cemetery. In lieu of flowers memorials to Zion LU. theran Church.
Visitation 7-9 Thursday evening. MANGOLD FUNERAL HOME AMSTERDAM, MO. WALDROP-MK. LLOYD age 62, of 3727 Eaton, KCK, passed away Feb. 21st.
Funeral services at Gates Chapel, State Line at 41st St. 10 a.m. Saturday. Interment in Maple Hill Cemeter Friends may call from 7-9 p.m. Friday at the chapel.
GATES FUNERAL HOME CO 2-1023 passed away Feb. 20. Services p.m. WIDDER-MRS. MAUDE age Friday Hill Stanley Cemetery.
Chapel. Visitation. Interment 78:30 Pleas- p.m. Thursday at the chapel. STANLEY FUNERAL HOME PLEASANT HILL, MO.
WILLIS Services Friday BILLIE 8:30 JEAN, a.m., 2534 chapel. MyrInterment National Cemetery, Fort Leavenworth, Kan. LAWDENCE A JONES SONS WOODLAND LINWOOD 921-1800 WILLIS-MR. EDMUND 1723 East 48th Terr. Services Friday 11 a.m., chapel.
Interment National Cemetery. WATKINS BROTHERS 4000 BRUSH CREEK UN 1-3030 LOST CAT- -Manx, 2 inch bobtail, dark calico, shy and loving, 95th and Outlook. 649. 2153 DOG-1 male Basset Hound, answers to name Darnaby. Lost, vicinity of Mission.
432-1870 DOG German Shepherd, male mostly black, friendly, no collar, childrens' pet, name Thor. Reward. 85th Main area. 361-0456 DOG -Male Basset, black, white brown, reward. 4926 Greeley, Kansas City, Kans.
287-4543 DOG -Great Dane, arav, black 'spots, name Rufus, no collar, reward, after 6, 753-2253 DOG--White and Black, mixed border collie, red collar tags. Mission area ward, 432-9867 DOG- Schnauzer, 4 months, salt pepper, answers Schultze. vicinitv 83rd. Metcalf. O.P.
Reward. NI 2-4861 DOG--Irish Setter, 9 months, 85th-Grant area. 888-6500, 383-2618 after 6. Reward. months, tan-white, no Identification, Pediaree, St Bernard.
female. 5 Swope Park area Reward. 361-6436 even nas. -Lost, area 126th and South 71 HIway, black, white, brown, miniature collie, name tag of Clancy, generous reward, 765-0534 after 4 p.m. DOG- -9-Month-Old red Dachshund female, AKC registered, answers name Candy, vicinity Lake Waukamis.
Reward. Call 474-6666 DOG -Small female, all black terri with white mark on chest, lost in vicinitv of 63rd Brookside, reward, JA 3-1883 DOG -German Shepherd, predomimantly black, no collar, friendly, answers to Shane, Highland Crest area, call 262-8809 or 421-4770 -Two girls who picked up tri-colored Bassett Hound at 24th-Liberty Friday night at 9 p.m., please return to 1013 North Liberty, there will be a reward. COONHOUND- Black male, white leas, chest name on collar, $50 reward. Liberty, 781-3421 POODLE -Male year old, white wearIna black collar. vincinity Independ ence, please contact, 796-4009 BILLFOLD Vicinity of Nichols and Broadwav.
Reward. Call 753-1073 GLASSES- Lady's, black case, downtown area. 471-5050, extension 216 FOUND -Brown Terrier, female, red har. ness, tans, Susquehanna vicinity, please call 796-4513, $25 reward. DOG -ST.
Shepherd, vicinity 38thPrather Rd. name Bertha. Reward. 454-66527 453-7095 DOG To Poodle, white, shagay, Olathe area, Feb. 15th, $100 reward, name 2 AV.
333-3016 DOG Female, black Chow, vicinity 75thMission Rd. Call 362-4831 or 221-7543, reward. DOG -Puppy found, 435 and 1-70, 252-0730 after White -arey Huskie male, pay Ad, 221-0409 LODGE NOTICES MT. WASHINGTON. Lodge.
614 A come. Friday Indep. 7:30 Ralph p.m, Arlington. Toomay, Brethren W.M.; Stated wetJ.N. Johnson, Secy.
WALLPAPERING, PAINTING PAINTING The finest interior and rior painting, and work. reasonable excellent local references, Free Estimates. Call 531-0435 or 363-2999 PAINTING Inferior -exterior cellings spray textured, glittered. Licensed, sured, complete decorating. Free mates.
SO 1-1230 AVAILABLE painting, texturing. FL Father, son. References, samples 6-0458 PAINTING -Interlor-exterior, contract prices, Insured. Free estimates. CEILINGS- Spray textured, gliftered, tape and patch work, 763-2974 CEILINGS -Spray textured, aliffered, sheetrock, taping.
741-7145 PAINTING- Work sure to please, winter rates, Insured, 432-2159 UPHOLSTERING, FURNITURE REPAIRING FURNITURE Repair- Refinished and uphoistery, fast and dependable. 753-0475 Educational TRAIN NOW FOR A FUTURE IN THE COMPUTER FIELD In 48 weeks you can become a computer with Accounting and Systems Know Howl LEARN: Assembler Language Cobol Fortran PL-1 APG and run your Programs on an IBM Enroll now--next class starts February 26th Call and find out how you can fit into the Computer Field. 342-5901 Platt Business College No Better KEY PUNCH Training Available AMERICAN COMPUTER SCHOOL CHECK OUR PLACEMENT RECORDS AND SEE THE POSITIONS ACCEPTED BY OUR GRADUATES! UOU MUST A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA OR G.E.D. Your Opportunity Call Today 221-2044 or stop in 1627 MAIN HAVE A JOB PROBLEM? No job? Unhappy with the lob you have? American Truck Drivers Academy can train you for the BIG money and BIG status of a pro truck driver in lust few weeks. Job placement service provided graduates at no additional cost.
American Truck Driving Academy is approved by the Oklahoma State Accrediting Agency for veteran training. Licensed by O.B.P.S. For Complete Information Call Locally 561-2881 (Collect calls accepted) AMERICAN Truck Driving Academy 645 N. MERIDAN OKLA. CITY, OKLA.
GOOD JOBS GO TO TRAINED PEOPLE COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS Classes now forming COMPUTER PROGRAMMING DATA PROCESSING OPER. Day and evening Assistance classes Placement Tuition I Loans Approved for training of veterans, servicemen and foreign students 221-2044 AMERICAN COMPUTER SCHOOL 1627 Main St. K.C., Mo. 64108 Nites call 649-1038 BE A Real Estate Broker Enroll now for a successful career In business for yourself or with established firm. New classes now forming.
Call Monday thru 8 to 5, 756-1800 write. Authorized to issue broker or salesman's training certification. WEAVER 3521 Broadway, SCHOOL OF REAL Mo. 64111 ESTATE K.C., BE A HAIRSTYLIST Learn the new concept in hairstyling. Now for the first time under personal supervision of Mr.
Pierre. A high paying future Is yours. Limited enrollment now. Call PIERRE CONTINENTAL SCHOOL OF HAIR FASHION, 4916 Main, K.C. Mo.
64112, JE 1-8666. Evenings, 262-5243 CLASSES DAY AND NIGHT AIR CONDITIONING, REFRIGERATION, APPLIANCES REPAIR, INDUSTRIAL WIRING, AUTO MECHANICS, AUTO BODY REPAIRING, WELDING ARC GAS. Call now, classes forming, nationally recognized. Open days Fri. 6-11 p.m.
Home School SFO, Calif. Home Study IF YOU NEED A TRADE CALL U.S. TRADE SCHOOL 500 EAST 9TH, K.C., MO. VI 2-6236 OFFERING 7 COURSES Day or night classes. Vet approved HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME Finish rapidly.
Diploma awarded. Write for free brochure-American School of Chicago, P.O. Box 19092, KCMO 64141 Employment HELP WANTED ACCOUNTING TAX PREPARERS up to $2.50 per hr. plus bonus. One of the nations leading tax preparation firms qualified Income tax preparers.
753-3090 are you good with figures, variety pubIle contact, south, $425, fee pd. Call CINDY KAY, 753-4665, Snelling Snelling On Bdwy. ACCOUNTING, CLERK- -Co. will train, HELP WANTED ACCOUNTANT $10.000 FEE PAID. Snelling Snelling on Broadway Division of nat'l co.
needs experienced accountant or knowledgeable bookkesper. Handle phases of operation. OutstandIna benefits. Need now. CALL JIM CRAIG, 753-4665 Avoid the Rush! PHONE EARLY to place your SUNDAY WANT ADS For faster service phone your Want Ads for the Sunday Star on Thursday or Fridoy.
Ad are on duty from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Direct Line to 221-5500 un Ad Tuker LODGE NOTICES ORIENT Lodge 546--903 Harrk son, Potluck dinner, 6:30 p.m for members families. Enter. tainment for ladies.
Stated 7:30 p.m. Arthur Brethren L. welcome. Gordon Baker, W. Hall Secy.
EAST Gate Assembly 180, 25 SOOB, 3516 Blue Ridge CutStated meeting Friday, February 23, 8 p.m. Mrs. Connely Fairchild, Pres. Mrs. Francis McDonald, Rec.
SWOPE Park Chapter 520 OES. Members please attend. ServIces for Samuel K. Grimes, Friday Floral Hills chapel. Jenneatta Piggott, W.M.; Mary B.
Martin, Secy. 8501 Oldham Rd. Stated meetF. Kuhn. Chapter, OES, Ing Friday, February 23, 8 p.m.
Chapter birthday honoring P.M. P.P. Installation of Adha, presentation of 50 year pin. D. W.
Earley, S.M.; L. Kay, Secy. BEULAH. Chapter OES, 903 Harrison. Stated meeting Friday, February 23, 8 o'clock, Charter members, P.M.
P.P., Chapter Birthday, honoring visiting members welcome. M. Eichenberger, W.M.; O'Neal, W.P.; M. O'Neal, Secy NORTHEAST Chapter 300, OES Stated meeting Friday, February 23, 8 p.m. Visiting, members welcome.
Ethel Diebel, W. Ruth Stuthard, Secy. LIBERTY Council 50, RSM, stated assembly Friday 7:30. Official visit, regional deputy Grand Master, refr. companions welcome.
Walter Schwarz, 11 Wm. P. Mathews, Rec. TRAVEL DRIVE NEW AS OWN 1614 Truman Road VI 2-9333 DRIVE cars L.A., Frisco, Pennsylvania, N.Y. Nationwide Auto, 421-5606 AAACON Auto.
Transp. 361-2536 SHIP YOUR CAR- -GAS PAID DRIVE-New cars, Frisco-Fresno. Mock Motors, 816-444-6565 PERSONALS The rates under "personals" are $1.10 an agate line each day (minimum charge two lines or $2.20) and $1.05 an agate line each day for three or more consecutive days without change of copy. GOING to be lonely this weekend? Call VI 2-4799 2 EXTRA Cash -Now not later. Small loans 474-8922 FURNITURE, WA 4-7331 Appliances -We finance.
CASH -Small amounts to employed men and women. 842-0984. ARE You paying too much for your auto insurance? Call 681-2528 HEALTH Spa -Assume my membership payments cheap, 753-3329 INSURANCE PROBLEMS 333-7216 of Life." 436 GIFT Conquer your problems JEAN LOVES JIMMY G. W. IN K.C.
'48 PAYDAY LOAN- GRAB THAT PHONE CALL 421-0319 DATE BA 1-5727 MASSAGE, 3003 McGEE OUTCALLS, WE 1-9216 TE li. You 819 Care Walnut, to Eat K.C., the Mo. 842-8899 chiAUTO insurance rates high? Call American Standard Ins. Co. 833-4480 DATE TONIGHT? GR 4-8868 DONATE your clothing, etc.
to Indian Missions, free pickup. 762-0103 TRUTH FOR TODAY, 383-3333 AGNES MASSAGE 4735 TROOST 931-6707 MARY NEWTON 77-Contact Chalmers 1912. Confidential. Address 424 Star. ice, tower BILL payments, consolidation CL 1 2-1077, day CL serv- 2- 3865 NEED Campbell Ride--From at 4:30, 1535 evenings only.
PL Walnut to 44th 5684 NEED HELP OR ADVICE? LO 1- Community Telephone Ministry, 1499 John ANYONE A. having Butcher, Information please contact Scoff concerning at 363-6036 ANYBODY Zelphia Ann having Holloway Information please contact concerning Mr. Scott at 363-6086 VACUUM-1972 Hoover, new, $19.95. in original carton, all attachments, Royal, 4329 Troost, 931-4610 TAXES done in your home or at our 011010 office. 10 pct.
discount during Feb. E. 40 Hwy. FL 8-8080 DETECTIVE -Finest service and rates. Specializing in hours domestic 361-8281 and missing persons.
Call 24 PROBLEM PREGNANCY Consultation service, 831-2279 DIAL 471-4150 MON. thru 10-12, 1-4, 7-9 VACUUM Cleaner bag, parts, service for makes. 23rd. Royal, 4329 Troost, 931-4610, 11026 East 833- 2300 WINDOW GLARE? stop it, office awnings home. Neat Inexpensive-no or shades.
Call WE 1-3444, Transparent Glass Coatings Co. am not legally responsible for any debts other than my own as of this date, Feb. 19th, 1973. Dennis Marquis, 145 Newton, Edwardsville, Ks. I Can sell and finance new or used car or truck if you have a steady lob and good references.
No cash needed. Call Jim Nelson, personally. FL 6-1222 PREGNANT DISTRESSED? Birthright Cares Call 444-7090 SINGLES' SATURDAY THING Dance with live band 9 p.m.-1 a.m. BELLERIVE HOTEL-214 E. ARMOUR FREE PARKING More info.
931-5008 NKC'S FINEST USED CARS No cash required if you have steady job can furnish references. Call Larry, 474-4425 for free credit check. SKIDDOO'S SINGLE PEOPLES PARTY Ages 21-55 Friday, Feb. 23rd-9 p.m. Executives Inn-13th Washington Live music-Info.
Call 942-6656 $18 FEE Buys a life membership in the new Apollo. Never another cent. Use cluo FREE for life, all facilities Steam, Sauna pool, sun deck, private rooms, exercise Greek lounge. Always free coffee, cider, 753-9823 Limited offer. Open 12-12, daily.
BAD DEBTS AND CHECKS Collected for only $7 per account. Our contact with your deptors, anywhere. in collection men make a face-to-face the USA. If we can't collect your bad debts we'll buy them from you for cash. Results bonded and Insured.
TRAYCO, 842-2557 DRESSMAKING, TAILORING FURS Restyled--Hats made. Tailoring, dress making, men's-women's alteratons. Armour-Gillham, JE 1-8186 DANCING--RECREATION LA FIESTA 3-9759 MAIN AT 41ST CLASS SUN. EATING PLACES FOOD SERVICES TOM'S Cafe 418 East 10th. We serve quality food at reasonable price.
Business Personals INSURED TREE SERVICE Removing, topping, trimming, spraying Free estimates. CH 1-0626 GRANDVIEW Tree Service- -Broken frees work guaranteed, trimmed, free estimates SO 3-3195 shaped removed, TREE And Lawn Care -Insured, free estimates. GENERAL 631-2675 CONTRACTING, BUILDING, IMPROVEMENT CONCRETE Work -experienced. considered. prompt free estimates, anything 2-5890 CONCRETE Work- -Driveways, estimates.
SO patios, experienced, free 5730 ASPHALT Pavinglots, repairing, free estimates. 763-9573 ROOFING Hot asphalt, new and repairing, Individual, quaranteed. HU 3-7148 ROOFING- Guttering, homie repairs, free estimates. Call anytime, 531-8694 ROOF Repairs- Gutters repaired, cleaned anywhere, family man. 241-7480 ASPHALT Paving, patching, sealing, free estimates, 231-0491, 942-0348 HOME Repair- -Reasonable, remodeling, rec.
room, free 833-0858 ASPHALT -Parking lots, drivewavs, etc. 342-4954 evenings. 361-9546 REPAIR Work--No lob too small. Free estimates. 2-8409 ACCOUNTING MANAGER Growing Insurance branch office needs accountant with two years college level accounting courses and two, years ence in commercial accounting, especially collection of balances due and financing.
preferably insurance. Some supervisory or management expe: rience also heipful, as this will the grow branch into management position as grows, includina responsibility for hiring and development of additional personnel. Personal mobility is very desirable, as this Job offers good promotion potential. Call MR. MARTIN 836-8140 ADMIN.
Trainee Branch for ambifious aggressive indiv. Top advancement, Fee pd. Lee West, 461-7217, Snelling Snelling. ADMIN. $8.000 FEE PAID RED Expanding corp.
Do Own Work JA 3-6153 CARPENTER Work porches, bathrooms, kitchens modernIzed, paneling, partitions, roofing, eaveboards, guttering, painting, paperhanging, texturing. Terms arranged. 483-8877 CARPENTERS-Need work, skilled all type homes, remodeling rooms, basem*nt, attic, roofing, siding painting, papering. All electric tools, references, Immediately. HI 4-6196 CARPENTER Needs man painting, paneling, steps, guttering, roofing, doors, windows, porches, sidina, general repairs, guaranteed work, references.
Call 737-0817 anytime. CARPENTER- Needs work now, family or man; plastering, painting, paneling, kitchen cabinets, porches, steps, floor and wall tile, siding, roofing, guttering, storm windows-doors; 483-3796. PATIO SPECIAL 16x20, reinforced, Prices good in Feb. only 362-9484 CONCRETE WORK Now Is the time to save on all concrete masonry work. 362-9484 CARPET INSTALLATION New and used, labor $1.25 sq.
yd. Exp. guaranteed 531-6431 BAsem*nTS--Waterproofed, concrete, foundation work. Retaining walls, steps, driveways, porches repaired. Floors leveled.
483-8877 RELIABLE Individual types remodeling wanted. Roofing, siding, room additions, rec rooms. Bank financing available. 836-8888. 753-4474 CHIMNEYS REPAIRED 231-4070 SMALL Repairs--Painting interior average room $20; plumbing, electrical carpentry, free estimates, 483-6229 PLASTERING texturing, waterproofing, chimneys, foundation, basem*nts-repairs.
HI 4-1989 CERAMIC Tile Installed -Family man Wants work now. Large or small lobs appreciated. 483-6063 BAsem*nT- plastering, texturing, stucco repair, chimneys, painting. Co 1-7853 KITCHEN Cabinets Paneling, ceramic tile, Formica, drainboards, linoleum. FLeming 6-1993 PAINTING -Paneling, carpentry, fire place repairs, blocks, concrete, foundations, 342-6043 CONCRETE-Waterproofing, patching, etc.
Small jobs appreciated, prompt. CO 2-9429 FOR A Chain Link Fence Phone 371- 2043, anytime. Free estimates. Graham Fence Co. SEWER CLEANING SEPTIC TANKS SEPTIC Tanks and lateral lines, ditching and grading, 5 year guarantee, experienced work Company, with 729 references, Kansas Avenue, Backhoe 371-3433 CLOGGED opens all electrically.
$13 up. 361-7124 SEWERS open all drains, Finley 2-2400, 361-0665 H-H SEWER Service Home repairs. 833- 2094, 833-4271 ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE SERVICES ELDER'S Servicing air conditioners, refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers. 931-1773 ELECTRICIAN- Repair, install fixtures, plugs. Licensed, 763-5518 LICENSED Electrician Wiring of all kinds.
FL 3-5216 TELEVISION, RADIO AND STEREO SERVICES COLOR TV RENTAL VI 2-9091 SALES-SERVICE SPECIAL-Calls Monochrome $3, color $6. 483-7295, 27 years. MOVING, STORING MOVING 1 piece, houseful, anything. Free estimates. Jeff Sumler, 763-4364 BUSY BEE CO storage, pack.
ing, crating, office moving, specialty. Export packing, estimates tree, VI 2-1352 HEWITT day-night, HEWITT-Wilson-Reasonable, experienced accept furniture, dependents. Veteran needs work. CH 1-1640 SPECIAL Rates on local moves, insured, dependable. Experienced men, free estimates.
358-5048, 334-2771 FAMILY Moving- Large and small, any. where, anytime, no extra charge Saturday-Sunday, RA 2-3789 MOVING G-Day-evenings, need work, large family, experienced. WA 3-3843 STORAGE Rooms--Shipping, moving. Globe Warehouse, 1712 Main. HA 1-1781 TOM'S Family Moving Experienced, special rates.
Call anytime. 942-5020 LOW Income moving rates for welfare, pensioners, etc. BA 1-2306 MOVING 7 dependents, day, night. 231-8689, CH 1-1674 MOVING -Piece or house full. 231-8689 HAULING HA I Commercial, residential, brush, trash, yards, basem*nts, garages cleaned, small bulldings torn down, 763 3723 HAULING-Steady.
cleanup, buildings, yards, brush, large truck, barrels sold. Quick, dependable, individual. WA 3-4101 LIGHT Moving and Hauling- Furniture, appilances, garages. and basem*nt cleaned, brush removal. 432-8097 MOVING -Hauling, big lobs, small lobs, courteous, reasonable rates.
Free estimates. Call anytime, 483-6574 TRASH Moving- Old furniture, cleaning basem*nts, leaves raked, wrecking old buildings. 861-7673, 371-2100 LIGHT Moving -Trash, furniture, ances, basem*nts, garages cleaned, 252- 4531 BRUSH Hauling, tree removal, free estlmates. 231-0316 LIGHT Hauling Moving-North of the river, 452-6564 PLUMBING, HEATING AIR CONDITIONING PLUMBING -Individual, guaranteed workmanship, licensed master craftsman. Repairs, leaks, drains, residential.
commercial. Free estimates, reasonable prices, 373-3792, WA 3-2180 FURNACE- Air conditioners repaired, cleaned, Installed, regassed, motors. Anywhere. Free estimates. Work guaranteed.
252-3500 PLUMBING- Any kind, large or small estimates, reasonable rates. 252-7239, 833-2796 EXPERT Plumbing- sewer cleaning, frozen pipes thawed. PL 8500 UNDERGROUND Water Leaks- Repairs, anywhere-any time, estimates. 333-7411 sewers, sinks, bath addition, water lines. BE 1-2110 repair and remodeling.
JA 3-3356 ALTERATION-MENS Experienced tallor finisher. on quality mens clothing. Permanent full or part time. Salary above scale, commensurate with ability. No dues.
Milt Baldridge, 1108 Grand, VI 2-8224 APARTMENT MANAGER FOR LUXURY JOHNSON COUNTY APARTMENT COMPLEX. You must be able to manage and. lease to upper income clientele. Apartment management ence helpful but not necessary. Experience in selling or dealing with upper income people most helpful.
For confidential interview call 648-7202 APARTMENT Manager- couple over 25, man employed, maintenance, clean up, 2 bedroom unfurnished apt. for services. 471-6100 APARTMENT Manager and Janitortired couple for 60-unit bullding, apartment plus salary, 561-3732, N1 2-6975 APPLIANCE REPAIRMAN experienced person to service small appliance and portable laundry equipment. Small pleasant shop, many fringe benefits and excellent opportunity advancement. Call Mike Arnone, weekdays 8:30 to 4 p.m.
at 333-7440 An equal opportunity employer. ARCHITECTS SENIOR DESIGNER 2 SENIOR DRAFTSMEN Immediate openings for 1 top Senior Designer, as well as 2 top Senior Draftsmen. Extensive experience required! Urban planning, housing, medical institutional bulldings. Please send resume or contact Mr. Mammen: JENKINS FLEMING ARCHITECTS, INC.
3531 Lindell Blvd. St. Louis, Mo. 63103 314 534-7015 ASSEMBLERS ELECTRONICS Immediate openings for beginning electronic assemblers. Full training provided for qualified beginners.
7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Start $1.80. Earn $2.00 hr. after months. Automatic increases to $2.25 hr.
Excellent working conditions fully paid employee health insurance. Apply at address shown below: KING RADIO 400 NORTH ROGERS ROAD OLATHE, KANSAS 66061 An equal opportunity employer ASSISTANT SERVICE MANAGER Excellent opportunity for one with proven managerial ability, preferably G. good pay, plus percentage, full compan benefits, caM R. Brenner, 334-0100 OLDSMOBILE ASSISTANT MANAGER usehe in The following Star styles Want and Ad sizes columns. are Letter and space counts are approximate.
Star 1 line STAR 35 letters Agate 26 letters and spaces and spaces Star About 2 lines STAR 30 letters 10 Point 25 letters and spaces and spaces Star About 3 lines STAR 26 letters 14 Point 22 letters and spaces and spaces Star About 4 lines STAR 18 Point 21 letters 17 letters and spaces and spaces Star About 5 lines 24 Point 17 letters 12 letters and spaces and spaces The following sizes available for ads of 70 lines or more. Star 36 7 About Hines point STAR 18 letters 13 letters and spaces and spaces Start About lines point STAR 13 letters 10 letters and spaces and spaces 60 point 12 lines About STA 9 letters 7 letters and spaces and spaces St 72 14 About point lines ST 7 letters 5 letters and spaces and spaces Special Classifications Deaths Funerals 25 words $5.02 Card of Thanks (more than 25 In Memoriam words 95c an Lodge Notices agate line) for (One standard size. both morning lodge and evening or emblem mitted) Sunday. $1.68 an agate line Public each day for both Notices morning and evaning weekdays. $1.17 Sunday.
Help Wanted $1.10 an agate line Financial (minimum $2.20) Personals each day or $1.05 Auto Loans an agate, line each Personal Loans day or more Employment (without consecutive days in Agencies copy) for both change Political Notices morning and even(Prepayment ting or Sunday. Required) 95c an agate line: (minimum Educational each day or 90c ani Professional agate line each day Services for 3 or more consecutive days (without change in copy)' for both morning and evening or Sunday. 221-5500 Direct Line to Ad Takers Must be able to work with upper income Prestige Missouri Apartment Complex clientele. Leasing experience helpful, experience formation and handling interview, call between 10 in responsibility, for ina.m. and 3 p.m., 763-6400 ASSISTANT LOAN MANAGER U.S.
Life Credit Corp. needs assistant loan manager in Maryville, Mo. Must be aggressive and willing to work hard in order to progress rapidly. Must have at least 6 months experience in small loan business. Contact, Mr.
Peery, 816-582-2109, Manager, Best Finance 420 N. Main, Maryville, Mo. ASSISTANT Manager Wanted Male, for busy restaurant lounge. Approximately 40 hrs a week or could be part time job. Must be 25 or older with cooking knowledge.
Apply 431-2987 Betty Pierson for personal interview. Coffee House in Airport Motor Inn, 1-29 Main Platte City, Mo. ASSISTANT Apartment Manager--Woman to help days per week, $50 mo. 765- 0488 ASST. MANAGER Fast food exp.
helpful but not necessary. Call after 2 p.m. 842-1544 ASSISTANT Manage: Couple Couple needed to take over caretaking duties and assist office on large KC complex. Office work will consist of renting units and bandling phone inquires. Caretaking duties will consist of building cleanup, assisting maintenance man and manager.
Salary commensurate with ability, experience necessary. Send resume to P.O. Box 237, Shawnee Mission, Ks. 66201. Old English Village Apts.
ASST. -Local firm needs indiv. to move Into Mgr. slot. Superb benefits.
$6,800. Fee pd. Fran Kelly, 461-9217, Snelling Snelling. ASST. Manager-Nat'l.
firm. has golden oppty. for goal seeking indiv. Great future benefits. $7500.
Fee pd. Ted lor, 455-0700, Snelling Snelling. ASSISTANT Manager -Married man wanting to get ahead with references, excellent future. 262-6522, Hardee's 2005 West 43rd. ATTENDANT--Automatic car wash, steady work, good pay.
Apply 4149 Broadway. AUDITOR, NIGHT -Motel experience, NCR 4200 preferred, pleasant working conditions, good benefits, 765-4333 AUTOMOTIVE NEW CAR GET READY MAN GOOD ALL ROUND MAN WITH EXPERIENCE, NEW FACILITIES, GOOD CLEAN SHOP, SEE BILL GORDON, NORTH HILLS. LINC. MERC. 21 N.E.
VIVION 454-7100 AUTO SERVICE DISPATCHER Words 10 11 to 15 16 to 20 21 to 25 26 to 30 31 to 35 Words 10 11 to 15 16 to 20 21 to 25 26 to 30 31 to 35 Good pay plus bonus, mechanical ground needed, uniforms and hospitalizafion furnished, see Ralph Ferron, Bill George Chrysler Plymouth, 1244 Minn. KCK. 621-6905 AUTO Porter -Need utility porter for duty on wash rack etc. Salary and benefits excellent. Call or See Jim Reed or Tom Stilwell at Lloyd Ketcham Oldsmobile, 11911 E.
40 Hiway, Independence. 358-2500 AUTOMOTIVE-Warranty and all round girl to work with service manager. Must have some dealership experience. Salary open. Call Carol, 621-6905 Bill George Chrysler Plymouth 1244 Minn.
KCK. AUTO Body Man Painters Exp. plenty of work, paid vacation Insurance. Clean well equipped shop. Santa Fe Body Shop, 1-35 150 Hiway, Olathe, see Gary, 764-3511 AUTO Painter -Good steady job for 2 helpers in body shop.
Will Day top salary, must be good and able to furnish local reference. 921-1606 BABY Sitter -Wanted, South of Landing area, Part time, DE 3-7489 BANK Teller -Southtown location, prefer previous experience, good starting salary. Please call Mr. Schultz 363-4400 BANK LOAN DEPT. We need a person with loan collection experience to work full time in our Installment Loan Dept.
This is a career position offers full bank benefits plus an excellent future for person who is willing to work hard toward it. This position is open now. Contact: JACKSON COUNTY STATE BANK 2600 E. Meyer EM 1-1000 An Equal Opportunity Employer BANK SECRETARY Diversified responsibilities, good typina skills, shorthand essential. Mr.
Williams, 833-1600, Chrisman Sawyer Bank, Mo. Equal Opportunity Employer. BAR Maid- Apply Jade East, 209 E. 124h 471-9282 BAR Maid -Nights, pay, bonuses, $75. 321 East 11th, GL 3-1483 BAR Maid Night waltress with experlence.
231-0056 BAR Tender- -Nights, see Louie, King Louie Plaza, 430 Nichols Re. BARTENDER--Male or female, night shift, $120 week to start. Must be experienced. Apply 431-3987, Betty Pierson for personal interview. Coffee House in port Motor Inn, 1-29 Main Platte City, Mo.
BARTENDER Wanted-5 nights, good hours, good pay. interested in work, apply Goal Post Lounge, 10901 E. 50 Hiway. BARTENDER lady to work in and plush reflable. club atmosphere.
Unicorn Club Apartments, 362-1920 BARTENDER co*ckTAIL WAITRESS Combination, hrs. 4-8 p.m., call Mr. Wotford, 621-3085 this classification continued on next page.