The Prince - ProfessionalRanter - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter 1: Awakening

Chapter Text

"He won't so long as he dodges!"

Those were the final words that Izuku heard before Katsuki pulled the pin on his gauntlet. As the explosion rushed towards him, he felt pain, unlike anything he had ever felt before. As he slammed through concrete walls, he felt rebar stab into him as his skin burned. His bones were broken all over and in many places stuck out from his flesh. His sight left him as he felt his legs shatter. Blood quickly began to fill his lungs as he finally stopped moving. The momentum of the explosion had nearly sent him outside of the training building with his head hanging out. Izuku's heart stopped beating as blood pooled around him.

"Young Midoriya! Young Midoriya do you hear me! My boy, please, say something!?" All Might's voice cracked as he saw his successor and son in all but blood lying on the ground surrounded by his own blood. Bakugou stepped out of the smoking hallway and stopped as he stared at the still body of Izuku twisted and broken.

"What!? f*ck! You just had to f*cking ruin my chances you useless Deku!" He only cared that he would most likely be expelled from UA for what he had just done, not the fact that he just murdered someone in cold blood. Iida began to try and get Bakugou's attention to find out what just happened when a loud whine escaped Izuku's still warm corpse. His eyes once lifeless became a bright glowing green like a beacon. His broken body twisted and moved as in the distance an anguished cry could be heard. His body began to rise back to its feet as his bones continued to release sickening snaps.

"Deku, what's going on!?" The voice of Izuku's first friend in UA rang in his ear but all she got was a low-pitched groan as the now living corpse set its eyes on the person who killed it. A growl not unlike that of a wild beast escaped its throat as in a flash it punched Bakugou. The bones snapped with a sickening crunch as the green energy that came from Izuku's lifeless eyes began to glow from his open wounds. His body began to shift as the costume that his mother had made with love for him began to tear, destroying it further after Bakugou's attacks.

With small spurts of blood, the bones that had been sticking out of Izuku's right hand began to return inside the flesh as it mended itself into a twisted clawed hand. Izuku's mouth opened and with a screech that chilled everyone who heard it rushed forward and kicked Bakugou out of the building. His back began to shift and deform as his body pushed the debris that had been embedded into him onto the ground. Running forward with sickening crunches Izuku's living corpse headbutted Bakugou as he began to enter the building again. Izuku's left leg began to deform as it bent backward at the knee as his feet shifted, breaking his shoes as large talons replaced his toes with a new one growing at the back of his foot.

"What the hell are you doing ya stupid Deku!? Trying to play dead to f*ck with me!? Well, it won't wo-" Izuku cut him off with a bellowing roar that could be heard for miles attracting the attention of many. Another roar louder than the one Izuku let out echoed in response. Izuku's shoulder blades snapped and broke as wings burst from his back with the sounds of tearing cloth and flesh accompanying it. Whatever was possessing Izuku's corpse gave them several experimental flaps as it walked towards Bakugou with its unhealed leg limping behind it. Tenya and Ochako came out of the training building only to stop dead at the sight before them. Their friend was twisted and deformed with limbs entirely foreign to his body that only minutes ago had been fine. The creature began to flap its wings and hovered off the ground. It growled at Bakugou and flew at him faster than he could react. With a clawed slap, Bakugou was sent flying across the ground before he began to roll until he landed in another building leaving a large hole in the wall.

More of Izuku's right arm began to twist and deform as it became longer. The skin began to blacken and grey with a ring forming on his forearm with several lines running all over it much like his changed leg and new wings. His jaw which had been dislocated in the explosion opened with a sickening creak as Bakugou came out of the building dazed. A shriek not unlike that of a massive bird of prey came hurling from his throat as he flew towards his target. As he flew, he tucked his wings in slightly and began to spin in the air like a moving drill with the two small spikes that rested at the elbows of his wings pointed straight at Bakugou. Before he could land his hit, All Might came rushing in and grabbed Bakugou out of the way. "Young Midoriya! Please, tell me if you can hear me!? Anything!?"

All Might got no response as Izuku's other arm began to shift and mirror that of his right arm. The long-muscled arms dangled in the air as Izuku's dead stare looked through All Might and at Bakugou who stood behind the number one hero much to his chagrin. "I can take care of f*cking Deku!"

Before All Might could say anything in response Izuku flew at him. Before he would hit his mentor, he pivoted around him and kicked Katsuki with his broken leg. The bones snapped loudly, and Tenya felt sick. It began to mend itself as it mirrored his left leg. The fabric at the base of his spine began to shift as Izuku screamed to the heavens as he clawed at his head. All Might tried to go to his successor to help him but the suddenly grown tail knocked him out of the training city as Izuku's claws left marks on his head as ten horns began to grow from his head like a crown. His jaw placed itself back where it belonged as his teeth began to elongate and sharpen. Eraserhead, Midnight, and Present Mic ran onto the scene only to stop as they witnessed Izuku's body continue to contort as the pointed tail lashed out leaving small holes in the ground when it hit. The horns continued to grow as his face grew grey with hints of green where his freckles once were.

"Knew I should've expelled him." Aizawa lashed his capture scarf out and bound Izuku's arms and wings to his body. He fell to the ground with a thud as he continued to move erratically. The three heroes stepped forward, but they soon regretted that decision. Izuku's heart began to beat normally again as he vomited up the last of the debris that resided within his body. His eyes remained glowing as the capture scarf wrapped around him began to shift about. With a roar that could rival Yamada's quirk, his wings tore through the capture scarf as they grew four times their original size. Izuku's knees broke as his legs became ramrod straight. He bent his knees forward as he got up and then they bent backward once he was standing. Aizawa's capture scarf was useless now as the cloth fell to the ground. Izuku's eyes fell on the three teachers. He found his next targets.

Yamada let out one of his iconic sonic screeches at Izuku as Aizawa got his knife out. Izuku covered his ears in pain as they began to bleed slightly. The screaming stopped as Present Mic needed to take a breath but that was all Izuku needed to rush forward and kick the radio hero down the street. He knocked Aizawa back with one of his wings and knocked Kayama away with his fist as he turned his head every which way in an effort to keep track of all those who would attack him.

"Midoriya! Midoriya!"


Tenya and Ochako tried to reach their friend, but they were pulled back by Present Mic as he let out another sonic blast at Izuku who screamed out in pain as he felt his ears rupture. Blood began to leak through his fingers and Yamada's eyes widened in horror. Before he could stop attacking though Izuku tore his ears off of his head with a pained roar. The two pieces of flesh fell to the ground as everyone looked on in horror at the self-mutilation. Tenya and Ochako wanted to go help him, but Midnight let out her sleeping gas before they could step forward. Izuku covered his mouth as he flapped his wings rapidly and dispelled the gas just as quickly as it had come. His glowing eyes narrowed at the Rated R hero before dashing forward and knocking her through several buildings with his tail.

Aizawa rushed forward with his knife at the ready to incapacitate his wings when Izuku pivoted and bit down on the knife shattering it. Aizawa was clawed in his face and one of his eyes was covered with blood. Some of the lines that ran all across Izuku's new body began to glow green as the rings on each of his forearms began to shift. Izuku disappeared in a blur and reappeared in front of Present Mic as he tore his Directional Speaker off of his neck. It fell to the ground in pieces as Yamada covered his mouth in fear of using his quirk now.

"Midoriya?" Izuku turned to the source of the voice to find Tenya and Ochako staring at him in clear concern. They began to step forward, but Izuku growled lightly. They stepped back and raised their hands placatingly and Izuku's posture relaxed. "We aren't going to hurt you." Tenya tried to assure him.

"Yeah, we just want to help." Ochako stepped forward carefully, not wanting to scare him.

As Izuku seemed to calm down Bakugou came barreling forward with his other gauntlet now full and ready to be used. "Don't think we're done yet Deku!" Before Bakugou could pull the pin and blow up the now much larger Izuku a large mass body slammed into him sending him flying. Izuku's ears which had regrown into more pointy versions of the original picked up small screams in the distance. Bakugou got to his feet in anger but stopped as he looked upon the woman before him. "Auntie?"

Inko Midoriya stood tall towering over all that was in her vicinity. She had four sets of horns with one set framing her cheeks while the other three of various sizes formed a large crown over her head. Her eyes which normally showed kindness burned with hatred as they glowed a faint green. She was well-muscled and sculpted like an Amazonian. She lacked the wings and tail that her son had but with how she held herself it was clear that wasn't a problem. "You dare to murder my son, force his true form to the surface, and for it to twist and deform his body. I should've killed you after the first time you beat him, laws of Lucifer be damned. I have ruined all those who dared to hurt my son and I will not stop now!" Inko raised her hand up and various demonic ruins began to appear as she chanted in a language unknown to all those present except for her. Before she could finish though she heard a loud thump as Izuku fell to the ground.

"Midoriya!" Tenya and Ochako rushed towards him as Inko's chanting stopped. Her eyes bore upon her son, and she rushed forward to look upon him.

"Oh, my sweet little angel, what has happened to you?" Inko looked upon both Tenya and Ochako for a moment before making a decision. A wide pentagram circle appeared beneath the group of four as it glowed red. "You two have been chosen by the duch*ess of Fortune, a denizen of Hell, and advisor to Lucifer. Until my son is healthy you shall guard him and heal him. In return, I shall grant your families luck and fortune." Inko's eyes turned upon Katsuki who was frozen to the spot. "Know this Katsuki Bakugou, you may have an angel guarding you, but I shall tear their wings from their body and make them watch as I kill you. Your days are numbered." With a bright red flash, the small group disappeared leaving the rest to stare at the pentagram burned into the ground.

Chapter 2: Hell (EDITED)


Inko brings Izuku to his true home, hell, with Tenya and Ochako along for the ride


Edited out Lilith

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"LUCIFER!" Inko started running the moment the circle stopped glowing. Tenya and Ochako looked around to find them in a lavish hallway made up of various shades of red. "LUCIFER MORNINGSTAR SHOW YOURSELF!" Inko carried Izuku in her arms as she stormed through the castle. All servants that saw her scurried out of her way in fear of being trampled. Izuku's two friends quickly decided to follow her and stay close. "LUCIFER MORNINGSTAR THE FALLEN ANGEL IF YOU DO NOT SHOW YOURSELF I WILL PERSONALLY DESTROY THIS ENTIRE CASTLE BRICK BY f*ckING BRICK UNTIL I FIND YOU!"

"Inko! What the f*ck are you doing here?" A demon with pure white skin, blonde hair, a mouth full of sharp teeth, and pupils resembling that of a snake came out of the room in a very disheveled suit.

"Where are your healers?" Inko ignored his question.

"Why do you-" His words died on his lips as Inko turned around to face him revealing Izuku's breathing but still form in her arms. "Come with me." Any sense of mirth in his voice died as he led them through the castle to a small room. "It hasn't been used for quite some time since Charlie moved out, I'll call them in. What happened?" As he got to work Inko began to explain the story with Tenya and Ochako slowly gaining a sense of horror as they heard what their friend had gone through. "Should've called you back after the first few years up there. What's with the two humans?" Lucifer pointed the two to the side of the bed while he hooked Izuku up to the heart monitor.

"They are his friends, true friends. I have put them under contract to watch over him until he is back to health."

"Um?" Both turned to stare at Tenya as he slightly shrunk back in fear. "What is wrong with Midoriya?"

"Demons don't normally have that coloration for their skin. Well, at least demons that were born from denizens of hell. Also Midoriya?" Lucifer raised his eyebrow at Inko.

"I needed a fake family name."

Before Ochako could ask her own question the doors slammed open. The healer ran in and looked around, "Someone tell me what's happened!?" He panted out as he walked towards Izuku and began to monitor his vitals.

"He-" Inko tried to say something but everything seemed to catch up to her and she began to let out gut-wrenching sobs as tears pooled from her eyes. Lucifer quickly walked over and gave her a small hug that while didn't even come close to encompassing her entire body did convey the intention.

"It's okay little sister. Let it out." Tenya and Ochako watched in utter astonishment as one demon cried and the other attempted to soothe her. Lucifer began to explain to his healer what Inko told him but his eyes were focused on his nephew.

"H-h-his heart-t stopped b-beating and-and his body-" The weeping mother couldn't finish as she devolved into more howls of anguish that rocked the castle. Her big brother continued to hug her as tears fell to the floor.

"It's going to be alright, he'll be alright." Lucifer sent a subtle glare at the healer conveying that if Izuku didn't survive unemployment would be the least of his worries.

"His heart is beating once more. It seems as though something worked alongside his demonic heritage to keep him alive. However, his body is currently adjusting and needs time and rest." The healer scratched the back of their head in confusion. They had never seen something like this before.

Lucifer looked at the healer for a moment before letting out a sigh. "We'll need to figure out what the unknown variable is. Inko, you said he began to exhibit what to the mortals seemed to be a quirk."

Inko's sobs and lessened to whimpers. "I thought it was his heritage coming into play."

"It is possible but I will not risk him on a possibility. You two!" Lucifer pointed at Tenya and Ochako who straightened up in fear. "Did anything of note happen while he was in that feral state?"

"Uh, All Might was acting like he knew him and didn't want to hit him at all." Ochako admitted, talking before her thoughts caught up to her mouth.

"Hm, I'll be sending Stolas to look into a possible connection between All Might and my nephew. In the meantime, he'll need another place to stay as he heals. The castle is too dangerous for him." Lucifer rubbed at his chin in thought of where would be safest to place Izuku. "Charlie's hotel might be a safe bet, my dear. They only have one person staying there," He muttered.

Inko rubbed the tears from her eyes as she looked at her sister in confusion. "Charlotte has a hotel?"

"It's a recent endeavor of hers. She believes that the sinners of hell can be redeemed. It would also be a safe space for Izuku's two human friends to reside. I don't think I need to explain how two humans walking around hell can spell certain death." Tenya gulped at the implications. Lucifer began working on a portal to Charlie's hotel after handing Inko a large handkerchief that most would mistake for a tablecloth. "Before you two begin do you have any questions?"

"Just a couple hundred. For starters what the f*ck!?" Ochako was finally beginning to freak out while Tenya looked at Izuku.

'We are training to be heroes and Izuku needs our help, how could we call ourselves heroes if we can't help our friend.' His thoughts immediately turned to his brother and what he would do, "You mentioned that while we would be looking over Izuku our families would welcome great luck and fortune, what did you mean by that?"

"For your family Tenya, their fame will rise and your brother will go up in the rankings with the agency getting access to new funds that will turn it into something new. Ochako, the debt that your family faces will be paid in full and they will gain more jobs in construction." Inko explained the benefits of the contract she had put them under.

"Is there anything we should know about hell?"

"Time here moves faster than up there. It was a measure we put in place to have some semblance of order due to how many mortals die on average a day. One day up there is a week and a half down here."

Ochako began to calm down as she grasped at the fact that her family's debt would be paid in full. "Can we have some way to communicate with them? Just so they won't freak out too much."

"I can prepare something for you." Inko's eyes suddenly began to glow. "However, if your communications with them put my son at risk I will torture you till the end of time."

The two quickly began to nod in fear.

"Portal's ready. I'll get you some books on demon biology so you can care for him." Lucifer stepped through the portal first and was welcomed with the sight of Charlie staring at it in both confusion and slight terror, although she was the only one Lucifer recognized. She was the spitting image of both her parents. Her girlfriend Vagatha stood with her spear at the ready. The moth demon stood in front of his daughter. Behind them reclining on a couch was the famous p*rnstar Angel Dust with a popsicle dripping slightly onto his fur. To Lucifer's surprise, a sinner with the energy of an overlord was also there was there as well. His eyes held great fascination for what was currently happening. There were two other demons that Lucifer also didn't recognize.

Tenya and Ochako came in behind him, the residents of the hotel became confused at the sight of two humans. Then Inko ducked in through the portal with Izuku in her arms. Recognition flashed in Charlie's eyes. "Auntie Inko!?" Any semblance of fear vanished as the princess of hell rushed forward to her aunt whom she hadn't seen for a very long time. She soon stopped though as she saw Izuku in her aunt's arms. "Uh, who's that?"

"Charlie, this is your cousin Izuku. He was born while your aunt was up in the mortal world observing the changes they had experienced. Unfortunately, several future residents of the castle's dungeons have hurt him and his heart stopped while up there. Inko grabbed these two humans, friends of his, to watch over him as he recovers. They will need to stay here for the time being since the moment it is discovered that Inko not only has returned but also has a son assassin's will more than likely attack." A dark aura emanated from Inko at the thought of any assassins trying to hurt her baby.

"We can set up some rooms, Alastor recently decided to sponsor the hotel and gave us two new employees so we can easily look after him. What's his name?" Charlie took the news of both having a cousin and the bare minimum of what happened to him quite well. If you didn't know her well. To those that did it was clear that she was bottling up her rage. Vaggie hadn't seen her like this since the last time she had talked with her parents when Lucifer had ridiculed the hotel.

"Oh Charlotte, always the considerate one. Just point to the room and I'll take Izuku there. That's his name, Izuku."

Charlie led her aunt up the stairs as Vaggie stared in absolute terror. 'The killer of billions, she's returned.'


Let me know if you want more

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Chapter 3: A Mother's Rage (EDITED)


Learn why Inko is feared


edited out Lilith

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Once Inko had laid Izuku on the bed she looked at Charlie. Her niece clearly had questions. "What do you want to know?"

Charlie didn't say anything for a few moments, trying to figure out what was most important to her to know, "What's he like?"

Inko smiled softly as she tucked some of Izuku's hair behind one of his horns, "He is one of the kindest people that you can meet. He has a heart bigger than anything and wants people to be happy. When he told me he wanted to become a hero he said it was to save people. I don't know how the reveal of what he truly is or what happened to him will change that."

Charlie gained a hopeful gleam in her eyes, "Do you think he would support my idea for redemption?"

Inko looked at Charlie for a moment before letting out a sigh, "Charlotte, you wish to redeem everyone in hell who was sent here. But not all of them deserve a second chance. Some of them ended up here because they did things in order to protect others that they cared about or to survive. Others did things because they were greedy or were simply bored. I think it's a good idea that has merit, but you have to understand that not everybody has the capacity to be good."

"But everybody deserves a chance!" Charlie shot back.

"No, not everybody. What about those who raped children? Those who slaughtered countless people because they just felt like it? Those who committed cannibalism not because they had to but because they wanted to? Some of the people here in hell do indeed deserve another chance and you should help them. But don't try and redeem all of these people when so many of them are here for truly the right reasons." Inko kept her voice calm, she knew that when Charlie focused on a project she would see it complete no matter what anyone said. Charlie was silent as she mulled over what her aunt had said. A small smile grew on Inko's face, "You have a big heart full of kindness, but you have to know where to direct it if you truly want to help people. Izuku would most likely support the endeavor though."

Charlie looked up at that, surprised but hopeful, "He would?"

"He is incredibly smart and sees the best in many. But that is partly what led to what happened to him. His kindness was taken advantage of and he suffered for it. That is most likely why your father doesn't support this endeavor. Your wish to redeem everyone because of your kindness could get you hurt or worse, dead. He loves you with every fiber of his being and couldn't bear it if something happened to you." Inko began to leave the room as she ducked under the doorway.

Charlie didn't miss what Inko said about her father, but she focused on something else, "You said it was partly what led to this, what was the other part?"

Inko looked back into the room at Charlie. "That would be the angel that watches over the brat that stopped his heart. They shielded him from all punishments and never let him face the consequences of his actions. That brat made the choice to do what he did, but the angel is the one who has not let karma do its work." Inko left and went down to the lobby where Lucifer still was. "Izuku is upstairs on a bed. These two humans are under contract with me and thus under my protection. If any harm comes to them you shall answer to me."

With the warning out of the way, she ducked into the portal with her brother-in-law and sister following behind her. The portal closed soon after. "So who was the tall chick?"

Vaggie facepalmed and let out a loud groan at Angel Dust's question. "How do you not know who duch*ess Inko is!?"

Angel Dust shrugged, "Told ya, not into politics."

Vaggie let out a sigh laden with frustration, "She is Lucifer's first-ever advisor and the reason he and Lilith are married. Charlie told me about it a bunch of times on how Inko's big sister wanted to know someone other than Adam and or her and she pointed Lucifer in Lilith's direction."

"That's it?"

"She also used to perform the purges before the angels took over, by herself. She kept hell's population in check for many centuries and is the reason time down here moves faster than up there. She is skilled in magics of all the pantheons and has fought against many other gods and monsters."

"Still not ringing a bell."

"Oh for f*ck's sake, she owns the Isle Casino!" Vaggie yelled at Angel Dust. Husk perked up at the mention of the casino but he quickly returned to his bottle.

"Wait seriously? Damn, Valentino's been trying to make a play in the gambling business but that casino always beat him out."

Vaggie facepalmed, "You are ridiculous."

Tenya and Ochako stood to the side having been temporarily forgotten. They both gulped loudly at the implications of Inko's strength.

~Lucifer's Castle~

Once Inko had returned she had discarded the rags of her earthly clothes, torn apart from her transformation, and put on a deep green three-piece suit. She adjusted the cuffs as she stepped into a grand hall with a large table in the middle of it. Lucifer often held meetings with the various rulers of hell there. She used her magic to shrink herself down to a smaller size and took a seat. Two small bowls were placed in front of her, one was empty while the other was full of small black rocks. She picked one of them up and began to weave it through the fingers of her hand as the other two members of her family took their own seats.

"Now before we begin on revenge, we do need to speak about what you have learned while in the mortal world. Why did the humans begin gaining strange powers?" Lucifer looked at Inko expectantly.

"The mortals have taken to calling them quirks. Their society has drastically changed with heroes being the prominent enforcers of the law and villains fighting against them. Of course, there is still much corruption and while racism has mostly faded out it was quickly replaced with quirkism. It is essentially the same as racism but the discrimination is based around the quirk of the individual. From those considered villainous to those with extreme mutative quirks to even some considered best only in a sexual manner, there is no short supply of it." Inko wasn't able to share everything in her reports given just how much she had to investigate.

"Did you learn of their origin?"

"A combination of God playing about and a few demonic contracts to ensure the survival of some children. I looked for those types of things and I found them easily. However, I wasn't fully able to finish that investigation as a mass hysteria from people without Quirks against people with Quirks began. It's entirely possible information was lost because of that."

"Dammit, we'll need to communicate with the Council to get more information then." Lucifer gritted his teeth, already not looking forward to it given the Angel watching over Izuku's Killer most likely came from Heaven as well as his own relationship with Heaven, "The contracts make sense at least, but why was God playing about?"

"Best guess is that they wanted to introduce some chaos like they did back when the other pantheons were created by them. They wanted humans to have new changes so a new factor was introduced." Inko shrugged, given how many quirked people died during the early day of quirks she wasn't entirely certain. Inko let the small rock roll into the palm of her hand before crushing it. She opened it to reveal a diamond. She put it into the empty bowl and picked up another piece of coal.

"With that out of the way let's begin discussing how we shall handle, Katuski Bakugou you said his name was?" Lucifer leaned forward, considering this far more important.

Inko grit her teeth, "Until we can find the angel guarding him we can do nothing. I will rest down here for a few days time to allow my magic to become reacquainted with my body once more and then begin his torture."

"Do you have any guess as to the age range of the angel?" Lucifer asked, already making plans to pull in a few favors owed to him.

"My guess is fairly young, they have shielded Bakugou from all consequences he could've ever faced in his life preventing him from learning a lesson. The other tormentors I simply focused karma onto them and let them learn lessons with a few select ones I've marked for the dungeons." Inko couldn't be certain though. The angel was good at covering their tracks.

Lucifer leaned forward, the scowl that had adorned his face since they had returned from his daughter's hotel deepened. "Some may blame what he did on the angel."

"They blocked all incoming negative karma and increased the amount of positive karma he experienced. While it is true they are partially to blame the brat still made his own choices despite everything he has learned in school and other experiences. He made his choices and must suffer the consequences." Inko dropped a newly made diamond into the bowl before grabbing a small handful of coal and crushing it all into the precious gem. "While I may not be able to touch him there are other ways to torture him. Has my casino been well managed?"

"Stolas has looked after it most days and on the days that he can't I take over. It remains the go-to gambling location in hell." Lucifer assured her. It was one of the few times

Inko gave a small nod of thanks to her big sister before the doors slammed open with a burst of wind. An owl demon walked into the room dressed in clothes that would most commonly be seen on English royalty in the human realm with grace. He let a wide smile adorn his face as he laid his eyes on Inko. "Oh, Inko it's been far too long! Octavia has missed you so and we really do need to have another duel of magic at some point. I'm certain I'll be able to break out tie this time." The bowl of diamonds was given one more gem as the bowl that held the coal was empty. Inko got up from her seat and let the magic that she had used to shrink herself go allowing her natural height to return. She still towered over Stolas despite it being a long time since last she had been able to meet in person with her friendly rival. She brought Stolas in for a hug before allowing him to take his own seat. Instead of shrinking down again she simply used her magic to make the seat bigger for herself. "Now, why have you called me here Lucifer?"

"My nephew is currently in an undead state. I'm certain I don't need to remind you of the last time we experienced a situation like this."

Stolas' eyes widened slightly before they darted over to Inko who nodded. "Hell's gates were almost destroyed."

"Thankfully his heart started up again although how that is we have yet to discover. There is an unknown factor that remains up in the realm of humans and you are to go up there when Inko does to investigate."

Inko quickly took over the conversation. "He is the number one hero of Japan known as The Symbol of Peace All Might. His real name is Toshinori Yagi and he has some unknown relationship with my son. I need you to discover what it is so we can factor it into Izuku's treatment and recovery."

"It will be done, old friend. Would you like to see how your casino is doing?"

"I would love to." The two left as Lucifer and Lilith began to converse about the news of quirks.


Let me know if you want more

Leave your thoughts and feedback in the comments
Thanks for the Kudos

Chapter 4: The Casino and Waking Up


Inko visits her casino for the first time in years and Izuku wakes up.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Inko and Stolas sat in the owl demon's limo as it drove along the streets of hell. Inko stared out at how the city of the Pride Ring had changed since she last saw it. She looked at her friend from the side of her eye as she spoke, "Are you still married to Stella?"

"Yes," Stolas answered casually, already knowing this question was coming.

Inko turned to her rival to arch an eyebrow at him, "The only good thing I've seen come out of that marriage is Octavia, why would you stay with that bitch?"

Stolas waved his hand, "It's complicated."

"It was an arranged marriage between your parents and hers. With the power you have, it can easily be nulled," Inko pointed out.

Stolas folded his arms, "Why do you ask?"

"I can smell an imp on you," Inko pointed at her nose.

"We have servants who-"

"His sem*n." She smirked at him as his answer died on his lips.

Stolas stalled before letting out a sigh, "His name is Blitzo, he works out of someplace here in the city. It used to be just a little arrangement where he would have sex with me and I'd let him use my grimoire to do his little business."

"Then you caught feelings for him."

Stolas smiled softly, "He makes me feel special; like I'm more than just my position and power. Oh, when he-" Stolas began to go into graphic detail about what he and Blitzo would do in the bedroom, much to Inko's growing expression of disturbance. "-and he bends me over his knee and raises his hand and-"

"Please stop talking before I decide to risk walking to the casino."

Stolas stopped but it was clear he held no shame given the wide smirk he had. "We may not yet be able to beat each other in a duel but I at least have you beat in the disturbing department."

"I practice torture of the body, you practice torture of the mind. We are both at the top of our game in the disturbing department just in different categories."

Stolas pointed his finger playfully at Inko, "Ah, but I'm able to disturb you while you have yet to disturb me!"

Inko let out a small laugh, Stolas had always been capable of making her laugh even during the toughest of times. The limo began to go over a bridge as it made its way towards a small isle completely dominated by a series of buildings with the largest one seeming to be designed after Inko's horns with a building in between them. The limo parked and the two got out of the vehicle with Inko letting go of the shrinking spell and returning to her full height. They walked toward what seemed to be the main Casino of the island and opened the doors. "-AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS!!!" To one of the employees being held back by another. She appeared to be human if her right arm being seemingly made out of shadows wasn't apparent. She had blonde hair and wore what appeared to be an English police officer's uniform with it being a bit tight around the chest area and seemingly stained red. She was being held back by two imps from attacking another demon who had a bleeding nose. Inko let out a sigh as she raised her hand up and a cane appeared in it. It was ornate with a large blood ruby as its head with runes running all across its body. Inko slammed the cane on the ground letting a shockwave out that stopped what everyone was doing. The blonde looked towards the source and her angered expression quickly became happy. "Ma'am!"

Inko walked forward as the two imps let go of the girl who quickly dashed forward to stand in front of her boss. Her back was straight and she quickly brought a closed fist over her heart and bowed briefly before returning to attention. "Seras, what is going on?"

"I was just complimenting her and she-"

"I didn't ask you. Speak again and I will remove your tongue." The demon that Seras had been trying to attack quickly shut his mouth as the two imps walked back to their jobs while shooting him dirty looks.

"I was finishing making my rounds around the isle when he decided to grab me. He said he would like to f*ck me among several other things you probably do not wish to know. I allowed my anger to get the best of me."

Inko looked down at her head of security before reaching out her hand. A few runes appeared and the demon was brought into it. He soon began to scream as the hand holding onto the top of his head began to glow a deep demonic red. His body began to turn to ash from the feet and soon his screams stopped. Only ash remained as Inko looked about. "The casino will be closing for the rest of the day. Leave or Seras shall be feasting on your blood. Seras, gather the others, we are to have a meeting."


Inko walked further into the casino with her cane every so often tapping on the floor. The rest of the customers quickly began leaving with some needing convincing that the employees were more than willing to give. Seras watched as they did so while Stolas walked up to her. "She always did favor you."

"When did she get back?" Seras asked, smiling softly as she looked at Inko's retreating form.

"Recently, she may have to leave every once in a while to return to the mortal realm for some business that she has to attend to but not for as long as she did."

Seras looked as though she wanted to say more but waited until the rest of the guests were gone before voicing her thoughts. "Did she have her kid?"

"Yes, and he is why she has returned. You'll learn more at the meeting. I need to get going now, please give Inko my regards." Stolas quickly left and once Seras had done a once-over of the building she quickly went to the others.

~half a (hell) hour later~

"THOSE f*ckING BASTARDS!" Seras slammed both of her fists onto the table as her teeth were shown to be razor-sharp like a predator. Three other people sat around the table, a man in a trench coat with blonde hair, another man in a crimson coat and wide-brimmed hat, and a woman with a rapier.

While two of them had similar expressions of rage the man in the hat began to chuckle lightly. "It has been a long time since we last saw you take revenge on somebody, it will prove to be very interesting."

"Alucard will you shut up!"

"What angel would interfere with karma in such a way?"

"Integra, Alexander, that's enough. I have told each of you this so that you are aware of something very important. My son is currently in a state between being undead and alive. While revenge is an objective his health takes priority. I may send any of you up to the realm of mortals for various things that will relate either to revenge or his recovery." Inko sat on a large seat with various depictions of beasts carved into it. She had the cane across her lap as she looked over each of them. "I gave each of you a seat for what you did in curbing the problem of zombies and vampires in the world of the living. Alexander, I granted you a chance to continue your job of keeping demons in check by observing contracts that are done, Integra, I put you in charge of hunting down any demon that was idiotic enough to enter the world of the living. Alucard wished to continue being as he called it "a f*ck mothering vampire" among a few reasons he decided not to share, while Seras simply wished for something new beyond the stale life she had begun to experience. I made each of you demons and a part of my inner circle for this reason. You keep the order of hell without being tied to some gang. Now, you will have a few other jobs for a time." Each of them nodded at Inko.

~At Charlie's Hotel~

Charlie was back in the lobby as she helped store away Tenya and Ochako's hero costumes. Once they had stated that they needed new outfits to wear Charlie had asked Angel to go get some on the basis that he owed her one for the news fiasco. Tenya was wearing jeans that had been modified by Nifty to fit his legs. The clothes were pretty basic for hell standards and not very revealing. "So, your Izuku's "Friends," where were you when he was murdered?"

Tenya and Ochako sat on a couch as Charlie looked over them. Despite her kind demeanor, she is still Lucifer's daughter. "On another floor during the training exercise. We didn't know what was going on or that Mido- Izuku had been seemingly murdered."

"He was, he came back as an undead demon, something that nearly destroyed hell the last time they were around. Auntie Inko may trust you but you have yet to earn mine. Your little calls with the magic mirrors she set up in your rooms will be monitored until you earn my trust."

On the landing above the stairs, Izuku walked out of his room. He was yawning as he rubbed at his eyes with Alastor being the only one who noticed him being awake. As Izuku walked towards the stairs he accidentally stepped on his tail and tripped when he jumped from the pain. "f*ck!" He fell down the stairs and landed in a heap with his face to the ground.

"Midoriya!" Tenya and Ochako quickly got up and raced over to their friend although Charlie got to him first. He let out a groan as he slowly got up.

"Ugh, what did I step on?" As he looked up he noticed a very different layout than the nurse's office of UA. Then he saw the people. "Am I still asleep?" As he got up he noticed his hands and legs. His tail made itself apparent as it wiggle about and his wings flapped lightly, Izuku moved to scratch his head but felt the horns.

"Midor- Izuku are you okay?"

Izuku looked at Tenya weirdly. "Uh, yeah I'm doing fine Iida. Why are you calling me by my first name?"

"Um, Izuku, a lot happened."

Izuku turned to look at Ochako next. He was confused for a bit before realization shined in his eyes. "Oh, I get it, this is just one of those f*cking pranks Bakugou always pulls. I'm gonna pull on this horn and it'll come right off." As Izuku reached up he muttered to himself, "Can't believe I actually thought I got some friends." Izuku had yet to notice Charlie who had stepped back in order to not scare him with an unfamiliar face. As he pulled on the horn his head went with it and he lightly winced in pain. "Wow, he hasn't used this glue since he glued that sign to my forehead." He pulled at it harder but the horn didn't budge. Soon he was using both hands but it did nothing. Soon Ochako grabbed Izuku's hands to stop him from hurting himself. Izuku's eyes widened, "This isn't a prank, is it?" Charlie made herself known as Izuku grew a look of horror on his face. "That wasn't a dream, I-I actually died." The boy promptly threw up.


This was insanely fun to write

Let me know if you want more

Leave your thoughts and feedback in the comments
Thanks for the Kudos

Chapter 5: Revelations


Izuku's entire world is flipped upside down, repeatedly shot, and beat with a brick


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

As Izuku stopped puking his guts out he wiped his mouth and took a deep breath. "I-I died," Tenya and Ochako moved forward to try and comfort their friend but he stepped back. He tripped on his tail but caught himself on the railing of the stairs. "I actually died." Izuku's voice was laden with disbelief and fear. Confusion rang through it alongside horror. "I actually f*cking died!" He began to hyperventilate. His pupils shrank as he looked around wildly. "Where am I?!" Izuku bolted from leaning on the railing as he ran to the doors. Charlie and his friends tried to stop him but he was too fast in his desperation. He slammed the doors open as Vaggie pulled Tenya and Ochako out of sight. Izuku breathed heavily as he looked up. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest. "Why is it still beating!?" The few demons that walked by the hotel gave him weird looks as they walked along but Izuku could only see the giant glowing red pentagram in the sky. "What is happening!?" Panic was clear in how he moved and talked as he looked every which way trying to find some explanation.

"Izuku, please come back inside." Charlie came out of the hotel and held up her hands, trying to appear as nonthreatening to Izuku as possible. It wasn't working.

Izuku looked at Charlie in fear as he backed away from her. "Who are you?! How do you know my name!? Where the hell am I?!" As he backed away from her he stepped on his tail once more and fell to the ground. He finally noticed the wings on his back as he felt them shift beneath him. He crawled away from Charlie as she tried to help him up. Izuku scrambled to his feet and tried to run but a shadow popped up and grabbed his leg.

"Now my dear friend we can't have you running off." Alastor walked forward with a wide grin still present on his face.

The veins on Izuku's left arm began to glow as he socked Alastor in the face disorienting The Radio Demon enough for the shadow to let him go. Izuku bolted down the street as he looked all around him. "Am I in hell?! What did I do to get here!? How am I alive!?"

Charlie ran forward and tackled Izuku to the ground. He struggled against her but she was deceptively strong. "Izuku! Please just listen to me. I'll explain everything back at the hotel just come with me."

"f*ck no! You'll just lock me away or whatever you do as a demon!" Izuku continued to struggle as more fear penetrated his heart. Alastor walked calmly towards the struggling pair and with more shadows than last time dragged them back to the hotel. His smile had only gotten wider since he was punched. As they entered Charlie's establishment Vaggie closed the doors and locked them. Alastor removed Charlie's hold from Izuku and restrained him on one of the sofas as he continued to struggle.

"Midori- Izuku please calm down. You aren't in any danger." Ochako tried to put her hand on Izuku's shoulder but with his thrashing, she could barely touch him.

"I am in f*cking Hell how the f*ck am I not in danger!?" Izuku spat out as he tried to free himself.

"Your mom, she wouldn't have brought you here if she thought you were in danger." Charlie pointed out, hoping that mentioning Inko would calm him down.

Izuku became very still as he slowly turned his head to look at Charlie. Then he began to thrash about, even more than he was before. "If you laid a single f*cking finger on Mom I will rip your spine out of your ass!"

"Mm, kinky." That stopped Izuku's rampage against his restraints. He, alongside Tenya and Ochako, looked at Angel Dust with absolute shock.

"Am I high or something?" Izuku muttered that to himself as Vaggie facepalmed at the spider demon's remark.

"I didn't hurt Auntie Inko."

Izuku looked upon Charlie. His breathing was steadying but he still looked ready to jump up and run. "Why did you call mom that?"

~Ten (hell) minutes later~

Izuku was free of his restraints as he held his hands together and up to his face. He processed everything he had just been told but none of it added up. "Okay, I've got about a few dozen thousand questions. First of all, what the hell am I?"

"You are a full-blooded demon although we don't currently know what type," Charlie answered.

"What do you mean by type?" Izuku raised an eyebrow.

"Well for those who were once humans there are so many different types that it's impossible to count them all. You however were born from a native of hell. While for those like us, there is still some variety like with the hellhounds and imps your biology doesn't match up." Izuku's newly learned cousin explained.

Izuku processed what Charlie said for a moment, "Alright, okay, now, you are my cousin. Who are your parents?"

"Lucifer and Lilith Morningstar."

"f*cking Satan!? I'm related to the devil himself!?" Izuku almost jumped up but Alastor's shadows kept him in place.


"Who is mom related to?"

"Neither of them technically," Charlie answered while shaking her hand back and forth, "She took to calling them her big brother and sister and they've just been her siblings ever since."

"Okay, fine, my mom is the little sister to the rulers of hell, fine." Izuku planned to process that information latter.

"She's also the advisor to my father."

Izuku stalled for a moment before throwing his hands up in exasperation, "What else does she do!?"

"She owns the top casino in hell. It's a little isle off the coast of the city," Charlie replied to the question calmly

"Okay then, fine, alright, whatever. Who's my father." Izuku asked a question that he'd started wondering once Charlie had managed to explain the basics of everything to him.

"You don't have one."

"What?" Izuku pronounced each letter in that word as he looked at Charlie clearly demanding an explanation.

"Auntie Inko used several combined rituals from the Norse, Celtic, Roman, Mayan, and many other pantheons to become pregnant with you."

"Gonna gloss over the fact that the other pantheons of myth and legend exist." He'd try and understand that at a later time. "You're telling me my mother created me by combining several different types of magic, is she some sort of wizard?"

"She's considered to be one the best magic practitioners ever. Her manipulation of karma is second to none."

Izuku decided to ignore the fact that his mother was considered one of the greatest magic users in favor of the second thing Charlie had mentioned, "What do you mean by karma?"

"Karma is what judges if someone goes to heaven, hell, Valhalla, or any of the other afterlives. Hell just happens to be the busiest one of them all by a mile. Your mom manipulates karma around her targets to either cause positive karma which was supposed to be a gradual process or negative karma. It essentially causes several good or bad days to happen in one day."

"Starting to wonder how she didn't know what was going on at Aldera," Izuku muttered to himself, not exactly trying to hide it given Iida and Ochako knew about some of what had happened there.

"She did."

"What!?" Izuku's voice boomed.

"She manipulated the karma of each of your tormentors as punishment for what they did to you. Except for Katsuki Bakugou."

"Three questions. How did she know? How do you know all this? And why couldn't she affect Kacch- Bakugou?" Izuku held up three fingers for each of his questions, while counting down from ten within his thoughts to try and remain as calm as possible.

"She knows the names of all gamblers. She told me as she set things up here. He has an angel watching over him."

"What the f*ck," Izuku cursed, still trying to understand everything through his now shattered worldview. "Why was she up there then while she was pregnant?" It was an obvious question to ask.

"At the time hell was getting its first taste of quirks and my father needed to know what was going on up in the mortal world. Auntie Inko was the only person who could actually leave given how she managed her responsibilities. Before she left Dad bound her to a few magical laws in order to keep the existence of Hell secret. She however broke free from them when your, uh, heart stopped beating."

Izuku winced at the mention of his death. He then pointed at his two friends, "Why are Iida and Uraraka here? For that matter why are they calling me by that name?"

Ochako stepped up to speak. "Your mom put us under contract to watch over you until you recovered. In return, our family would experience great luck and fortune. As for the whole name thing, well, apparently the Midoriya family name is fake so..." Ochako trailed off as Izuku stared at her.

"I'm just gonna come back to that another day." Learning that his family name, a name he'd known his entire life, was fake was a shock. But he was dealing with so much new information right now he just couldn't process it. "Anything else you think I should know?"

"You already know about the whole undead part." Izuku winced once more but let out a small hum of confirmation. "The only thing I can think of is that time down here moves faster than in the mortal realm."

"Faster how?" Izuku wanted to know the time difference so he could remain aware of it. He would like to go back to the mortal world at some point, once he figures out how to.

"A day up there is a week and a half down here."

"So essentially two days up there is three weeks down here gotcha."

"Your mom actually performed the spell to do that."

Izuku could only let out a heavy sigh at the final reveal from his cousin, "Of course she did."


First time doing a mental breakdown like this so let me know how I did

Let me know if you want more
Leave your thoughts and feedback in the comments
Thanks for the Kudos

Chapter 6: The Revenge Begins


I'll let you take a guess with the chapter title


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Inko had let a few days in hell pass as she reacquainted herself with her magic. There was no short supply of demons to test her strength against with those that decided to break the rules of her casino. She's actually had to stop Alucard and Seras from going to the mortal realm to exact revenge for what was done to Izuku. "Alexander, have you found anything that might tell us who the angel that watches over Katsuki Bakugou is?"

Alexander shook his head, "None of the texts say anything. The executioners come to hell for the purge while others answer to prayers. I've looked into the known guardian angels but none of them have behaved like this one here. They truly must be a new one if they did something so idiotic."

Inko held back a groan of frustration, "Alucard and Seras are growing restless, they want to participate but a slaughter at this point in time will do nothing. Perhaps for the Sports Festival with targets." She stroked her chin as she thought of quite a few people she knew would attend this year's Sports Festival, so long as it wasn't canceled.

"If I may ma'am?" Inko looked at Alexander and motioned for him to speak. "We all were at your side as you worked to combine the rituals, we aided ya in hunting the necessary creatures, we watched you fight Jormungandr to get one of his teeth. We were by your side as you became pregnant and waited every day for your letters reporting on the situation in the mortal world and how Izuku was doing. You gave us all a new chance at our mission to keep people safe from the supernatural. Both you and Izuku feel like family to us and to hear what has happened to him... it fills us with rage."

Inko looked at Alexander for a moment before letting out a sigh. "The four of you brought me such happiness, you all feel like my brothers and sisters. I know you wish to exact revenge at this very moment against him but until we can get the angel guarding him to cease its actions we can do nothing to him," Alexander looked at the table with his hands clenched into fists. "Directly," That got him to look up at Inko with a surprised look. "I will be going to the mortal world to begin my revenge while Stolas looks into something that may help us with Izuku's health. I will also be handling some other business relating to the families of the two humans I put under contract to look over my son. Can you handle telling the others this news while I prepare?"

"Should we expect you to return with anything?" Alexander already knew the answer.

"Yes." They gave each other knowing smirks as Inko stood from her seat and exited the room with Alexander right behind her. She shrunk herself to fit into a limo that pulled in front of the casino. Stolas sat on the other side.

"Any recommendations for my disguise?" Stolas was looking at a magazine of the current Japanese fashion trends.

"Don't look like a guy with a whole lot of money and make the hair feathers. It'll give you the appearance of having a mutative quirk." People were less likely to talk to someone with a mutative quirk, one of the things Inko had noticed when studying Quirkism.

Stolas placed the magazine to the side, "Ah, yes, thank you for the advice. What will you be doing while up there?"

"The mortal day that Izuku died on has passed so it is a new day for them. I'll be handling some things with the families of both Tenya and Ochako and then enacting the first step in my revenge against Bakugou." Inko gripped her forearm in order to keep her patience.

"Since I know the name of Toshinori Yagi I should be able to find him and learn of his relation to Izuku. Octavia has heard of your return by the way and would love to see you." Stolas smiled softly as he thought of his daughter.

Inko smiled, "She can visit the casino after this, I'd love to see her as well."

They soon arrived at Lucifer's castle and walked into the building. A servant escorted them to a room with a circle drawn on the ground and Lucifer sitting in a chair beside it. "Ah, good to see you both here, before we begin please turn into your human disguises." Circles of ethereal blue flames surrounded both Stolas and Inko. As they died down they revealed them both in human form. Stolas wore dress pants and a white button-up shirt with a vest over it making him look like a bartender. His pupils were red and he had taken Inko's advice and had owl feathers for hair. He was tall for humans. Inko wore jeans with boots and a t-shirt with some mortal movie that Izuku and her had watched on it. She had a red and black checkered button-up shirt and the set of horns that framed her cheeks remained. She reached Stolas' shoulders. "Perfect." Lucifer waved his hand and the circle came to life forming a portal above it. The two stepped into it and came out to an alleyway. The portal closed behind them leaving a symbol behind.

"I'll let you know when I'm done. Let's try and finish up before the end of the mortal day though, I'd prefer to not stay up here long." Inko adjusted her shirt as she got her bearings of where she was.

Stolas nodded as he quickly performed a spell before walking off. "Be safe my friend."

Inko set off and soon blended with the crowds. She made her way to a train station and got onto one and it took off. She stuck a hand into her pocket and used magic with it. In a few minutes, she got off the train and walked towards an apartment building a few blocks away. Walking into the building she went towards the elevator and pushed a button. She moved as though she had been here before, the moment she got out of the elevator she moved towards an apartment. She placed her ear to it and could hear faint crying. A simple rune unlocked the door and she entered the apartment to be met with the crying form of Ochako's mother. "Miss Uraraka?"

The woman turned towards the voice. Her eyes were red and puffy. "Who are you? H-how did you get in?"

"I have news relating to your daughter." Inko's voice was calm, a direct contrast to the mother.

"What!? Where is she! Is she okay!?" She rushed forward and gripped Inko's forearms in desperation.

"Fuyo please remove your hands from my arms." Inko preferred to keep this short, trying to calm the woman down would only keep her here longer.

Fuyo stepped away in fear. "How do you know my name?"

Inko smoothed out her sleeves, "She is with my son at this time helping him recover."

Fuyo quickly grasped the meaning of those words, "Y-you took Ochako?"

"Yes, I formed a contract with her where she is to help my son recover and in return, I grant her family aid. She alongside the other human I put under contract requested a way to stay in contact with their families. I'm here to give you that method however if you or your husband inform any sort of figure of authority communications with your daughter will be cut off and you will only see her when the contract is complete." Inko waved her hand and a large mirror appeared on the wall. "You may initiate the calls and move the mirror to another area in the house. My threat still stands, tell any figure of authority and communications with your daughter will be cut off." Inko began to walk away. She opened the door before she looked back at Fuyo. "Oh, and one more thing. Check your debt."

She closed the door behind her and walked out of the building. She got onto another train and sat down. She stared at the people around her with her eyes showing her their names and what they'd gambled on, most of it being money. After a few stops, she got off the train and walked towards a nice-looking house. It had four stories but couldn't be considered a mansion. Looking over it for a second she nodded at it before walking towards the door. She looked around for a moment and once she was sure that no one could properly see her she used the same rune and unlocked the door. Walking inside she could faintly hear someone pacing about upstairs. She went towards the stairs and went to the third floor where she was met with a man with engines coming out of his arms and looked like an older version of Tenya. "Tensei?" Tensei whipped around and the moment he saw the stranger powered up his engines and rocketed towards her. Inko lifted up her hand and with a simple magic circle, he was stopped in midair. "I would like to keep things civil between us since I'm only here on behalf of your little brother."

Tensei's eyes widened in rage, "Tenya? I swear if you've hurt him I will-"

"He is perfectly healthy and safe. I put him under contract with me to aid my son in his recovery although given the fact you're a hero you already know who I am. You watched the footage while the Urarakas couldn't and were forced to lie to them." Inko smirked slightly, the heroes may not have considered it a gamble but the laws of Karma did.

"How do you know that?" Tensei's eyes widened.

"I know the names of all gamblers and what they've gambled. Lying is one of the several types of gambling. Your brother requested me to ensure he could have some sort of communication with his family much like Ochako." She didn't need to explain her ability to him but she would prefer having some sort of trust, he was part of Tenya's family after all. Inko waved her hand and a mirror much like the one she summoned at the Uraraka apartment appeared. "You can make calls with it to the one that Tenya has. However, if you or your family try to tell any authority figure about it it will become a simple mirror and communications with your brother will be cut off." Inko let Tensei out of the grips of her spell and he fell to the ground with a grunt. "As you already know from the footage your family will experience great luck and a small boon to your fortune and reputation. Heed my warning and we shall have no issues."

Inko walked out of the house and once more to the train station with the afternoon sun shining down on her. She stayed on the train for a couple of dozen stops before getting off. Walking towards a small house she was familiar with and had been invited to several times in the past she used a little magic and saw that no one was home. Using the rune once again she opened the door and stepped inside. She walked into the living room and with a wave of her hands the furniture within disappeared. In its place was a simple chair with a small table next to it with a decanter of whiskey and a glass resting on top of it. The blue flames from before washed over Inko with a small red tint to them and her true form was revealed although she wasn't at her true height. Sitting down in the unlit room she poured herself a glass of whiskey and placed the decanter back down. It refilled itself. She waited for a couple of hours before she heard jingling in the door that she had locked again and with a quick wave of her free hand, the room became ever so slightly darker as the familiar voices of Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugou pierced her ears.

"I just don't understand what they mean. Inko threatening to kill Katsuki because he hurt Izuku?" Mitsuki and Masaru had clearly just gotten back from UA.

"Killed, heart stopped beating, murdered. Those are far more accurate descriptors for what your son did to mine." The two jumped and looked upon the woman they'd known for years in her true form.

"I-Inko!?" Masaru stuttered out.

"Did you expect someone else?" Inko arched an eyebrow.

"What did you mean by murdered?" Mitsuki didn't remember being told anything about that.

Inko gnashed her teeth, the fangs glinting in what little light she allowed scaring the couple, "I mean, your little brat of a son used the gauntlets of his hero costume which stored up his volatile sweat and ignited a full one directly upon my child. The injuries he sustained led to his heart stop beating and awakened his true demon form. The actions of your son caused mine to become an undead demon."

Mitsuki took a step forward, "Demon? Inko what are you talking about?"

"Right, you weren't shown the footage. Tell me, why do you think my eyes are glowing?" Inko waved her hand and the room was bathed in light, revealing what she looked like to the Bakugou couple. They both reeled back in fear as she smiled at them with her pointed teeth and got up. Where once she had to look up to them while speaking with them now the roles were reversed. "While your son, for reasons that elude me, is guarded by an angel neither of you are." Runes appeared in both of Inko's hands and before either Bakugou couple could even flinch their heads were held by them. "While I could so easily kill you that would be far too easy. The better path would be to take both of you as my servants till the end of time." Removing her hands from their heads they fell to their feet bewildered. Upon their foreheads where their third eye would be was a rune.

"Wha-what did you do to us!?" Masaru gripped his head in pain.

Inko looked over them both. "Both of you, lick one of my shoes." Against their minds, the bodies of either Bakugou fell to the ground and began to do as ordered. "Cease and stand up." The order was followed. "Those runes will make you obey me and anyone else that I allow to order you. They make you immortal and unkillable until I die. You can't raise a hand against anyone unless I allow you to. You are now mine." Inko's eyes gleamed dangerously as the couple quivered under their gaze. Inko brought out a phone and pressed a number. "Stolas? I recommend you to come to the address I'm sending you so that we can return to hell. My business up here is done." Inko sat back in her chair after texting Stolas Bakugou's address. "Masaru stand over here and pour me another glass of whiskey. Mitsuki, get on the floor, I need a footrest."

The two humans moved once more against their will. Inko propped her feet on Mitsuki's back while Masaru poured her a glass of whiskey. They would stay like that for an entire hour before Stolas would arrive. Mitsuki desperately wished her body would fail her and she'd fall to the floor but it wouldn't. Stolas looked upon the sight in amusem*nt. "The last time you did something like this was when that mortal tried to take advantage of Lilith after summoning her. Whatever happened to him?"

"Sent him to the Cannibal Town for an endless supply of meat." The couple continued to quiver as Inko got up from her chair. With a wave of her hand, everything that she had summoned disappeared. Soon a red portal appeared over a pentagram on the floor. Inko ordered the two to enter with her and Stolas not far behind.


Hope you enjoyed and let me know if you want more

So I need names for Ochako's father and Tenya's parents, any suggestions?

Leave your thoughts and feedback in the comments
Thanks for the Kudos

Chapter 7: The Father


Mitsuki and Masaru get used to their new job
UA is working to find out what is going on


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

As the portal closed Masaru looked upon a throne. The carvings of it seemed to move and change, all depicting different forms of gambling. "Stolas, we will meet with Lucifer later to discuss what you discovered. A car will be waiting for you outside." He could hear Inko talk to the man who had entered their house before they left.

"M-Masaru?" He looked over at his wife who looked to where Inko's voice had come from. He had never heard her stutter before. Following her gaze, his eyes widened as he looked upon Inko who easily towered over them. It was as though she were larger than life itself. The man now looked like an owl, and he also had a second pair of eyes. Inko looked at them for a moment before scoffing in disgust.

"ANDERSON!!!" Her yell rattled their bones before the doors slammed open.

Alexander stepped into the room and the two took notice of the cross around his neck. "You asked for me, ma'am?"

"I need to go finish up some work I was doing before leaving. I'll be sending Heinkel and Yumi to set up their room. So long as they aren't making out." Inko quickly left the room.

Alexander looked at the couple for a moment before walking towards the door he had come through. "Your job will entail basic maintenance of the facilities. There are some things you will learn and commit to memory while here. Inko is your superior and there are four heads of her personal council with some of us having our own subordinates." He stopped before four paintings each depicting the four heads of her council. Alucard sat in a chair with various undead behind him. Integra sat in her own chair with a cigar in one hand and a sword in the other, behind her, were several hellhounds, and behind the hellhounds were a bunch of threads. Seras had her rifle leaning against her shoulder with all the imps that work within the casino behind her. Alexander stood with hands in prayer and two females behind him. One was dressed as a nun and wielded a katana while the other wore a coat and had two pistols in hand. "If we give you orders you will follow them to the letter. If any of our subordinates give you orders you will do the very same without question. At this time you are at the bottom of the barrel but you can work through your station and may gain the respect of others that work here."

"You're a man of God right?" Mitsuki spoke up before Alexander could continue.

Alexander's face remained neutral despite the interruption, "Ay."

"Then why are you working for demons and devils?!" Mitsuki stepped forward and a tendril of thorns rushed past her and embedded itself into the wall behind her, leaving a small scratch on her cheek.

It came from Alexander who glared at her. "I willingly staked my heart to try and stop Alucard who at the time was my enemy. Any other catholic who works under me once took orders from the man Maxwell whose crimes condemned the entire Iscariot Order and many Christians to hell. Inko gave me and the others a chance to continue our job and a new place to call home. She allows me, Heinkel, Yumiko, and any of the others who still believe to pray to God. She asks for little in return that we wouldn't already do as our own job."

Masaru stepped in front of his wife, "I'm sorry, it's just that everything has changed for us. Inko forced us to become her slaves and then immediately made us lick her shoes and then used Mitsuki as a footrest. Why would you defend her?"

The tendril of thorns retreated back inside Alexander. "Because that was her putting on a show. While you may be her servants the spell that forces you to listen to any of her orders is not permanent and can be removed if you prove your loyalty. The only reason she would do any of those things is that she knew cameras were there and recording what was happening." Alexander gripped his cross, trying to control his anger, "Her target of Revenge is your son. She will do whatever she deems necessary to fulfill it, but she has her limits and refuses to kill an innocent."

"Father Anderson?" They looked down the hallway to see the woman in a trenchcoat standing at attention although her clothes were disheveled.

Alexander calmed himself as he smiled, "Heinkel, seems you and Yumi were having some fun. I assume their room is ready?"

Heinkel blushed slightly but nodded. "We set it up next to mine. I can lead them to it if you would like?"

"That would be lovely. Give Yumiko my regards. I need to go handle something." Alexander left and Heinkel gestured for the couple to follow her.

Heinkel waited for Anderson to be out of sight before giving the couple the second fiercest glare they had seen that day, second only to Inko's, "It would be best to remain mostly silent for the beginning of your stay here. We don't particularly like your son and some are a hair-trigger away from bringing all sorts of apocalypses to the mortal world." She began to walk away and the couple quickly fell into step behind her.

Mitsuki wanted to ask for help but after seeing what Anderson could potentially do she decided on something different. "How many afterlives are there?"

"Too many to count. The most important for you is Hell which has the most souls leading to extreme overpopulation. That's where we are if you have yet to find out. Heaven exists. Valhalla and the afterlives of other religions exist as well. God created some of them to give more freedom to humans while others simply appeared, although most of them entered a ritual that fused them all with Heaven, a choice the pantheons made, not God. The afterlives that are considered just like Hell remain separated from all. Then there is purgatory." Heinkel's voice got low when she mentioned purgatory, almost as though it were cursed.

"What's wrong with purgatory?" Masaru was hesitant to ask, but he'd prefer learning anything he could right now, it may be able to help them.

"That is where the Shinigami live. They use their Death Notes and send mortals to all of the afterlives before their times. Some have lost their Death Notes to the mortal world and humans have picked them up. It has always ended horribly with the most recent one being a year after my death and was only resolved two years before the dawn of quirks. Are you familiar with the killer known as Kira?"

Masaru gulped slightly. "Most people are. It's believed that he may have had a quirk that allowed him to kill all the people that he did. Are you saying that he simply wrote those people down in a notebook?"

"Yes, when Death Notes are involved none of the pantheons are allowed to interfere. This is your room." They stopped in front of a door with twin skulls on it. "There are some books in there that should catch you up on what you need to know both for what jobs you will be doing and the history of hell and this casino." Heinkel went into the room next to theirs and closed the door. Mitsuki and Masaru looked at each other.

"We... should go read those books."

"Yeah, need to know everything we can."

~Mortal World, UA High School~

Nezu folded his paws together as he stared over the three teachers in front of him. Nemuri had one of her arms in a cast and bandages for the rest. Aizawa had one of his eyes covered and a broken leg. Hizashi was the only one who wasn't injured too greatly and had on a quirk-negating bracelet until he could get a new directional speaker. "Demons exist, we've known that since the dawn of quirks. But we called villains, terrorists, murderers, and rapists that. None of us could have expected that one of our own students was a true demon or that his mother was as well." Nezu looked over the three. All Might had immediately quit to begin the search for how to reach his successor. Nezu hadn't tried to stop him, especially once the man learned more about what happened after he had been punched out of the training city. "Katsuki Bakugou will be under our protection until Inko Midoriya, if that is her real name, is no longer a threat to him. He will then be arrested for murder. Until then he will not be allowed to continue his studies in Heroics, furthermore he will be on a twenty-four-hour watch and is forbidden from leaving the school's premises."

Nezu glared at Aizawa briefly before returning his attention to all three, "Out of the three of you, only two of you conducted yourselves properly in what was perceived to be a student losing control of their quirk. Aizawa, you will be on suspension pending an investigation into your teaching practices," Aizawa forced himself to his feet and was about to say something, but Nezu beat him to it, "You tried to use your knife on Izuku Midoriya. One of our students. From the footage, it was clear he was not in control, but you didn't have time to look at the footage. But your training as a hero should have told you that he was not in control. Yamada, you will be suspended for one week due to the damage Izuku Midoriya sustained from your attacks however your testimony and the footage showed that you didn't intend for him to be hurt as he was, only knocked out. Kayama, UA will compensate you for the money you lost from being unable to patrol and any sponsorships you will miss as you heal. If there is nothing else important you have to say then you may go." Aizawa clearly wanted to object to his suspension but Yamada pulled him away. Nezu let out a sigh.

"Demons, I'll need to find some books on the subject. And a bible just in case." Nezu grabbed a drawer from his desk and opened it. A small pendant within glowed a brilliant blue, "It's been a long time since I last talked with him. Should I call him? We don't yet know what we are dealing with and having him come would mean trouble for me."


Let me know what you think in the comments and thanks for the Kudos
I've done two other fics in the Hazbin Hotel world so check em out if you want to

Chapter 8: The Horrifying Recovery


Izuku deals with the beginning of his recovery process while Inko speaks with Stolas and Lucifer


Edited out Lilith

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku lay in his bed and stared at the ceiling. He had been staying inside his room for a few days now, ever since he learned the truth. Learning all that Charlie could remember about what his mother is truly like he had requested a book on her in hopes of learning more. That of course was taking time. "Is she the same person that I know? Is there a close enough resemblance? Or is she a complete stranger?" Speaking out loud helped him somewhat to voice his fears but he still didn't know how to face his mother. The woman who would help him when he had nightmares, would hug him when he cried in the days after his diagnosis, and yet still supported him in his dream of becoming a hero, aided him in his exercise and diet that All Might had assigned him, was the same woman who had killed tens of trillions and never regretted it, who had fought angels and the gods of other pantheons-Izuku was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that not only did Heaven and Hell exist but so too did the other pantheons and their respective afterlives-with a smile on her face. Were they two sides of the same coin or two entirely different currencies?

He raised his hand up to his face and looked at it. The blackened limb disturbed him and if he didn't feel that it was his limb he would wonder if the owner was okay. He certainly wasn't. Getting up from the bed he looked in the mirror. The crown of horns upon his head made him feel sick. The wings and tail had become annoying all too quickly. The way his chest moved when he breathed was like watching a corpse breathe. "Although I guess I am technically a corpse." All he knew was that he was a unique case. Previous undead demons didn't act like him even when his conscious mind hadn't woken up. They had feasted upon flesh yet he never even tried to bite anyone. "What the hell am I?" Looking down at his legs he wanted to hurl. They could bend forward or back as he quickly learned and he felt no pain. "Why don't I feel any pain? I was blasted point-blank range in a hallway with an explosion of Bakugou's stored-up sweat," Izuku resisted the urge to gag at the memory remembering the initial pain before everything went dark, "Yet when I woke up I didn't even feel any phantom pain. Not even from my old injuries." Izuku had done his best to analyze every part of his body and couldn't even find any of the scars Bakugou had given to him in the past.

"Am I the same person?"

A knock at the door stopped him from further spiraling. With a quick "It's open" Charlie came in with some food. She placed it next to another tray filled with untouched food. Izuku had refused to see Iida and Ochako since getting his initial answers. The pain of knowing that everything he knew in his life was a lie hurt too much and seeing humans, the race he once thought he was part of, was too painful for him. "You need to eat something." Charlie looked at him concerned. Izuku hadn't felt any sort of hunger since waking up, or the need to sleep.

"I'm not hungry."

"Just try, please." Charlie was getting desperate. In the four Hell days that Izuku has been in the hotel, he hasn't left his room or taken a single bite. He hasn't even touched any of the water she left him.

"Please, leave me alone." Izuku returned to the bed and curled his wings around himself. Charlie looked at him and raised her hand, wanting to say something to try and comfort him, but she couldn't find the words. Her arm fell to her side and she dejectedly walked out of the room.

~With Inko~

"Please move the appointment back a bit I have a meeting with Stolas and Lucifer I have to attend. Tell Seras to up the security and to work with Anderson to come up with a plan on how to deal with this Valentino. Alucard is to handle a couple of assassinations the list of which I handed to you earlier. Integra is to handle wrapping up the deals she is striking with those annoying gangs and is then to report back here and handle further training Masaru and Mitsuki in their duties." Inko walked through the halls of her casino with an imp at her side writing everything down. There had been much she needed to clean up since her return and she had just begun to make progress. "Please inform our guest that if she even touches alcohol she will be ejected from the premises immediately."

"Understood ma'am, the limo is waiting for you outside. Anything to note before you leave?" The imp had their pen at the ready.

"Once you have completed everything give yourself a break and go eat. You have my permission to drink but please do so in moderation. I'll be giving you a bonus at the end of the day for all the help you've given me." Inko smiled at the imp and quickly walked out the door and hopped into the limo. It quickly drove off toward Lucifer's castle leaving the imp smiling wide at what Inko had just offered them.

Looking out the window she admired the macabre beauty of Hell. The way it has been built from the ground up and constantly evolving has always fascinated her. 'I hope Izuku will enjoy it at some point. I should be getting a report in a couple of days. I need to handle this Valentino soon so I can visit him without putting him in danger.' Despite her immense power, she wasn't omnipotent. She couldn't predict what her enemies would do but she could target the ones with the most power and remove them. The power vacuum he would leave behind would buy her more time to resolidify the position she has left vacant for so long. 'He is in an alliance with two other overlords, we should consider removing them as well. If we don't they'll most likely try and take revenge which would put Izuku in danger.'

"Lady Inko, there is a war currently happening within our path so I'll need to take a detour, I do apologize for the delay."

Inko looked at the chauffeur and waved her hand, "It's no problem, we cannot predict how things may progress with all the power vacuums that appear after The Extermination. It's why I decided to leave early. Just let me know if you'll need help with making a path and I'll give my aid."

"Thank you, Lady Inko. If the need arises I shall request it."

Inko reached over and grabbed a bottle of whiskey and poured herself a glass. She nursed the drink as her thoughts returned to the matters at hand. 'Stolas said he placed a few observation spells around U.A. and on All Might. Should've given us something to start from by now. Answers to who the foolish angel is won't just reveal themselves right away, but they will in time.' Taking another sip she watched as the denizens of Hell went about their day. It was oddly peaceful. 'Heaven itself has yet to respond to Lucifer's communications. Thankfully the other pantheons have already sworn that they had nothing to do with the situation. Although I will still search for any rogue elements from them. Anyone who had a hand in shielding that brat and allowing harm to come to my baby will not be spared. I will make an example out of each of them and ensure no one will foolishly try this stunt again.' Inko crushed the glass in her hand and the remaining Whiskey went flying. Before it could land on anything it stopped. The glass quickly reformed and the liquid returned to it. Inko grabbed it with her other hand and stared down at the injured one. She had pushed a glass shard into her palm. Watching as the flesh mended itself she let out a sigh and downed the rest of the whiskey. 'Nothing will stop me from righting this wrong. If I must storm Heaven again to do so then so be it.'

"I wonder if Sukuna would be willing to help me."

~With Izuku~

Izuku stared at the food. It was still warm and looked good. But he didn't feel any hunger. Sure the food may look appetizing but with no appetite, it's pointless to make it. Grabbing a simple boiled egg Izuku was careful of his claws as he plopped it in his mouth. Chewing it slowly a tear went down his cheek. 'I can't even taste it.' There was no taste, no flavor, despite the fact it was clearly lightly seasoned with some salt and pepper. Yet he couldn't taste any of it. Swallowing it Izuku sat there for a few moments before he flew to the trashcan and promptly puked the egg up. He leaned over the trashcan and panted before he dry-heaved. Izuku fell back and the only reason he wasn't laying flat on the ground was because of his tail. "So," he panted slightly, trying to catch his breath, "my body can't eat solid foods." Getting up Izuku grabbed the glass of water and chugged it down. Putting the glass down Izuku went to return to bed when his stomach turned and he found himself puking up the water into the trash can.

Izuku found himself back to sitting on the floor in front of the trashcan. He tried to stop the tears, to keep them at bay, but they came forth and he could do nothing but weep. His entire life was a lie, he had been murdered, transformed into a freak even among demons through some unknown means, and he couldn't even eat or drink. He wept for the life he could never return to. For the dream that was dead. The hope of being able to save people with a smile on his face. To be more than a worthless Deku. "Congratulations Bakugou, you finally did it. You killed my dream."

Getting to his feet, and having the unfortunate experience of seeing his knees go from facing forward to backward as he stood up, Izuku went to the door. Gripping the handle he just wanted to go back to bed and waste away. What was the point when you didn't have a dream anymore? But he still had some questions and Iida and Ochako had to get back to their homes. "Once that's done, I'll find someplace to end it." Opening the door he walked out and towards the lobby. He kept his body hunched over and minded his tail, not wanting to fall down the stairs again, yet. Finding only the bartender Izuku took a seat at the little bar. He crossed his arms on the top and rested his head upon them.

"You want anything to drink?"

"I'm just gonna throw it up in seconds. Wouldn't even be able to taste it."

Husk looked at Izuku for a moment as he took a sip of his cheap booze. It was a sight way too familiar for him. "I'm sorry kid."


"I know what it's like to be murdered by someone you once trusted. Although from what I heard that trust went away a long time ago for you." Surprising anyone who could hear the alcoholic demon-which he hoped was only the kid-Husk spoke with a soft voice.

"Would it be considered rude to ask?"

"With most demons yeah. Me? Alastor helped me get revenge, hence why I owed him a favor. So I'm over it for the most part. I lived in the States around what you guys apparently call the dawn of quirks. My daughter was born with a quirk and I was trying to keep her alive. Lost my wife in childbirth, never blamed my kid though. I killed a lot of people to protect her. Cheated in a bunch of poker games to make money. I was trying to get to this place my friend was where he was apparently protecting people with quirks."

"I feel like I've heard of this before."

"You might've kid. Turns out he was waiting for me to get there to bring in a couple soldiers with guns to kill a whole bunch of people who either had quirks or helped give birth to people with quirks. I gave my daughter to a lady I'd grown close to alongside my journal and our family tree, the one thing I had left from my home aside from my wedding ring. Then I held them all off, even managed to kill some of them before they got me. When I got here I was desperate enough to go back and kill the rest of them to protect that group as much as I could. So I struck a deal with Alastor and I already told you the rest."

"Stories like that were common throughout the dawn of quirks. It has at times been called the Second Holocaust." Izuku shivered from the books he'd read about that time. The horrors.

Husk shook his head "f*ck me. Look kid, after that, I was still a mess. I would never get to see my daughter grow up. So I quickly became an alcoholic and an even bigger gambling addict than I was in life. Still have them but it's more I've just become numb to it all and they're just habits." Husk chuckled and took a swig. "You want to wallow about it all fine then. You'll just be another demon who does the same in Hell. Or are you gonna do something? Anything? You've got a second chance to make new choices for things that weren't open to you before. Get some new experiences kid and you might just feel better."

Izuku chuckled weakly, "Thanks... I'm just realizing I never asked for your name."

"It's Husk, kid." Izuku was about to say something when a flaming pentagram appeared behind him and sucked him in. Husk spit out his booze and looked in horror at where the kid had been moments before. "EVERYBODY WE GOT A PROBLEM!!!"

~With Inko~

Getting out of the limo Inko stopped for a moment as she felt a familiar pull that she ignored. Stepping towards the gates and growing to her true size she stepped into the castle and made her way toward the meeting hall. "Ma'am, would you like anything to be served to you while you are meeting with Lord Morningstar and Lord Goetia?" A servant Imp asked her.

"Some wine would be nice."

"I'll go find a bottle for you." The servant scurried away.

Inko found herself before the doors to the meeting hall and pushed them open. Lucifer was already there but Stolas had yet to arrive. "Early as ever Inko." Lucifer grinned at her as she took her seat.

"When meeting with family over important matters such as these it pays to be early. Especially so soon after an extermination. I should let you know I have plans to kill the overlord Valentino so do be ready for some extra chaos."

"Not surprising. Any troubles getting used to your true body?"

Inko groaned, "Just that I can feel when humans do some sort of summoning ritual for a member of our family. So annoying."

Lucifer chuckled, "Agreed, can be jarring at times. I'm still working to get communications opened with Heaven but you know what they're like."

"I almost pity those fools for ignoring us and not clearing their name."

~On Earth~

"Satan! We return your FILTHY creaturesback to the pits of Hell!" A blonde woman with bandages on her head threw a torch onto a pyre with two demons tied to it. "May the root of evil remain honored as we continue thyWORK!"

The flames quickly grew and encompassed both of the demons but it did nothing to them not even burning their clothes. "Yeah sorry but your fire doesn't really work on us." The taller of the two spoke, clearly done with the bullsh*t of the day.

"Oh. Well how about I just-"

Before the woman could finish the fire changed. It grew higher and became as black as pitch. Growls could be heard coming from it as the two demons started trying to desperately free themselves. "sh*t Blitz, what the f*ck is happening!?"

"I don't know Millie!"

"Satan?" The woman looked up in wonder. Her husband was right behind her and looked at it in fear.

A long blackened limb came out from the fire and grabbed Blitzo's face and used him to pull itself out. His eyes widened and he began to hyperventilate as a towering creature burst forth. Large wings stretched out and its tail flicked about. Rising to its full height showed the crown of horns connected to its head. It looked around for a moment, clearly getting its bearings, before settling upon the blonde woman. She quickly kneeled before him. "Satan, our lord and master! Forgive us for summoning you from your most evil of work!"

A small imp was hiding among the trees with a gun at the ready. "That's not Lucifer, who is that?"

The creature's glowing green eyes bore into her very soul as it stepped forward. A growl burst forth from its lips. In a burst of speed that forced the fire out from the resulting winds, it grabbed the woman and forced her to look into its eyes. She tried to scream but as she opened her mouth a stream of green liquid came out and went into the creature's mouth. As it went into the creature the woman's body began to wither. The moisture went first, leaving her wrinkled as her hair began to fall out. Her eyes shrunk into her head as her limbs began to shrink. Soon her clothes and bandages fell to the ground. As the creature finished its feast its skin began to change. It became lighter, becoming a very dark green.

The husband ran back to the house in the distance, tripping over himself as he did so and attracting the creature's attention. Letting out a roar it ran after him leaving the imp to go help Millie and Blitzo. "Sir we need to leave right now!"

"Yeah no sh*t Moxxie, what the f*ck was that!?" The screams of the children could be heard from the house catching Moxxie's attention. Blitzo quickly pulled out his phone and called someone, "Loona we need a portal back right f*cking now!"

Then one of the screams was cut off, the other got louder though. "Mox, do you have any idea what that is?" Millie looked at her husband, hoping he knew what they were dealing with.

The last member of the twisted family was silenced. Moxxie noticed that the husk of the woman had turned to dust before he heard the wails of someone crying. It was like he had been shot they were so loud. Blitzo and Millie both looked towards the house as well, watching as the creature tore it apart. Moxxie put the rifle up and looked through the scope. What he saw stopped his heart. The creature's body was convulsing, its veins glowing. The blackened flesh became lighter, it was still green but it was far more noticeable in the light of the night. The wings upon its back flapped wildly as they grew to three times their length before beginning to split apart into a new set of wings. The screams only got worse. Despite his job as an assassin, Moxxie did still care about people. And he couldn't ignore those screams of pain.

"Alright, the portal is all set and- Moxxie what the f*ck are you doing!?" Blitzo screamed as he and Millie watched Moxxie run towards where the creature was.

Arriving at the site of the house of horrors, all it was now was rubble. He could see the clothes of the husband and children buried underneath some rubble but Moxxie's focus was on the creature. Up close now he could tell it was male and fairly young. He was hunched over crying saying something Moxxie couldn't quite pick up. "I'm sorry." Until he found himself closer.

"Uh, hey, are you okay?" Moxxie kept the gun pointed at the ground, trying to appear as nonthreatening as possible.

He looked at Moxxie with tears streaming down his face. "I-I didn't mean to. I was just at the h-hotel and then I'm here. What d-did I do?" He struggled to speak his body constantly wracking with sobs.

Moxxie put the gun down and stepped forward, "They... they were bad people. All of them were cannibals." Placing his hand on the kid's shoulder Moxxie tried to explain to the kid the situation.

"But the kids." The kid pointed at the two piles of children's clothes.

"They were gonna skin me earlier, trust me when I say that no one in this family was innocent." Moxxie was startled when the kid lunged forward. He could hear something snap behind him but he couldn't look back because he was currently being hugged.

"I don't want to hurt people. Please, help me." His voice sounded so broken and all that Moxxie could do was pat his back.

"Let's get back to Hell and then we can talk some more, okay?" He could feel him nod his head against him. Helping the kid to stand up Moxxie took him by the hand and turned around to find Millie and Blitzo standing behind him with Blitzo holding the gun. "Sir, let's go."

"Uh, sure Mox."

Walking to the portal Loona was surprised to see a fourth person coming back. The hellhound tilted her head at the teen being led by Moxxie through the portal and to a couch. "And who is he?"

"Don't know Loona he just appeared because apparently our target and her entire f*cking family were f*cking cannibal Satanists! I'm gonna go call our client, help Moxxie with this mess." Blitzo walked out of the room leaving his three employees to deal with the kid.

"Can you tell me your name?" Moxxie looked at him.


"Hi Izuku, I'm Moxxie," Moxxie pointed towards his wife, "that's Millie," then towards Loona, "and that's Loona. The guy who left is our boss Blitz. Do you know the number of the hotel you were in?"

Loona looked at the sight with a raised eyebrow before looking to Millie for an explanation. "Our target decided to "return us to Hell" in the name of Satan and he came out of the flames."

"So did Lucifer have another kid?"

Millie just shrugged. Moxxie was talking to Izuku, being as gentle as he could be although he couldn't figure out what kind of demon Izuku was. He'd had these rings on his arms when he came out of the flames but now they seem embedded into his arms. His wings had doubled in amount and tripled in size. His body had gone through such a rapid change in such a short amount of time. "Do you know the name of anyone in the hotel?"

"My cousin runs it. Her name's Charlie."

The three Immediate Murder Professional employees froze as they stared at Izuku. "Loona go call them." She quickly did as Moxxie said, something she wasn't prone to doing, and dialed the number she saw on the ad she had watched.

"Hi, um, do you happen to know an Izuku? Where are we?" Loona said their address just as their client came into the room.

"Well, you guys certainly know how to deliver. I was told to talk to Loona about paying." Mayberry said hand on her hip with a smirk.

A crack could be heard in the distance as something flew through the air. Blitzo entered the room just in time to see Charlie slam into the wall of the building and land in the room with her wings and horns out for all to see. "Where is he?" They stared at her in terror as she looked around before her eyes landed on Izuku. Despite his changed form, she could still recognize him. "Izuku! Are you okay? Are you hurt? sh*t, I should've warned you about those stupid rituals." She quickly tucked in her wings and horns and was at his side in a second checking over every part of his body. Seeing the changes to him she turned around and glared at the assembled demons with burning eyes, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?"

Blitzo immediately pointed at Moxxie and yelled, "He did it!" before bolting out of the room, not wanting to deal with a pissed-off princess of Hell.

Charlie stared Moxxie down as her horns grew out again as well as her wings. Moxxie cowered away but knew he couldn't run. "Um, you see, we were on a job up on Earth to kill this woman who slept with our client's husband when she was alive, bit of a story there." Moxxie pointed to Mayberry who tried to hide behind Loona to escape Charlie's glare. "Turns out though that she and her entire family were cannibals and worshipped your father. They, uh, tried to burn Millie and my boss, the one who just ran out of the room, and accidentally summoned him."

Charlie picked Moxxie up by the color and forced him to look directly into her eyes as she stared into his,"What changed him."

Moxxie gulped loudly, "Uh, he grabbed the target, and this weird green thing came out of her and went into him. It changed him slightly, he then went after the husband and their psychopathic children. His eyes stopped glowing after-"

"His eyes were glowing?" Charlie asked her voice no longer echoing.

"Uh, yes?"

Charlie took a deep breath and dropped Moxxie. "It seems something has been discovered here. Now I am gonna tell you this once, say anything of this to anyone, and you will face my father. And trust me when I say that is the more merciful option."

Blitzo peaked out from the door, "What would be the not merciful option?"

"You would have to deal with his mother." Charlie quickly turned around and grabbed Izuku. Pulling him to his feet she hugged him tight.

"I didn't mean to. I just wanted him to stop." His words puzzled the others.

"It's okay, I guess now is as good a time as any to teach you how to fly."

~With Inko~

"So I'm trying to get some information on how quirks may affect a human's mental state when this asshole comes up to me and starts talking about how I'm carrying the next generation of the quirk race, I think his name was Destro or something, anyway pisses me off enough I f*ck with his karma and so he gets to build up this entire movement and then it crumbles all before him in a matter of days. That was nice."

Lucifer let out a laugh at Inko's story. Her arriving a couple of hours early allowed them to properly catch up. Stolas soon after walked into the room and took his seat. "With Stolas here we may now begin this meeting." Lucifer quickly grew serious. "Stolas, what did you find?"

"Well, the first thing that proved most interesting was that one of my observation spells on the principal showed that the angel's manipulations don't affect him. It may be possible to use him as a way to get the brat. Second, however, was that Toshinori Yagi was trying to find a way to summon you Inko." Stolas crossed his legs and smirked slightly.

Inko raised her eyebrow, "Pardon?"

"Indeed. He was scouring through multiple books and websites trying to figure out how to summon you. He obviously doesn't know of your relation to Luci or Lily but he may try those avenues in an attempt to reach you."

"Why would he be trying to summon me?" It truly puzzled Inko.

"From what I could gather he seems to have a close relationship with your son. I'd almost say like a father." That stalled her. When Izuku had begun dieting and exercising she hadn't looked too deep into it, working more on trying to protect him from Aldera at the time. But what had started him on that path? Could it have been Toshinori Yagi?

"If you could set up a more personalized ritual for him to find so I don't mix it up with the other rituals we deal with on the daily we should be able to open communications with him then."

"I'll see what I can do."

Lucifer cleared his throat, "While Heaven has yet to respond to our communications we have heard word from the other pantheons that they were not involved. This of course doesn't eliminate rogue elements so we will still investigate just to be safe. And hopefully, we will discover a way to reverse the damages done to Izuku, although our doctors have not yet discovered anything. Stolas, please loop both Inko and I with the observation spells so we can keep watch ourselves. With your own responsibilities, we can't rely on you to tell us what is going on."

"Understood." With the final word, the meeting was over. Inko now had another one to handle back at her casino.

~With Izuku~

"You got this, you're doing great Izuku!" Charlie cheered her cousin on as he struggled to fly alongside her back to the hotel. They were close to the roof and Izuku was actually showing exhaustion. Once they were over the roof he stopped flapping his wings and flopped onto the building. He panted while looking up at the giant pentagram in the sky before something hit him and he let out a laugh. "What's so funny?"

Izuku looked to his cousin, "I'm feeling tired, hungry, and thirsty. When I was forced away I hadn't felt any of those things. Now, I feel more alive." He let out a joyous laugh and hugged Charlie. It shocked her but she quickly returned it. "Thank you for teaching me." He smiled at her before heading inside.

Charlie looked at the door with a smile before quickly fishing out her phone and dialing a number, that to be honest, she doesn't even know if still works. Holding it to her ear she let it ring before it was thankfully picked up. "Hey, Octavia. I need your help with something, it's about Auntie Inko's son. Do you know what it means for a demon to absorb some green essence from a person?" She listened to a question on the other side, "Yes the human is a sinner," Some more talking and her eyes widened, "So that's what he needs? Hm, Octavia, I need you to do something. I ran into these imps who are able to go up to Earth and kill people. I didn't stop to ask their names but I think their boss was named Blitz..." Some loud noises could be heard on the other end, "Oh, I don't know I was more focused on Izuku. Yes, that's his name. Look, these imps are currently our safest bet on helping Izuku recover, help me hire them for this, and I'll do whatever you want." More was spoken and Charlie nodded, "Yeah, that can work. Thank you, it was nice talking to you again." She hung up and let out a sigh.

'He needs the souls of sinners to heal. The best I can do is guide him towards people who sin for pleasure.'

~With Inko~

Inko got out of her limo and walked into her casino. Seras quickly fell into step beside her. "Ma'am, Anderson and I have scouted out Valentino and found multiple weaknesses we could exploit."

"Excellent job, did you investigate those two other overlords he is allied with?"

"Heinkel and Yumiko were assigned that job."

"Good. I'm assuming our guest is waiting for me in my office?"

Seras nodded her head, "Yes ma'am, she hasn't touched a drop of alcohol and has been on her best behavior."

"Perhaps there is hope. Return to your duties Seras, I will call upon you later once we know more about Valentino's allies." Inko headed to her office while Seras went to do her rounds.

Entering her office she was met with a pink-skinned succubus who jerked in her chair and looked up at Inko with wide eyes. "Verosika, good to see you."

"M-ma'am. It is a pleasure to see you again after so long." Her voice cracked slightly.

Inko sat down behind her desk and linked her hands, "I'm going to get straight to the point, I'm offering you your job back here." Verosika gasped and tried to say something but Inko held up her hand, "However, there will be some rules put in place."

"What do you ask of me?" Verosika was desperate to get this job back. It had been the best, and safest, she had ever had.

"You will attend rehab every day, miss rehab one day you don't get that day's pay. You will not touch a drop of alcohol while working for us. The mess you caused last time was a disaster." Verosika flinched at the reminder. "Finally, your ex-boyfriend. You are not to interact with him unless you absolutely do not have a choice in the matter. I will not have you relapse because of him, although he is apparently going through his own problems. Am I understood?"

Verosika nodded rapidly, "Thank you, ma'am!" Inko nodded at her and she got up to leave. However, she stopped at the door for a moment. "Ma'am, may I ask something?" Inko raised her brow but gestured for her to go on, "The baby, did you have them?"

Inko's eyes glowed dangerously and Verosika feared she overstepped, "Yes, he is the light of my life. Although a situation recently occurred, you may ask Seras about it while you figure out your schedule for performances." Verosika nodded fearfully and quickly left the room.


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Chapter 9: Friends


Iida and Uraraka are finally able to talk to Izuku


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Iida carried some dishes into the kitchen to be cleaned. While they were technically guests of the hotel he didn't feel right staying for free so he picked up some chores. Uraraka was in the kitchen as well, cleaning what little dishes there were. "I'm surprised there aren't more tenants." Iida shared his thoughts.

"It is a relatively new thing, by Hell Time at least. Plus, they have yet to have proof that redemption works, they don't want to get their hopes up." Uraraka spoke dispassionately. Despite the short amount of time she had known Izuku, she had enjoyed his company. "Any word on where he is?" After Husk had told them what happened Charlie had zipped off to her room, saying something about rituals.

"None. Have your parents contacted you yet?" Iida's parents had yet to contact him either.

"Not yet, I think it might be because of the time difference, and how they got the mirrors." Uraraka shivered at the memory of Inko at her full height. Despite seeing the woman cry at the state of her son she was still absolutely terrifying. Especially with what they learned she has done in her long life.

"I suppose." Iida sighed. While the way he met Izuku hadn't been the greatest he felt that once they started to talk they became good friends. Now though, after learning parts of Izuku's past he wasn't certain if he felt like that. "Do you think... do you think Izuku sees us as friends? When he first woke up he talked as though he thought of us as friends, but now? After learning everything?"

"I don't know." Uraraka sighed. "He just learned he isn't human, that he's never been human. That would certainly affect how I look at everything." She put the dish in her hand down and turned to look at Iida, "His life has been one of pain, and then you put on the fact that he died, which he remembers all of it, and I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't want to talk to us."

Iida looked down, "We'd remind him too much of the life he lived."

"You heard what Miss Inko said, the amount of suffering he has endured," Inko had called them over one of their mirrors to talk more on how they could help Izuku, as well as share more about Izuku's past to have them better understand some of his reactions, "If it was me I would've gone insane."

"Same." Iida agreed with her, "So how do we help him once Charlie finds him?"

"f*ck if I know. He would block the door whenever we tried to bring him food and even when Charlie started to bring him food he wouldn't eat any of it, none of it was even f*cking touched! Is he starving himself or is there something going on that causes him to not be hungry? What about sleep? Charlie says he's usually just in bed but he's always awake whenever she brings him food and she doesn't even have a schedule with that so how is he always awake whenever she comes?! We don't know anything because he doesn't want help!" Uraraka panted slightly as she came down from her tangent.

Iida shared her worries, "We do what we can. Charlie at least is seemingly starting to trust us so we can work with her to help Izuku. We just-"

Suddenly the doors to the kitchen opened and Izuku walked in, although his appearance had changed. He no longer looked like a breathing dehydrated corpse and had some actual color to him. He also now had two pairs of wings instead of just one. The thing that caught their attention though was that he had a small smile and was humming, "Okay, let's see what is in the fridge, oh I hope I can make Katsudon!" Izuku opened the fridge, not noticing his two friends were in the kitchen, "Not a lot, but I've worked with less in the past. Looks like I'm making ramen today," Izuku stood back up with several ingredients in hand. He pushed the fridge door closed with his hip and went over to the stove to begin bowling the noodles, "I'm lucky they had some noodles.

"De- Izuku?" Uraraka found her voice.

Izuku jumped in surprise, thankfully not dropping anything, and turned around to see his two friends, "Um..." His eyes widened and he was trying to figure out what to say to them, "Do you guys want some ramen?" His brain decided to not be helpful today.

Uraraka and Iida shared a look, "Yeah, I could go for some." Uraraka said, "Let me go get some of my favorites." She went to go grab her favorite additions and seasonings.

"Iida?" Izuku was hesitant to ask.

Iida took a deep breath, "f*ck it, Uraraka move over I want some beef with mine." He gave a smile to his friend, just happy Izuku was willing to talk with them. "While we eat, could you explain what the... hell doesn't really work... what in the name of the gods happened? And why you suddenly have a new pair of wings?"

Izuku chuckled a bit, "I don't really remember most of it, but I met this nice imp who helped me out." Izuku smiled, happy that his friends still wanted to be his friends still.


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Chapter 10: Monsters


Tenya and Ochako question some things
Inko finds her first suspect in the identity of the angel watching over Katsuki Bakugou


Quick Warning there is some talk of suicide in this chapter

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Angel Dust could do nothing but stare at Izuku cooking. While whatever he was making smelled delicious, it was more what he was wearing that got to him. "Angel?" Izuku called for him, "Here's my risotto!" Izuku put a plate of risotto before him. It looked incredibly creamy with some extra cheese grated on top, and he could faintly smell some wine from it. "It's Risotto Alla Milanese, I've been meaning to try and make it for a while now and Nifty was kind enough to get the ingredients for me, alongside quite a few more." Izuku began to hum to himself as he went back to cooking.

Charlie walked into the kitchen as Angel took his first bite. She had to stop when she saw the changes to the hotel's kitchen, as well as the little squeak that Angel let out. "Just like Mama used to make," He murmured to himself.

Charlie looked at how much bigger the kitchen had become, with several stoves and even a brick oven in the corner, which Izuku was getting something out of, "What the-"

"Thanks for trying my food Angel," Izuku unknowingly cut her off, "While trying my own food to see if I got it right would be easier, it's nicer to share the experience of making something new with someone else." Izuku brought out a pizza and put it on a platter, "Granted this isn't the first time I've made a pizza, but it is the first time I've made a Pizza Margherita. Man, I remember when Mom first took me to that pizza-making class, I had wished we could have a pizza oven for months after it was over." Izuku chuckled to himself at the memory, but there was a sad look in his eyes as well, "Here you go," Izuku grabbed the pizza cutter and cut the pizza once he set it up in front of Angel.

"When did this happen?" Vaggie had followed after Charlie when she noticed her girlfriend was taking a while in the kitchen.

"Alastor did it a couple hours ago," Angel murmured to her as he grabbed a slice of pizza and dug in, the plate of risotto gone. "Izuku's been cooking since."

Vaggie raised an eyebrow, "And you've just been sitting there flirting with him?"

"Nope," Angel pointed over to a small pile of dishes, "Spaghetti alla Carbonara, Gnocchi, Pesto alla Genovese, Lasagne, a Prosciutto di Parma sandwich, Ribollita, Bagna Cauda, and Polenta."

"It's just been you eating?" Charlie was surprised, Angel cared a lot about his figure.

"Nifty and Husk were here earlier. And I just can't stop," Angel felt his eyes tearing up, "It's been so long since I had food like this, since I enjoyed some proper Italian food, and every time I take a bite I just feel so happy!" Angel began to devour the rest of the pizza.

"Oh, Vaggie, Charlie! When did you guys get here?" Izuku waved to them as he placed a bowl in front of Angel. "The chocolate Gelato is ready Angel." Izuku smiled at Angel, "Thanks again for being my taste tester, I haven't exactly had a chance recently to try new recipes so this was really fun."

Once again all Angel could see was Izuku's outfit, "Yeah, no problem," He mumbled as he grabbed the spoon.

"You guys want anything?" Izuku asked Charlie and Vaggie.

"You got any coffee?" Charlie took a seat next to Angel, who immediately used two of his arms to guard his gelato, and Vaggie sat next to her.

"A couple, Mom didn't like having coffee but it certainly helped me get up in the morning." Charlie noticed once more how there was a tinge of sadness in Izuku's voice at the mention of his mother, "I usually have it black," Izuku quickly ground up some coffee beans and put them in two glass bowls with a paper separating the grounds from the glass, "But I do know a couple recipes I'd use for some special occasions." He put the bowls over two coffee pots, "Oh shoot," Izuku smacked the side of his head, "You guys want anything special or something basic?"

"Just some cream and sugar for me," Vaggie told him.

Charlie thought for a moment, "You know how to make a frappuccino?"

Izuku filled two kettles with water and placed them on a stovetop to heat up, "I do," He grabbed the sugar bowl and pointed at the fridge, "The creams are in the fridge over there, I don't know what flavors you'd like though so I figure it'd be best if you chose," He said to Vaggie.

Vaggie got out of her seat to select the creams but stopped when she saw what Izuku was wearing, "That explains way more," she muttered to herself.

~Isle Casino~

Inko looked out over the city from her bedroom tower. With Heaven still not communicating with Hell she was losing any semblance of patience that she had remaining. She wanted the angel who protected Katsuki and she wanted them now. "What are they doing up there?" She wondered aloud, "Maybe Beelzebub could help, I haven't been able to meet with him since coming back," She sighed, tired of Heaven refusing to cooperate and not being able to further help her son. With a flick of her wrist, her clothes changed to more casual wear and she went off into the tower in search of the kitchen. "Hopefully the renovations I requested are done."

Mitsuki and Masaru had been waiting outside her doors and immediately followed after her. They hadn't yet been given any official assignments for the day and until that happened they were ordered to follow Inko around and attend to her needs, "Do you need anything?" Masaru asked, hoping it wasn't anything bad.

"I'm just going to the kitchen, notify anyone who has requested a meeting with me that I will be there," Inko ordered them and Mitsuki immediately took out the phone she had been given to do so.

Mitsuki was dressed like a regular maid, although she was extremely thankful it wasn't overly sexualized and covered everything, the skirt even going down to her knees. Masaru was dressed like a butler, he had also been given a pocket watch to keep track of time. So far nothing bad had happened to them since their enslavement beyond some dirty looks from the employees of the casino and the jobs they had been given didn't put them in any danger. "Sir Integra wishes to speak with you, she said it relates to Izuku," Mitsuki relayed the message to Inko.

Inko stopped in her tracks and the couple almost crashed into her, "Did I give you permission to say his name?" Mitsuki squeaked, a habit that she had quickly picked up since coming here, much like Masaru and him gulping when scared, "Unless I tell you otherwise," Inko turned her head to stare at them, "You will refer to him as my son, you failure of a mother," Mitsuki could do nothing but nod, words failing her. Inko was nothing but cold to them, she hated them with every fiber of her being.

While most would attribute the failure of the parents to the Guardian Angel of Katsuki Bakugou when one actually knows how a guardian angel works the story becomes different. The Angel can only change the scales of karma that inhabit the one it watches over, tilting it so that the one it protects has so much good luck it becomes next to impossible for them to have bad luck. However, it cannot affect the karma or choices of others. The guardian angel also cannot influence the choices of the one it watches over or others, the perception of the one they look over, and they are strictly forbidden from influencing the environment. It was clear that the Guardian Angel of Katsuki Bakugou had influenced the environment in the past, Inko had checked herself when she noticed discrepancies in appearance that contradicted her memory, to the point she had set up a spell to follow Katsuki Bakugou's path throughout his days to document changes in the environment, hoping to catch a mistake that would lead her to the Angel, with no luck. She had handed over everything recorded to Integra to investigate. But Mitsuki and Masaru chose to ignore the obvious signs of their son displaying psychopathic tendencies, despite seeing multiple examples of it from the various villains seen on the news that she knew they watched. They chose to simply think it was boys just being boys when it should've been clear to anyone that Katsuki was tormenting several children, ruling his classroom with fear while his teachers turned the other cheek and ignored it in favor of having one of their students go to UA.

The signs were all there in plain view, Katsuki never once tried to hide them. And yet they did nothing. 'If they had at least tried, tried to do anything, they wouldn't be here.' Inko thought to herself, a cascade of why she hated the two of them so much falling through her thoughts, "I won't give you another warning so don't make the same mistake." She continued walking to the kitchen, Mitsuki and Masaru stalling behind for a few moments to steady their heartbeats.

~Hazbin Hotel~

Izuku hummed as he blended everything up for Charlie's frappucino, "How's the coffee Vaggie?"

Vaggie was pouring herself a new cup as she answered, "It's great," She smiled at him, "You know we don't have an official chef at the hotel."

Izuku saw what she was getting at, "It's something to do, what about Iida and Uraraka?"

"What about us?" Tenya asked as the two humans mentioned entered the kitchen.

"Vaggie asked if I could be the hotel's cook while I stay here," Izuku said as he waved at his friends. He finished blending up Charlie's frappucino and put it in a large cup before adding whip cream, caramel and chocolate drizzle on top, and some sprinkles. "Here you go."

Charlie took the drink eagerly and immediately took a taste, "Oh that hits the spot," she smiled happily.

"You guys want anything?" Izuku grabbed Angel's empty bowl and put it in the sink.

"I could eat," Ochako said taking her own seat.

"So long as we aren't intruding on anything," Tenya took his own seat.

"I know something that should be good," Izuku grabbed two pans and went to grab the necessary ingredients for what he had in mind.

"I didn't realize you liked cooking so much, although given your reaction to meeting Lunch Rush it should've been obvious," Ochako giggled, "You were acting like you just met All Might."

"No I was acting exactly like I was when I met All Might," Izuku muttered out loud, not really registering what he said as he began to crack some eggs.

Tenya tilted his head, "What do you mean? You met All Might with the rest of One-A on the first day of our second week at UA. You weren't acting surprised at all when you saw him."

"That's because he was my trainer. He helped me exercise and get the proper muscle mass so I'd be ready for the entrance exam. Where did Nifty put the day-old rice?" Izuku started opening some cabinets.

Ochako couldn't quite believe what she was hearing, "All Might personally trained you?"

"Yup, even set me up on a diet. Learned some fun recipes for that. Honestly meeting him was the best day of my life, although it certainly was pretty bad to start it off. There it is," Izuku found his day-old rice.

"How did you even meet him?" Tenya leaned forward, curious. It made sense in hindsight given All Might's reaction to Izuku's death, even if Tenya didn't know what exactly was going on at the time.

"This Sludge Villain tried to suffocate me and take over my body, almost blacked out." Izuku started to make some scrambled eggs. "He put the villain in a bottle and jumped away after I woke up and knew I was okay, and I being an idiot grabbed on." Izuku chuckled fondly, "He almost kicked me off before realizing the fall would kill me he was so shocked I did that." Izuku began to fry the rice.

"Why would you do that?" Ochako had never heard of a hero fan doing something as dangerous as jumping onto a hero. Charlie was watching the whole conversation unfold with Vaggie, Angel had left to go exercise.

Izuku sighed almost fondly as he began to fry the scrambled eggs, "I wanted to ask him a question. If a quirkless person could become a hero like him."

That only served to further confuse Ochako, "Why would you want to ask him that?"

"I didn't have a quirk at the time," Izuku said plainly as he began to split the fried rice and scrambled eggs into four two bowls to mix together. "I first used it at the Entrance Exam to save you."

Ochako quickly connected the dots, Tenya doing the same, "Do you think it's from your demon heritage?"

"Nope," Izuku responded right away, "I know it's a quirk. My heritage hadn't even awakened until I died."

"Murdered," Tenya interrupted, "You were murdered."

Izuku hummed, "Yeah. Wanna hear something stupid?" When no one said anything Izuku took that as a queue to continue, "I started learning how to cook when I was around eight to nine, and it was because I wanted to be better at something than Bakugou." Izuku cracked some more eggs into two new pans and mixed in the fried rice and scrambled eggs into them once they began to cook. "He was good at everything without even trying, from taking one class of drums and being a master at it all of a sudden, to being the first to read and knowing different ways to understand kanji, to just about everything. He tried it once and he was the best at it, but he had never tried cooking. I asked Mom if I could take some classes and she signed me up." Izuku chuckled a bit, "My first few attempts were pretty badly burnt. Sure they were still edible but the taste was ruined. Took me a while, but eventually, I got the hang of it. I started doing it more and more, cooking me and Mom dinner, made us breakfast sometimes, even dessert a few times. It was fun for me, and eventually, I didn't even care about being better than Bakugou at that one thing, I had just found something for myself that I could enjoy where even if you had a quirk it didn't affect how well you did." Izuku was smiling, "I even found my favorite food thanks to it."

The four people listening to Izuku were surprised, "You know," Izuku started up again, "On the day I met All Might, Bakugou had told me to take a swan dive off the roof of a building and hope for a quirk in the next life."

"HE WHAT!?!?" Ochako yelled. Tenya was struck speechless while Charlie had this dark look in her eyes that was scaring Vaggie.

Izuku's next words brought everyone's thoughts to a screeching halt, "And f*ck me I actually considered doing it," Izuku sighed as he began to fold the eggs, "I was at a pretty low point and that day hadn't helped one bit. The teacher had revealed I wanted to try and get into UA to my whole class and everyone immediately ridiculed me for it, Bakugou of course destroyed my notebook again and burnt my uniform for the third time that month. Things like that stack up when it's done to you over the years." Izuku finished making the omurice and put them on two plates before putting them in front of his friends. He smiled brightly at them, "Hope you guys enjoy!" The scariest part for them was that he wasn't faking being happy. He was just remembering years of torment at Bakugou's hands and was clearly sad yet like a switch was flipped he was smiling wider than a rainbow and meant it.

"Thanks..." Ochako and Tenya said at the same time. Before they could take a bite they noticed what Izuku was wearing and their brains stalled. Izuku was wearing a skirt, with his tail coiled around his waist, and it reached to the middle of his thighs. And he looked damn good in it. 'Oh f*ck he's hot!' They both shared the same thought.

~Isle Casino~

'Why does it feel like someone is thinking something lewd about Izuku?' Inko suddenly got a weird feeling but shook it off as she noticed the eggs she was making were on fire. "What did I do wrong this time? I greased the pan, put an egg in and started frying it, then I turned for a second and this happens." She scratched her head in confusion, "Izuku said this is one of the simpler dishes to make."

"Ma'am?" Integra called out into the giant personal kitchen.

"Over here," Inko called out as she dumped the ruined eggs, "What did you want to talk about?"

Integra opened her mouth to say something but then something else hit her, "What is that smell?"

Inko chuckled awkwardly, "That would be the twelve attempts I had at frying an egg."

Integra blinked for a moment, caught off guard, "You're cooking without magic?"

"Izuku loves to cook, I never really tried it myself while in the Mortal World but the way his eyes would light up as he made something, the single-minded focus he got, he couldn't be happier. After everything that's happened," Inko gripped the cloth over her heart, "It feels like I haven't done enough with him, I haven't done more together with him. Tenya Iida called me yesterday, Izuku has gotten healthier." Integra perked up at the news, "He doesn't look like a corpse anymore was Ochako Uraraka's words. He apparently made ramen for them, he was smiling. I want to get this matter with Katsuki Bakugou's Guardian Angel over with soon. So what is your news regarding him?"

Integra sat down in one of the chairs and lit a cigar, "It's not good news, that much I can tell you. When it was mentioned that Katsuki Bakugou had the ability to create explosions I was reminded of a similar case some time again, Yoshikage Kira."

Inko tilted her head as she remembered, "One of the serial killer Stand Users correct? He was the one who plagued Morioh with multiple murders starting with Reimi Sugimoto and upon gaining his Stand Killer Queen killed close to a hundred people. Things only took a turn for the worse for him once the Joestars got involved. Even then he managed to kill about six people if I'm remembering correctly and Killer Queen even gained a time loop ability before he was defeated. But why is that important?"

"Due to the evidence you collected upon noticing that Katsuki Bakugou had a Guardian Angel I began looking through the Guardian Angel Registry for any who matched the patterns shown. But none of them matched until I began to look through the Registry of Fallen Angels. The pattern matched one angel who never went through the Ritual of Falling from Heaven. Ma'am, I believe we are dealing with the Guardian Angel of Monsters."

For a moment it was as though nothing else existed but those words. These accursed words. Words Inko did not, even for a second, believe were true. "How can you be certain?" Gone was any emotion in her voice.

Integra knew this would be Inko's reaction, "The first thing that began my suspicions was Katsuki Bakugou himself. The behavioral patterns fit with many of the others that the Guardian Angel of Monsters has watched over. But his actions were what gave my suspicions more reason to investigate. Using his quirk illegally, hurting other students, even in front of teachers who for some reason never once stopped what he was doing, destroying the property of his school and other students, then of course most recently the murder of Izuku. There are other things we may not be aware of since you mainly observed him during school hours." Inko had set that spell up to last from the beginning of the school day to the end. It was easier to manage and Izuku always got out of there as fast as he could. "At least one of these matches up with the others that G.A.M. has watched over."

"It could simply be a copycat, a rogue angel who thinks the G.A.M. is right." Inko denied it all, she refused to see this as a possibility.

"It is merely suspicion ma'am. I requested this meeting so I may have permission to look into the G.A.M. casefiles further than what my clearance grants me." Integra bowed her head.

Inko took a deep breath, "Do you know what will happen if the G.A.M. is considered just a suspect alone in our investigation? We were assured by the Chief Deities in the Council of Valhalla that the G.A.M. had been captured and was scheduled for execution."

"I remember when they informed us. It was a half-century before you had to go to observe the suddenly appearing quirks."

"Either they lied to us, or whoever was executed was a decoy so the real G.A.M. could go into hiding for a time. Those are two potential scenarios we are facing if your suspicions have merit." Inko tapped her fingers for a few seconds, trying to steady her nerves. Inko had been assigned to investigate the Guardian Angel of Monsters by Lucifer. The kinds of monsters they found had been watched over by the G.A.M. had shown an Angel who was aiming to create chaos, with what goal in mind was never truly learned. As the name implied the G.A.M. brought incredible luck to people who were truly monsters, prolonging when they would face their karmic punishment until their negative karma had built up to the point that once it was unleashed the individual being watched over by the G.A.M. would die. And by then many people, innocent and sinners alike were already dead. "I give you permission to look through the case files of the Guardian Angel of Monsters. I recommend also looking through the files for the Joestar Family, Muzan Kibutsuji, and Alucard's early days before he found his wife Lisa. In fact, you can also look through the Belmont archives just to be safe. The various killers who earned the title of Jack the Ripper, Kars the Pillarman, Muzan Kibutsuji and some of his Twelve Kizuki, Yoshikage Kira, Alucard during his more bloodthirsty days, that one spirit calling himself Death, Enrico Pucci, Adolf Hitler, and countless others. It goes almost all the way to Cain, although we confirmed the G.A.M. had nothing to with that incident or Adam and Eve being kicked out of Eden. Is the Council of Valhalla gathering soon?"

Integra checked her phone, "In nine months time, that's by the Mortal World's time. If I'm allowed a few assistants, I'll be done within two months Mortal Time."

"You may use Mitsuki and Masaru. You may grab any others that you require to finish this so long as their station is below you and their jobs aren't too important. Is your business with those nearby gangs finished?" Inko wanted all of Integra's focus on investigating this.

"They decided to get greedy in what they wanted in return for stepping away from attacking the Casino," Integra unsheathed her rapier slightly and Holy Light shined from the blade, "So I gave them a second offer they couldn't refuse. All of my attention will be on this investigation."

Inko let out a sigh, "Good. If you need to work with someone from Heaven it would be easier to contact the Valkyrie Brunhilde. Big Brother Lucifer hasn't had any luck getting in contact with Heaven directly and if your suspicions turn out to be true we may have an explanation as to why."

~Hazbin Hotel~

Tenya Iida was having a crisis. They were currently in the lounge of the hotel and Izuku was still wearing the skirt. It showed off plenty of his surprisingly muscular legs. 'Were they always that muscular?'

"Hey, Charlie? Does the hotel have a gym area?" Izuku asked his cousin as he took a seat.

"You're seeing it too right?" Ochako whispered to Tenya. "I mean I saw something during the Entrance Exam when he saved me but everything had been so chaotic I didn't really notice."

Tenya hadn't noticed anything when they changed in the locker rooms at UA, although that was more because he made it a point not to look at anyone when changing in a communal place, "It would make sense given his quirk, and the fact that he was trained by All Might," He whispered back.

"I mean I thought he was cute when I first met him," Ochako admitted without shame, although Tenya blushed since he had thought the same back then as well, "But Izuku is f*cking hot. I mean sure the muscles are nice but his food is amazing."

Tenya did agree, "I'm still wondering why he's wearing a skirt."

"You're right, we should get a gym added to the hotel." Charlie poked Izuku with her elbow, "Thanks for the idea." While Tenya and Ochako had their own conversation Charlie and Izuku had been discussing the hotel having a gym.

"It's a good place to blow off steam without getting into fights. Having things like that here should be really helpful with helping people find redemption." Izuku crossed his legs as he leaned forward, "That reminds me, do you think you could get some books on the various types of demons that reside within Hell? I don't want to accidentally do anything wrong when trying to help out around here."

"I'll place an order. By the way, what's with the skirt? It looks good on you." Charlie ate one of the scones that Izuku had made after feeding his friends.

"Thanks. Nifty actually made it for me, she is a whiz with a sewing machine. As for why I'm wearing it, it's comfy." Izuku's simple response got a chuckle out of his cousin.

"We're probably going to see Izuku in other outfits like that aren't we?" Tenya asked.

"If you get a bloody nose you're on your own," Ochako said, some blood leaking from her nose already.


Quick thing on what I'm pulling from
My Hero Academia, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, and Hellsing are obvious
The final three however are, Castlevania (mostly the anime), Record of Ragnarok, and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
I am also somewhat using stuff from Death Note, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Demon Slayer but I don't know how far I'll be going with that
Look I got ideas and it just got away from me
Also next chapter will be Inko's view from chapter one
Anyway leave your thoughts and feedback in the comments
Thanks for the Kudos

Chapter 11: The Loss of Life


Inko experiences the worst day of her life


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Bye, Mom! I'm off to UA!" Inko could hear Izuku yell out accompanied by the door closing. She smiled softly, happy that her son managed to get into his dream school without her using her magic to help him. She had a feeling he would've been able to, but it seems that whatever he had been doing Toshinori Yagi had helped to awaken a part of his demonic heritage. Something that made her quite happy.

"I'll be telling him the truth soon, I should let him get used to his current abilities first though." Inko got up from her small desk and stretched her arms, feeling some of her joints pop. She looked at her computer, something that had helped her keep up with various events of the world and catch up on things that she missed during the beginning of the Dawn of Quirks when she was still in Hell. "I'll need to upgrade this thing again, I should go look at the newer ones." Inko would then go for one of the cheaper options. Part of her cover was as a low-income single mother raising her son while his father was out of the picture. She had created a small company and set up an illusionary staff where she worked one of the lower-tier jobs, of course setting it up in advance long before she gave birth so it could legitimately establish itself as a business. She had worked herself up to a lower-middle-tier job with properly placed promotions, something that had given her cover more credibility than just simply working somewhere.

Inko grabbed her purse and stepped out of the apartment. As she locked the door she looked at it for a moment, 'I should give myself a promotion within the company, get myself a raise, and then Izuku and I could move into a house.' She smiled at the idea, one that she'd had before but held off on until it felt right. 'I think now is the time to do that.' She walked to the elevator and took it down, humming to herself as she did. 'Once Izuku has a grasp on his current abilities I should introduce him to Charlotte, they'll get along like peas in a pod,' Inko giggled to herself, 'Although I wonder how he'll feel about Seras? He did always say he wanted a big sister back when he was little. Integra and Alexander will most likely spoil him rotten. Alucard... that first meeting will be interesting.'

Stepping out of the elevator Inko left the apartment building and started walking to the grocery store, "Hey, Inko!" She stopped herself from grimacing as Mitsuki ran and quickly fell in step with her, "Heading to the store?"

"Yes, I need to pick up some groceries and I'm hoping to look at some computers, mine is starting to show its age and I need to get a new one," Inko made small talk with Mitsuki, wishing the woman would just go away. There had been a time when she had considered Mitsuki and Masaru her friends but since seeing how they ignored Katsuki's blatant abuse of others, reckless use of his quirk, and all-around delinquent behavior her opinion of the couple had quickly soured. 'Maybe they'll become better parents once I find Katsuki's guardian angel and rip it's wings off before choking it with its own halo.' The kind smile she wore as she talked with Mitsuki contrasted her twisted thoughts. "Of course, I'm hoping to see if there are any new cooking classes for Izuku as well, you should've seen him when he came home with an autograph from Lunch Rush he was so happy!" 'I'll force-feed Katsuki with the angel's entrails if he doesn't stop with the abuse he puts my son through!' She could already sense the brat yelling at her son at UA.

"Heh, no surprise there," Mitsuki shook her head, "Katsuki would not shut up about how he got into UA with top points all last week it was getting annoying. He didn't even talk about any of his classes or classmates that he met," Mitsuki scratched the back of her neck, "He kept going on about how he was going to be top of the class and everything, I just don't get where he got such a huge ego."

'Aldera you stupid bimbo! Or did you just ignore how the teachers acted when talking to you about him or how everything they said about him directly contradicted how he actually acts!?' Inko had to fight to keep from glaring at Mitsuki, "Oh, well I'm sure something will bring him back down to Earth, he is after all at UA now. All of his new classmates passed the Entrance Exam as well, and Izuku told me there were some in the class who got in on recommendations. Why I've even heard the little brother of Ingenium and the son of Endeavor are in that class! Katsuki will have some stiff competition." Inko managed to keep smiling even though all she wanted to do was rip Katsuki limb from limb, "It's like the saying goes, 'Competition breeds humility.'" Inko had no idea if anyone had actually said that she had just heard it once from Lucifer when he decided to create the Overlord system. Although she could be misremembering, she had just visited Hades and Persephone and her mind was still on her two friends.

"Really? You think he'd mention something about them," Mitsuki trailed off as she noticed Inko gripping her purse rather tightly, "You okay?"

"Huh?" Inko realized what she was doing and relaxed her grip, "Oh it's nothing, I've just been worried about how Izuku is doing at UA, he told me they were doing their first heroics class today and it's just got me all jittered."

Mitsuki let out a loud laugh and patted Inko on the back, "You gotta stop being such a worrywort! Izuku's gonna be fine. Ah, I gotta get going nice talking to ya Inko." Mitsuki waved as she turned a corner.

Inko returned the wave as she continued on her way, 'Can't say it was the same.' She walked a few more blocks before finally getting to the grocery store. 'Izuku said we were running out of some vegetables, we're out of eggs, and we need some milk. Once I get those back home I'll go look into the cooking classes and the computers.' With a plan in mind for how her day was going to go Inko began grabbing the vegetables that they were running out of back home, 'Izuku said that their first Heroics Class would be their last class of the day, I'll check in during it just to make sure that everything is okay.' Grabbing a shopping cart Inko began grabbing what she needed, all the while trying to keep her anger in check from the conversation she had just had, 'Even with a guardian angel watching over the brat his behavior is still blatantly obvious, how is she not seeing it? For that matter if she is seeing it why doesn't she do anything? Masaru usually has more work to do at their company designing the clothes and everything while Mitsuki handles the accounting and scheduling of the fashion shows, most of which she usually does from home. She's home more often than him. But why? Why don't either of them see what is right in front of them? They're not taking a gamble hoping UA or someone else will correct Katsuki, I'd know, so why aren't they aware of his behavior?'

It was a question that had plagued Inko since she first became aware of what Katsuki was doing to her son. She had once broached the subject of what it was like for them growing up, hoping she could find some sort of answer for why they parent Katsuki the way that they do but a sudden villain attack had kept them from even refusing to answer and she hadn't tried to ask again given that the Guardian Angel had started to increase Katsuki's positive karma exponentially, an occurrence she was sure related to the question. She would've tried it again but Izuku's torment had increased due to the boon Katsuki got so she had to focus on manipulating the karma of some of Izuku's other tormentors, as well as doing minor restocks of Izuku's medkit he kept hidden under his bed, while continuing her investigation into discovering the identity of the angel. 'Something is going on here with that angel, I just can't figure out what. Do they sense Izuku's demonic heritage perhaps? It's also possible they are unaware of our true heritage but that raises even more questions then. I wish I could ask Integra for help with this but given the time difference with the mortal world and Hell it's hard to actually get her at a time when she or any of the others aren't busy.' Inko grabbed a carton of milk and looked down at the cart with the rest of the stuff on the list within. She had been so lost in thought she hadn't even noticed she had gotten everything until the coldness of the milk gave her a minor shock and brought her back to reality.

'I need to solve this problem soon, with Izuku awakening his heritage and the Angel ramping up its efforts to shield Katsuki something is going to go wrong soon.' Inko walked to the checkout and quickly paid for the groceries and began making her way back to the apartment, 'Should I have made sure Izuku was put in the One-B class? It would've put him away from Katsuki, dammit why didn't I think of that?' She hadn't thought of it because she had been far too focused on learning the Angel's identity, something that was quickly becoming an obsession for her. 'I'll need to see if I could create a transfer for him, this early in the year I would be able to set something up and no one would question it. I'll get right on it after I check out the classes and computers.'

Inko stood at a crosswalk and she could distantly hear a villain fighting a hero. Some of the people around her decided to make their way to it to watch the fight, 'How many times has Izuku done that? Well, that's not truly fair, most of the time they're blocking his route to wherever he's going. Course then he'll take out that notebook of his and start his cute little mutterings,' Inko smiled softly at the habit her son had picked up, 'I'm certain he'll be acting much the same once he learns about the different types of demons within hell, and he has already used figures from the pantheons when talking about some of the heroes and villains he's analyzed. The question is how do I reveal all of this to him?' Inko quickly crossed the street and then cut through an alleyway, 'Once he learns about the world of the supernatural things could change between us, especially when he learns about who he's related to.' Inko chuckled softly at the thought of Izuku learning he was related to Lucifer himself.

Getting back to her apartment she quickly put the groceries away while checking on her observation spells, 'Katsuki is still being a brat, no surprise there. The homeroom teacher is asleep again what is wrong with him? Oh, Izuku is talking with Midnight about hero costumes, and he's using the costume I made for him as a base!' Inko smiled at her son's ramblings about how hero costumes could help with controlling one's quirk, 'They have lunch soon, then a few more classes before their first Heroics Class. So I have a few more hours before it happens, I best wrap up with the rest of my errands so I can ensure Katsuki doesn't get paired up with Izuku.' Inko had to recast the spells every morning to observe Katsuki and once she and Izuku ate and her son was off she would look over the footage from yesterday's spell. She had an entire archive she had observed through, documenting every instance of the Angel abusing its powers over karma. 'Midnight is a good teacher, I just wish she'd drop that act of flirting with the students during the Sports Festival. If a demon only knew her from those they might think she's a succubus in disguise.' Inko herself had thought that when she first saw Midnight's costume and persona, especially when she saw the first iteration of the heroine's costume. She had quickly been proven wrong though with a few days of observation thankfully, 'But perhaps she could be one I could make a deal with. That would grant me someone inside UA that could possibly punish Katsuki, or even get him expelled. I'll need to figure out what to offer though.'

Inko let out a heavy sigh, "How long has it been since I started investigating this angel? It feels like Izuku and I haven't been spending a lot of time with each other since it started." She hit her head against the closed fridge, "I should just contact one of them to help me out with it, doing it by myself hasn't made it go any faster." Inko at times wished she could just tell Izuku everything, the truth about their heritage, about the Angel watching over Katsuki, even just the fact that he did have family outside of her and that they would love him no matter what. But she was afraid, afraid of how he would react when he learned the truth about what his mother was truly like. "He's so much like his father, but even then he's so much like me as well. And just like his parents, he hates liars." Inko stepped away from the fridge and got ready to go out again, "I need to tell him though, the more I keep putting it off the more dangerous it will become for him as he awakens more of his heritage." And the more likely that he would hate her.

Leaving her apartment for the second time that day Inko headed for the train station. 'How should I tell him?' Inko thought to herself as she waited for the train to arrive. 'Outright saying it or just acting like it's normal after he wakes up could send him into a panic attack.' The train arrived and she got on, quickly finding a place for herself to sit, 'Sitting him down to talk about it would be best, but how to explain it in a way he would understand? He usually responds best to visuals, perhaps a visit to Hell?' The train rocked to a stop and Inko watched as people got on and off, 'Showing my true form would be another way, maybe if he met Charlie. She would be best suited to help ease him into the truth about everything. I can't exactly ask Lily or Lucy to help given their responsibilities.' The train came to another stop and Inko got off, 'It's nearing time for the Heroics Class, I should look at the computers first, observe the class, then go look at cooking classes.' Inko planned out as she walked to the store. She could feel her heart beating a mile a minute as the class neared, 'Maybe I should change the karma of some in preparation, just in case this takes longer than expected.' Inko walked to the electronics section and looked at the many computers that were there, but her thoughts lay at UA.

"Can I help you ma'am?" An employee brought Inko out of her thoughts as they stepped up to her.

Inko reoriented herself quickly, "I'm looking for a new computer, mine is starting to show it's age and I do need one at home for when I have to work from there. Could you show me the cheap options?" Inko gave her nicest smile to the employee.

"Of course, right this way please," The employee went further into the store and Inko followed after them, "Is there anything specific in mind you want beyond it being cheap?"

"A camera and microphone so I can do video calls, and it needs to be able to handle multiple windows being open at the same time for when I have meetings. I hope that doesn't eliminate all the cheap options."

The employee waved their hand dismissing Inko's concern, "A lot of computers nowadays have those as default so it's not an issue. We will need to up the base price to get one that has the processing power for multiple-person video calls and all that but it shouldn't be too much of an increase." The employee stopped before a computer, "This is a bit of an older model than everything else, released last year, but it has all of your needs met. An issue is that it can't handle video calls that have more than six people on it, would that be an issue?"

While the CEO of the company that Inko had created was just Inko herself and she did have some illusionary staff she had hired some real people once the company had started to gain a reputation. If it was just illusionary staff it wouldn't be a problem for her but given the fact that she does meet with real people over the computer, "Often the meetings I'm a part of have at least ten people, so this one won't work for me." Three out of ten employees at the company were illusionary staff so she needed something that could handle real connections instead of simply the fake ones she would make.

"Alright then, that crosses off a couple other models, let's go look over here," The employee led her to another computer, the price was somewhat higher than the last one but it was still within Inko's price range. "Can support video calls of up to twenty people, built-in camera and microphone, and the processing power to handle multiple windows open at the same time. The model is almost ten months old and comes from Deternet. The only issue relating to your needs is that the battery drains fast the more people that are on a call if you have it unplugged."

Inko picked up the floor model and gave it a look over, "Hm, it's a bit too small for me, are there any similar models that are bigger?"

The employee walked over to a computer nearby, "Indeed we do, this one can support video calls with up to twenty-five people, it has the camera, microphone, and processing power of the last model and with a better battery as well, all thanks to Hatsume Industries. With your specifications, it should meet all of your needs."

Inko picked up the model and gave it a once over, "It's perf-" Suddenly a pain pierced her heart and with a labored gasp she dropped the floor model and stumbled back, clutching at her heart.

"Ma'am?! Are you okay?"

'No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no,' Inko's eyes veered around wildly, 'Why can't I feel it anymore? Where is Izuku's heartbeat!?' The heartbeat that she always listened to in the back of her mind was silent. 'What's happened!?!?' The employee stepped forward to try and help Inko when she suddenly disappeared, leaving a crater on the floor and a hole in the roof. Inko fell on the roof of a building as she gripped at her chest, her heart beating wildly as the connection she had with her son was severed. "IZUKU!!!" She screamed out.

Suddenly she could hear Izuku's heartbeat again, but it was wrong. It was slow and quiet, a sound she had only heard once before, "no," when the gates of Hell were almost destroyed, "No," when she had to study an entirely new species of demon before wiping them out, "NO!!!" Ethereal chains suddenly appeared around Inko and shattered as she grew to her true height and horns sprouted from her head and her skin changed to a dark green. One look at the observation spell told her everything. Giant wings easily twice Inko's height sprouted from her back as she took to the skies, "KATSUKI BAKUGOU!!!" She took off for UA as she heard her now undead son roar and she let out a heartwrenching scream as she forced her body to go faster, shattering the glass for miles around her. Her son was now an undead demon, murdered by Katsuki Bakugou who was protected by a Guardian Angel. And Inko hadn't done anything to stop it, she had ignored the spells, ignored her gut feeling, and her son paid the price for her mistake.


So I haven't updated this and a lot of my stories in a while
Anyway, I actually went back and edited the old chapters, especially the ones with my old writing style and added new things to them as well. So go check them out and see the changes if you want
I can't say when I'll next update this story it depends on my mood but I'll try to not make you guys wait so long
Also sorry if this chapter wasn't what you all were hoping for of Inko's POV from the first chapter, I wanted to reveal some things that could only work from her and this was the best way to show them
So leave your thoughts and feedback in the comments
Thanks for the Kudos

Chapter 12: Aftermath


All Might grapples with the death and subsequent resurrection of his successor as well as everything he learned that fateful day


This takes place five days after the Bakugou couple was kidnapped
Also Snipe's civilian name will be Sorahiko Torino.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

An alarm blared through an apartment, but it went ignored. The sole occupant was one Toshinori Yagi, who was focusing on a book while he bit into some toast. "In order to summon a demon of high rank you need either a sacrifice that would be of great value to the demon or an amount of blood equal to the demon's power. The true name of the demon will need to be uttered for the ritual to be accurate. If none of these requirements can be met, then search for the demon's personal summoning ritual," He spoke out loud what he read as he wrote it down in a journal, taking a quick drink of coffee to keep himself awake. "But this doesn't tell any way to properly measure the power of the demon or how much blood or way to measure the worth of the sacrifice," He grunted out as he downed the rest of the coffee.

There were dozens of these books scattered all throughout his apartment, he'd immediately had Recovery Girl heal him and then resigned from his teaching position at UA and immediately beginning the search to either make contact with Izuku or his mother. In the last five days All Might had helped put away four cults, while making copies of their sacred texts and what they knew of summoning rituals. He even opened up his family's vault, holding various occult artifacts within. His great grandfather was the type of person to collect the occult believing them to be real and he'd left a small vault to his descendants to carry on his work, but everyone had just left it be with plans to sell the contents within if they ever ended up needed extra money. "Most of this stuff predates even the century before the dawn of quirks, and what the hell is the Gojo Clan? I should see if anyone knows anything about them, might give me something," Toshinori muttered aloud.

He put the book down on top of a pile of books he'd already gone through as he got up and went to his kitchen to get something to eat. He'd slept only for a few hours when he needed to and then he got right back to work researching and doing work as All Might, getting micro naps in between like he used to back when he was running from All For One. Grabbing a few things out of the fridge, mostly fruits, he got to work blending them up into a smoothie. It made it easier to keep things down with his damaged stomach if they weren't solid, 'Have I had any episodes recently?' His thoughts turned to when he would regularly puke up blood because he aggravated his injury, 'Recovery Girl did ask for me to come in today to do another check up and make sure everything is okay, I should ask her to check on how my organs are doing.'

Finishing making his smoothie he poured it into a cup and began to drink it as he walked through his apartment to find his shoes. He lived quite modestly despite his position as the number one hero, he only ever spent what he needed on food and maintenance for his apartment, with some extra saved to the side for emergencies. Everything else he put into charities he knew he could trust with the money, or to the other hero schools besides UA so they could have a better chance at competing with his alma mater. Now he was using his emergency funds to get his hands on anything that could help him find Izuku, and he had plenty of money to burn through. Finding his shoes he put them on and finished his smoothie before putting it in the sink and walking to the door, grabbing his coat off the hook as he passed it. Locking the door behind him he walked through the complex and down the stairs as he went for his car.

'Still owe David for this, and I might need to owe him some more if I don't find something soon,' Toshinori thought to himself as he started the car up and eased himself into the flow of traffic. 'Nothing new yet in terms of investigations into cults, but I've already put out the word that I'm willing to help take them down. Meanwhile I still can't figure out what Grandpa Koichi meant by stands or jujutsu sorcerers. Can't find anything on it, but he does talk about a technique. I can try it later, what's holding up the traffic?' Toshinori looked out the window to see a villain facing off against some heroes in the distance, 'Dammit I do not have time for this!' Toshinori pulled out of traffic and into an alleyway. He set the car's autopilot to return home while he got out. Activating One For All he rushed out.

Striking the villain fast while getting the hostages to safety he passed the heroes, "Sorry, got an appointment to keep!" He yelled back as he ran all the way to UA, stopping a few more crimes along his way. Making it to the gates he walked in and headed off to the staff entrance. While he had resigned Nezu had insisted on him keeping a key, so that he could at the very least be a guest speaker for some of the classes. Ducking into the small alcove where there were no cameras he deflated and made his way first to Nezu's office. Standing in front of the door he raised his hand to knock but it opened before he could, "Has there ever been a time you won't do that?"

Nezu chuckled lightly at the jab, "None so far. How has your search been?"

Toshinori sat down and took his journal out of his coat pocket, "Pretty lack luster so far. But that's to be expected, since a lot of the stuff I've been able to find just talks about theories. But my Great Grandpa Koichi found something that might give me a clue. You ever heard of the Gojo Clan?"

"Can't say that I have, but I can look into it. I've seen that you've been helping take down cults, I'll see what I can do on my end to help you take down a few more," Nezu poured them both some tea and took a sip from his cup. "The research on my end hasn't bore much fruit either. Aside from a recent incident," That got Toshinori's attention, "Inko Midoriya, if that is her real name, was sighted, with an altered appearance but still recognizable. She kidnapped the parents of Katsuki Bakugou," Toshinori gripped his hand tight at the mention his successor's murderer, "And left a large pentagram behind in their destroyed living room. She took them from their home, it was quite brazen, and she was clearly sending a message to the young Bakugou. Sometime after the couple had entered the house a man with feathers for hair was seen entering, we believe he may be another demon, but we don't have anything to go off."

"What was the message for Bakugou?"

Nezu looked at All Might with full seriousness, "Nowhere is safe for him, the only thing keeping him safe is the Guardian Angel that watches over him. Furthermore, she cut him off from his parents, two people who appear to have been blind to his true self and would've fought for him to remain in the hero course. As of right now the board is keeping him there as a guest under UA's protection."

"Why would they do that!?" Toshinori yelled out, slamming his fist on the table, "He murdered Young Midoriya! It doesn't matter if he's a demon it's still murder!"

"I agree, and I showed all the proof I could get my paws on that Bakugou had killed him with intent, but they used the excuse that Inko Midoriya is after him to keep him here and for his training to continue so he can defend himself. I'm beginning to suspect that the Protection of an Angel may do more than the stories say. Snipe is doing his best to keep him under control but his ego is out of control, and for some inane reason Ejiro Kirishima is defending him." Nezu leaned back with a huff and crossed his arms, "He's saying that he's clearly destined to be the greatest hero ever since he's even made demons wish him dead. He brags about murdering Izuku Midoriya like it's some kind of achievement!"

Toshinori grit his teeth, "Do you need help dealing with the board?"

"Not until I know the extent of the Guardian Angel's influences," Nezu told him, "And I may not learn that until I make contact with Inko Midoriya."

~Hell, The Isle Casino~

Inko rubbed at her eyes as she made her way through the paperwork. "Get me something caffeinated to drink," She order Mitsuki who immediately ran off. 'Normally I can handle paperwork like this, I'd even be done with it by now. But something keeps catching my attention in the Mortal World.' "Go get Seras for me, immediately." She ordered Masaru, who left just as quickly as his wife. 'They've been proving themselves to be hard workers. Heinkel and Yumiko haven't given any complaints. Perhaps I can ease their restrictions a bit, after I handle whatever is calling my attention.'

~Mortal World, Japan, UA~

Toshinori dragged a hand down his face as he groaned, "Unfortunately I haven't found anything that could help us with that. Any sort of sacrifice or ritual used could potentially work but she would need to choose to accept, if we wanted to force her to answer it would need to be with a sacrifice of either immense value or power. That won't work though because I can't find anything that could point towards her standing within Hell politically. Furthermore I don't have any sort of way to measure out the worth of said sacrifice."

Nezu rubbed his chin, "That is puzzling. Oh, before I forget, Class One-A is doing the USJ today. It is a bit delayed, but it is something necessary for them to learn. They're sharing the spot with One-B. Do you think you could give them some advice later? Something that could help them with handling disaster relief."

Toshinori mulled the request over, 'Young Midoriya would've loved it. He would probably fanboy about Thirteen.' Toshinori let out a mirthless chuckle as he shook his head.

~Hell, The Hazbin Hotel~

It was a quiet day at the hotel, Angel for once wasn't making any racket as he was currently sitting on the couch pouting, "What's up with him?" Vaggie asked.

"Izuku banned him from being his taste tester for three days because he used drugs," Tenya explained as he helped move stuff around the lobby in order to make it more presentable, "Do you want it here Nifty?" He put the chair he was holding down and looked at the maid who gave him a thumbs up as she worked to hunt the roaches that had invaded her domain.

Vaggie sighed, "I don't get what the big deal is, I mean sure his food is good, but I don't think it needs this kind of reaction."

"No surprise from you, your girlfriend can just get you food that's from the human world if you just ask," Angel snarked, "But I finally got to eat some pasta that didn't taste like the flour was made with blood in it! Izuku actually has standards for his work, and he makes sure everything is clean! Can you name another kitchen within Hell that I could go to that has those standards?"

Vaggie opened her mouth to retort, "MOTHERf*ckER!!!" Izuku yelled as he slammed the doors to the kitchen open. Looking around his eyes zeroed in on Alastor, "YOU!!!" He pointed at him, "What the f*ck is this!?" He held up the rotting carcass of a deer.

"My lunch, why did you take it out the oven?" Alastor asked as his tendrils moved to reclaim his meal, but Izuku kept it away as he walked towards the incinerator.

"You threw out the chicken I was making! And I have to decontaminate everything now because this thing has f*cking maggots in it!" He opened the incinerator and threw the carcass in. He spun around and stalked towards Alastor, "If you ever do this again in my kitchen, I swear I will-" and what came out of Izuku could only be described as the most colorfully designed threat anyone had ever heard. So colorful in fact that it had to be censored. Tenya and Ochako looked on in shock while Husk had spit out his drink. Angel Dust looked on in awe and Vaggie looked somewhat impressed. Alastor's smile only widened in amusem*nt, "Do I make myself clear?"


"Great, Vaggie could you help me sort through something while I clean, Angel, you know what you have to do if you want the ban to lift," Izuku stalked back to his kitchen.

Vaggie entered soon after, "So what do you need help sorting?"

Izuku gestured over to where a large pile of binders were, "The green ones hold recipes I haven't done yet, the red ones hold ones I have done. I just need you to sort it so they're separate over on the shelves." He said, his voice muffled as he dug out various cleaners from the supply closet.

"Where did all of this come from?" Vaggie asked, surprised. There hadn't been any deliveries made to the hotel recently.

"Pretty sure they were dropped off by Mom while we were all asleep," Izuku answered bitterly, "I've already sorted through the rest of my possessions, just need help with these."

~Mortal World, Japan, UA~

"I guess I can stop by, I'll do it after we're done talking. I still got some time until I have to meet with Chiyo," Toshinori answered.

Nezu took a sip of his tea, "I also wanted to bring up a concern I had regarding the press break-in, if you're willing to listen."


~Outside the USJ~

Snipe let out a loud sigh as he worked with Vlad King to get all the students organized, "Bakugou, quiet down, Asui please stop speaking so bluntly you're antagonizing everyone, Monoma stop trying to start a fight with One-A, Kendou stop hitting Monoma, Shiozaki not all of us are religious please respect that choice." He went down the list of the more prominent ones causing problems, "A little help would be nice," He snarked at Vlad King.

Vlad King held up his hands, "You seem to be doing just fine for your first class. How's it feel to no longer be working as a substitute?"

Snipe, also known as Sorahiko Torino, let out another sigh. He normally just helped the seniors in the Hero Course with training and did substitute work for any of the Heroics classes in case their homeroom teacher was unavailable. He preferred teaching that way but with Aizawa gone and the situation being what it was he was best suited to handle One-A. "I'd rather it be anyone else," Sorahiko took out his gun and fired into the air once, the students finally quieted down, "I'd rather not have to do that again. Most of you are supposed to be part of the next generation of heroes, that means showing respect to others even if you don't like them," He stared at Monoma, "Knowing when to speak bluntly and when to just quiet down, knowing that you shouldn't hit your comrades, or perv on them," He shot Mineta a glare, "To respect others religious beliefs no matter what they may be, and above all to know that you do not dictate what is right or not, your future job is to keep people safe and apprehend criminals. You are not gods, your quirks do not make you superior, and just because you are slated to become heroes does not put you above or make you immune to the law." One-B was confused by the last part of the speech, but One-A knew full well what Sorahiko was referring to. "Before we enter you will be given a rundown on safety within this facility from its manager, please remain quiet as Thirteen explains how this place works."

"Thank you Snipe," Thirteen said as she stepped forward.

Sorahiko went further back to stand next to Sekijiro, "I knew you would do amazing," He told him as Sorahiko elbowed him lightly.

"Still would've liked some help."

"Yeah, yeah. So, word is you've gotta tell Nezu how Aizawa was treating them, anything I can help break?"

Snipe resisted the urge to sigh, "Thankfully, unlike Aizawa's past classes he didn't get a chance to do too many of his logical ruses on them. But I did have to go over everything that they had missed from orientation since Aizawa didn't even bother to hand out the pamphlets. Some of them were afraid of being expelled, and Yaoyorozu was surprised when she learned that Aizawa did in fact expel students, although none of them asked any questions about what for or they may have lost trust in UA." Both of the heroes let out heavy sighs. Aizawa's tendency to expel students, perform logical ruses, and not do the basic school things such as orientation had always ended up sabotaging what few students managed to stay around. The teachers for classes two-A and three-A still hate him for costing them a few years of work because of the entire classes he expelled. "My concern is what the investigation into the students he did expel and those he put marks on will turn up. Class two-A is a mess of nerves from what I've heard, Hound Dog has already been having sessions with them this early in the year."

"Yeah, I've seen them. They're afraid of being expelled at the drop of the hat if they mess up even once," Sekijiro informed, "It ain't the best sight I've seen caused by Aizawa's teaching."

"Has there ever been a good sight?" Snipe retorted, "The last few years most of my work was helping his past students break the bad habits he forced them into. I actually made plans for two-A, remind me to send them to Sakai later."

"Now, let's get started with your first day of training here at the USJ!" Thirteen finished her speech with a cheerful shout, "And remember, if you want to do extra training here just sign up so you can be added to the schedule."

"I'll take the rest of the kids if you're willing to handle Bakugou," Snipe offered, "And I'll buy you a meal wherever you want it from."

"Deal," Sekijiro agreed as he pulled Bakugou away from the others, "Come on, you're not using the facility."

"The f*ck you think you're doing!?" Bakugou yelled, drawing attention to him, "I'm a student!"

"No, you're under UA's protection, the only reason you're not at the main building is because the board insisted you remain with One-A, but it doesn't mean you're a student." Nezu had briefed both Sorahiko and Sekijiro on a loophole he had found in the board's wording in regard to Bakugou. He has to receive training, but it doesn't have to be with the students. So, while they are forced to keep him with the class they don't have to train him alongside the other students, thus ensuring that Bakugou couldn't injure or kill any of them.

"If he breaks my facility I'm arresting him," Thirteen muttered to Snipe.

"Um, Thirteen?" Momo called out, "You didn't say you hired fake villains for the simulations, how should we conduct ourselves with them?"

That question immediately had Sorahiko and Thirteen running to the edge of the stairs and looking down, seeing a dark portal opening at the bottom and several villains coming out, "Everyone out!" Sorahiko yelled, taking his gun out of its holster, "UA has been invaded by villains!"

A lanky villain covered in severed hands came out second to last with a towering beaked villain flanking him, "Now they're here, you were supposed to be here three days ago," He spoke bitterly.

"They've been here before?" Thirteen asked in shock.

Seikijiro joined with the others as they tried to keep the villain's eyes off the kids, "What's the plan Snipe? You know these situations best."

Snipe specialized in taking down groups of villains, typically working alongside other heroes but he'd also done it solo as well. Thirteen was a rescue hero so she rarely saw combat and Seikijiro specialized in taking down powerful villains while other heroes handled any allies they may have. "Thirteen, get the kids out of here and get the rest of UA here. Vlad, the big one with the beak isn't moving so we prioritize the ones going after the kids. I'll cover you. Hey! Hands!" Sorahiko yelled out, catching the leader's attention, "What do you want?!"

Thirteen immediately got to work ushering the kids back to the doors, Sorahiko was trying to stall for what little time he could get. "I want to kill the Symbol of Peace; we are here to kill All Might! We are the League of Villains!"

"Beak is their weapon against All Might, be wary," Sorahiko whispered to Seikijiro, "He quit six days ago! He doesn't work here anymore!"

Hands stopped moving for a moment, then he began to scratch at his throat, "What!? Why would he quit!?" The villain that had created the portal gently grabbed Hands' hand and stopped him from continuing to scratch his throat, "No matter, we can still bring him here if we kill enough people, attack!" And with that order they had run out of time to stall. Three villains rushed to the foot of the stairs and readied their quirks, a lady fired needles from her hair, a guy with gun barrels for fingertips fired regular bullets while the guy with horns fired slugs. Snipe immediately fire three shots and manipulated the bullets to disable all the projectiles, child splay compared to the villains with shooting quirks he'd faced in the past.

"Rank D, C, B, and maybe a few A villains," Snipe analyzed as he looked over the villains, "If they know how to get past security they most likely have people in the other sectors, don't let Shadows get you."

Vlad King let some of his blood out and formed gauntlets around his hands, hardening it as he rushed down and punched down the shooters, "Doesn't matter! They're still a threat here!"

Taking aim Snipe shot out the legs of three of the villains that tried to attack Vlad from behind while he worked himself to the middle, guiding the villains away from the stairs. A large multi-armed villain ran at Vlad but he rushed the villain and wrapping his arms around him suplexed him into the ground. Snipe took a few steps down, and fired five more times, missing two of them and only one of them managing to incapcitate a villain, 'Dammit, things are getting too chaotic, hopefully Thirteen can-'

"Stop! What are you doing!?" Thirteen yelled out. Snipe immediately ran back up and saw Bakuogu, Kirishima, and Tetsutetsu get swallowed up by Shadows. In the chaos of the fight he had missed him getting behind. Thirteen's quirk was then redirected through various portals, drawing in plenty of the students, as well as one that tore apart the back of her costume.

Kendou managed to grab onto metal collar the villain had forcefully moved him, disrupting the portals, Snipe fired off a few shots and Shadows retreated, "Does anyone here have a quirk that can help them go fast?" He asked as he ran over to Thirteen to check on her injuries.

"Kaibara could, but he got grabbed," Monoma informed, "I didn't get a chance to copy his quirk, I'm-"

"If you apologize to me for that I'm giving you detention, it's not your fault," Snipe shut down the apology and ushered the kids back towards the door, getting Shiozaki to pick Thirteen up with her vines. Unfortunately, the villains had noticed that Snipe was no longer firing on them and had rushed up the stairs, "Dammit!" Snipe held back from cursing further as he tried to fire but his gun had run out of ammo. Taking out the cartridge he threw it at one of the villains, breaking their nose. Twirling his gun, he grabbed it by the barrel and hit an incoming villain in the jugular then kicked them in the crotch before bringing a hard elbow down on the base of their neck. With his free hand he punched another villain then stomped on their foot, and finally he grabbed them by their costume and headbutted them. He got out another cartridge and loaded it into his gun, and while doing so hard elbowed an incoming villain in the face sending them to the floor and he then delivered vicious kick to their head knocking them out cold. "Kids, as much as I hate to say it, you're gonna need to fight. Work together and keep each other safe."

Looking at Monoma for a moment Snipe got an idea, "Monoma, you go with Ashido to the control room," He gave him his keycard, "Use this to get in then barricade the door. I need you two to use the control room to help your classmates that got separated from you. Sero, use your tape to act as makeshift bandages for Thirteen until we can get her medical treatment. The rest of you, protect each other. Ashido," He stopped her before she could run off with Monoma, "There's an old communication system in the control room, try to see if they're only jamming our usual frequency and get reinforcements here."

"Right!" Ashido nodded as ran off with Monoma in the direction of the control room that Snipe had pointed out.

"I need to go back up Vlad, just yell for me if you need me and I'll come running," Snipe told them before he ran back to the stairs and ran down them, shooting a villain that tried to run at him in the leg and used them as a springboard and jumped up. With a wider view he fired four more times, each one hitting their target. Tucking into a roll he landed near Vlad and put his back to the blood user, "Thirteen is down and students have been scattered around the USJ, we need to wrap things up here fast."

"Easier said than done, let's change that," Vlad said as he used more of his blood to cover himself in armor, "Let's go!" He yelled out as he slammed his fists together. The villains took a step back at the display, but Hands was doing what he had been since the moment the fighting had started, watching.

The villains rushed forward, hoping to overwhelm the two heroes, but Vlad pulled his surprise out immediately and turned his armor into multiple tendrils of blood the slammed several villains into the ground and punched others away. The ones that had been thrown away immediately got back up only to be shot at by Snipe, forcing the few who hadn't been shot to dive for what cover they could find. The water for the boat rescue simulation began to swirl wildly, a whirlpool having formed further into the zone. It caused a distraction to a few of the villains that Snipe immediately took advantage of. Vlad did what he could to take down the other villains, but Shadows kept grabbing other villains that weren't fighting in the other zones to back them up. Hands suddenly gave a signal to Shadows, and he stopped bringing in reinforcements, and soon enough Vlad knocked out the last villain with a Blood Punch.

"Nomu, attack Vlad King," Hands gave the order to Nomu and in the blink of the eye the towering villain had rushed forward and brutally punched Vlad into the stairs, creating a giant crater around the hero as he coughed up blood from the hit.

"Vlad!" Snipe yelled out, only for Hands to get the drop on him in his shocked state. Grabbing his right elbow with all five fingers his elbow began to decay. Snipe grunted out in pain, but he refused to let the villain hear him scream.

"When one of your allies is in trouble you freeze for a split second, I noticed it with some of the villains that almost managed to sneak past you and attack Vlad King," Hands' revealed his observations as he removed his hand from Snipes elbow, the skin having decayed, and the muscle exposed and slightly decayed underneath. Snipe tried to raise his gun to fire but Hands grabbed it and decayed it as well, depriving him of his weapon. "You put up an amazing fight Snipe, but we've won. Nomu," Just by the calling the villain's name it rushed over and slammed Snipe into the ground.

"Sensei!" Mineta screamed out where he was hiding alongside Tsuyu and Kaibara.

"Hm, All Might will be proven as the false symbol that he is if I can kill some of the students!" Hands rushed forward and reached his hand out towards Tsuyu, ready to decay her, only for something to pierce his outstretched hand and his shoulder. He fell to the floor as the hand on his right shoulder came loose. Looking back he saw Snipe still pinned under Nomu's massive hand with one of his hands slightly free, three fingers outstretched from the rocks he just threw, "Amazing, you're truly amazing!" Hands let out a small laugh as he got back to his feet.

Snipe glared through the broken lenses of his mask at Hands, "If you think for even a moment that I'll let you hurt those kids so long as I breath-" He was cut off as Nomu applied more weight to him. He couldn't hold himself back from screaming but he still grabbed another piece of rubble and threw it at Hands, manipulating its trajectory so that it would hit his neck. Suddenly though Nomu appeared in front of Hands and took the hit to its chest. It pierced it slightly but then fell the ground.

Snipe rolled himself over onto his stomach and got onto one knee, he began to push himself up when the doors of the USJ opened loudly. Everyone at the entrance plaza stopped to look at the entrance and saw All Might there, wearing a forest green jacket and not sporting his signature smile, "What is going on here?"

"And he finally arrives," Hands said as he stepped back, "All Might! I am Tomura Shigaraki, and today is the day you fall!"

"I was considering coming here but then we get a call, and I rush over here to see this." He walked down the stairs slowly, stopping for a moment to help get Vlad out of the crater he had been stuck in, "Snipe, what is the current situation?"

"All Pro Heroes are heavily injured, one of the villains has a portal quirk and spread some of the students across the USJ, and Bakugou was among the ones displaced," Snipe reported as he got to his feet. He tore a few strips from his cloak and wrapped them around his arm. "Hands most likely has a five-point decay quirk and Beak over there is apparently called Nomu," He backed away slowly, but Hands didn't pay him any mind, "Has super strength and something to do with kinetic energy."

"Shock Absorption," Tomura gloated, "No matter how much you hit him your hits will do nothing!"

All Might pushed Snipe behind him, "Go help the students," He took his jacket off and tossed it onto one of the trees. Snipe ran back up the stairs, helping Vlad up them once he reached his friend. All Might rushed forward and punched Nomu in the gut and pushed him back a bit. Nomu then delivered a punch of its own that All Might dodged, and they quickly began to exchange blows. They kept picking up speed, with All Might working to dodge as many hits as he could while Nomu didn't even bother trying to dodge. The force of their attacks created a whirlwind around them, pushing back all the villains that were near them and throwing debris into the air. It was quickly apparent that both combatants were in a stalemate of strength.

Suddenly, Bakugou came rocketing out of the cover that Kirishima and Tetsutetsu were hiding behind, and went straight for Shigaraki, "Die villain!" He reached out his hand, ready to let out an explosion, but Nomu abandoned its fight with All Might and rushed at Bakugou, primed to kill him. A plume of dust was sent up from where Nomu had hit, and it impacted into the inner wall of the building.

"sh*t!" Snipe cursed. While initially to everyone else it looked like Bakugou had been hit he saw that All Might had pushed him out of the way and took the hit himself.

All Might stepped out of the crater and coughed up some blood, and then shot Bakugou a glare, "It seems you still haven't learned," He let out a sigh, 'I could've just let him get hit, but that's not the man that Young Izuku looked up to. I will not spit on what he strived to be, no matter how difficult the brat makes it.' He cracked his neck and knuckles, "That was an impressive hit, I'm surprised you're not gloating about it Nomu."

"Nomu has no reason to gloat, he was built purely to kill you!" Shigaraki yelled out, just as a wave of ice hit Nomu and covered half its body.

Todoroki glared at Shigaraki, but one glare from All Might and he started running up the stairs to rejoin his classmates, "Now things are even."

Nomu suddenly broke off it's chunk of body that was encased in ice, to the horror of those that saw it. It then regenerated everything, from the bone all the way to the skin itself. Shigaraki let out a gleeful laugh, "He also has Super Regeneration, he's invincible!"

All Might paused, 'That would make Nomu an experiment of All For One's, does that mean he's alive? Wait...' "So you're saying he's created from a test tube?"

"Yes! Built from nothing just to kill you!" Shigaraki yelled out in glee, believing that All Might was beginning to fall into despair at facing an opponent he couldn't beat. "All that he was made for was to kill you! It is his entire purpose; he has no other! He will follow all of my commands as my mindless soldier!"

"Heroics law twenty-eight subsection four," All Might muttered to himself. Nomu rushed at him and tried to deliver another punch but he dodged to the side, 'I could argue for it, end this quickly, but there needs to be explicit proof outside of the word of a villain. I can't risk it, I won't.' The two powerhouses began to exchange punches again, 'It's not a nullification ability, if it was he wouldn't be taking as much damage as he is, if I can overwhelm it I can send it flying.'

Snipe pulled Todoroki behind him as a villain with a fire quirk rushed at them and delivered a haymaker to them. Looking around more of his students were returning, "Where's Bakugou?" But the civilian was unaccounted for.

"Don't know, after All Might saved him he ran off," Vlad said as he worked through his injuries to keep the villains back, "If he ran off to fight more villains we're gonna have a problem."

All Might blocked a punch but it left his scarred side open and Nomu took advantage, grabbing at it and digging it's thumb into the healed over hole that All For One had dug into him. Toshinori held back any sound of pain and brought his hands together over Nomu's arm and brought them crashing down, tearing it off. He dug it out and threw it aside, but he stumbled slightly, 'sh*t, that went deeper than I thought, I need to finish this fa-' He coughed up blood and stumbled back. He looked at the blood he had coughed up onto the ground for a moment, his eyes wide, 'If I die here, Young Izuku... he'll hate himself.'

~Six months ago~

"Sensei!" Izuku waved at Toshinori who was leaning against a railing, panting with a small puddle of blood in the grass behind him, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I just... I just pushed myself a bit too hard trying to get here for training. I'm fine," Toshinori waved Izuku's concerns off, before he noticed how misty his successor's eyes had gotten.

"You got hurt because of me..."


'He'll blame himself for not being here to help, for everyone getting hurt,' Toshinori grit his teeth, 'That boy is the kindest person I've ever met, I failed him already and my search is proving fruitless, and these villains...' "You're keeping me from looking for him."

Shigaraki tilted his head at All Might, "What did you say?"

Suddenly, Toshinori rushed forward and punched Nomu into the air, "I have more important things to do than dealing with you wannabe villain idiots!" He roared, jumping high into the air and delivering a vicious kick to Nomu's chest, sending him back down to Earth, creating a massive creature around the beast as it landed. All Might landed feet first on Nomu and jumped off, "I have to find him, I have to know he's okay. I'm supposed to be searching for him and instead I'm dealing with some idiots who thought it was a good idea to break into a hero school!" He grabbed Nomu by it's arm and began to spin in place rapidly, almost creating a tornado he was moving so fast.

"I can't reach them!" Kurogiri yelled out just before Toshinori let go and threw Nomu threw the USJ's glass dome.

Toshinori stood there panting for a few moments before his glowing eyes turned to Shigaraki and Kurogiri, "Now for you," He moved to go for them but he stumbled slightly. He had pushed himself too far and now his injury was beginning to rear its curse.

"No, no no no no no NO!" Shigaraki screamed out, scratching at his neck rapidly scratching off lines of his skin, "I came here to kill the Symbol of Peace and I will!!!" He rushed forward, ignoring his injuries and reached his hand out, ready to decay Toshinori.

Suddenly, three shots were heard, two of them took out Shigaraki's legs while the third hit his outreached hand, "Did you think that was the only gun I had you son of a bitch!!!" Snipe yelled out from the top of the stairs, holding a revolver in his left hand, smoke still wafting from the barrel. And behind him were the other teachers of UA.

"The mission is a failure, we must retreat at once!" Kurogiri said as he created a series of protective portals around Shigaraki.

"Know this All Might!" Shigaraki yelled out as he began to sink into a portal, "You will fall and it will be by my hands! The world will see you for the false symbol that you are!" If he had anything left to say he didn't get the chance as the portal closed and the leaders for the attacking villains retreated.

The teachers of UA quickly made quick work of the villains that were still active within the immediate vicinity of the USJ's entrance and they began to work their way through the facility, taking care of any remaining villains, collecting students who hadn't been able to return to the entrance, and looking for Bakugou. Nezu was on Hound Dog's shoulder as they handled searching for the former student, "With his actions here I can circumvent the board and keep him from ever going to any of the facilities within the campus, but I don't think I'll be able to keep him out of the classroom."

Hound Dog hummed in agreement, "They've always been difficult, but maybe this'll be what can help you get them finally removed." When Nezu had won the right to own UA, back then as Shyber High, the Commission had put in place a board to monitor him and ensure he did was in the interest of the students and the school at large. He certainly did, but they grew drunk on the fame that being on the board of UA gave them and did everything to ensure that fame, not letting Nezu remove the expulsion rule after it had served it's purpose, dragging their feet on allowing him to build dorm rooms, allowing other hero schools to participate in the Sports Festival, and the most recent annoyance that Nezu had finally been able to circumvent, not allowing him to fire Aizawa for the unjust expulsions he did and keeping him from bringing those students back into his school. They believed that they knew better than him but not once have they ever actually done anything for the school.

"Perha-" Before Nezu could agree with him Hound Dog picked up a scent and went after it. It took them to the small area known as the River Flooding zone, a new addition that was still under construction. In front of them were the bodies of several villains, torn apart by what Nezu might describe as a meat shredder. "What happened here?"

Suddenly a loud bang was heard and a spray of blood came out from within the wooded area of the zone, Hound Dog rushed over and saw a blonde woman in a blood red uniform pointing a large rifle at Bakugou. The corpse of a villain was right beside her, their head blown clean off. "What I wouldn't give to kill you right here," She spoke with a British accent, "Unfortunately for you, the right to kill you has been claimed by someone else." She noticed the two heroes and turned to look at them, revealing that her right arm was a mass of shadows, "Seems we have company."

"Unfortunately, that young man is under the protection of UA until we can ensure he is safe from danger," Nezu spoke up from the top of Hound Dog's head, "Am I correct in assuming you work for Inko Midoriya?"

"I do, I am Seras Victoria, her head of security upon her Sacred Isle," Seras gave a two fingered salute with shadow tendrils and easily lifted the large rifle and rested it against her shoulder, "I am simply here to ensure that only Lady Inko can kill the murderer of Prince Izuku, and no one else." Her red eyes glinted dangerously, "But she will want to know why he is still being taught at this school, despite you clearly not being under the effects of his Guardian Angel, Principal Nezu. Or do you prefer Subject Three Dash Four, or maybe Nezuko, Rimuru, or perhaps Fluffy?"

Nezu's fur stood on end as he heard the names of his past. The number assigned to him by the scientists who experimented on him, and the names of the three pet animals that had been fused into him, "How do you-"

Seras cut him off, "My Lady has many connections," A pentagram appeared beneath her, "It seems my time up here in the mortal world is at an end. Tell All Might that Prince Izuku is slowly healing and that Lady Inko awaits for him to find her sigil." In a bright red flash she was gone.

Bakugou fell to his knees, shaking in pure fear. The pure hatred in her eyes, the way her finger had curled around the trigger and how ready she was to kill him, he'd only felt like this once when the Sludge Villain had a hold of him. "What were you thinking!?" Hound Dog yelled at him, "You just ran off to attack more villains!? That's grounds to charge you with Vigilantism!" The guidance counselor picked him and began to make his way back to the other teachers. "You could've avoided this if you just listened."

The two Heroics classes were outside the USJ, getting looked over by medics as police put the villains into cars and transport vans, "Getting my identification on all of them! I want to know if this is a first offense or if they're repeat offenders, be ready to cross reference them to any unsolved crimes and someone start looking into the two that got away!" A detective shot out orders, he had a special badge on his coat the denoted him as a UA Chief. If there was an incident on UA grounds a UA Chief was a member of the police force that the school trusted enough to handle the incident and would be in charge while on the grounds.

"Detective Tsukauchi!" An officer with a cat head quirk came running up, "We found the villain Nomu in the wooded area nearby just like All Might said. He's not moving or anything, we've got him chained up but we're gonna need a bigger transport."

"Alright, call one in and keep at least six guns trained on him at all times, Nomu was able to go up against All Might and is to be considered a constant threat. Sansa, I want everyone to keep a good distance away in case he starts moving." Tsukauchi relayed the order and then made his way over to Snipe. "All students are accounted for and Nezu just radioed in that they found Katsuki Bakugou."

"That's good to hear, I'll give my statement once I'm wrapped up here. Talk to Thirteen if you're having trouble getting the security footage." Snipe nodded at Tsukauchi as a medic wrapped up his arm in preparation to move him to a hospital.

"Sansa!" Tsukauchi yelled out, "I'm going to check in on All Might! You're in charge while I'm gone!" Sansa gave a quick salute as Tsukauchi walked off to the nearby nurse's station. He gave a quick knock, "It's Detective Tsukauchi!" and entered.

"Masa, good to see you," Toshinori smiled at one of the few people who were friends with him both in and out of hero work, "How's Sansa doing, you two still going strong?"

Naomasa smiled lightly, "We're doing good, finally moved in together just last week. How're your injuries?" He took a seat next to Toshinori's bed, taking a quick glance at the journal and phone that his friend had in front of him.

"They're healing up fine, but Recovery Girl took an X-Ray to see if the damage to my organs was worsened. I've been stuck here doing research," Toshinori gestured to the book and phone which he soon returned to scrolling and writing stuff down, "Did you find that stuff I asked about?"

"It's taking some time to go through everything but I'll be sending you what we have on the cults we've busted. Their rituals and knowledge of the occult, do you really think it'll help?"

"I have to hope it will, we never knew the supernatural existed in the first place so we're going into a new field blind."

Recovery Girl came back into the room and drew their attention by clearing her throat, "I didn't think this was possible, but Toshinori, your organs are regenerating."

"WHAT!?!?" Naomasa yelled out as he jumped to his feet.

"Are, are you certain?" Toshinori asked, not able to believe it. Due to his refusal to take a break and let himself heal his body had become permanently damaged to the point that it couldn't be fixed. It had given him a literal timer on his time as a hero.

"The part of your left lung that we had to amputate is restored and your stomach and lower intestines are in the process of growing back. The stranger thing though is this," She held up one of the x-rays which was showed his insides glowing green, and there was a symbol there. A rabbit head with strange teeth, "When I checked to see if there was any energy from a quirk that could be causing this, the machine picked this up instead. Do you know what-" Recovery Girl's question was cut off as she saw Toshinori start to cry.

Yesterday he had gone to the Midoriya Apartment in hopes that there may have been something there he could use to get in contact with either Izuku or Inko. It had been completely cleaned out of anything that showed a family had lived there, except for a drawing of a child's future hero costume. A costume that he had died in. Toshinori didn't know which of them had done this, but one of the Midoriya's was giving him a sign.

~Hell, Hazbin Hotel~

Izuku let out a sneeze as he stepped away from the shelves. It had taken longer than expected to get all the binders sorted because underneath the pile they had found a bunch of cookbooks. "Sorry about all this," He said to Vaggie as she walked over to the counter while he started to make some hibiscus tea.

"It's fine, but you didn't mention anything about cookbooks," Vaggie waved him off.

"Because I didn't own those back when I was alive, but they're all cookbooks I once wanted. We couldn't afford them back then, at least I thought we couldn't," Izuku muttered bitterly.

"So if you don't mind me asking, is there anyone on Earth that you're hoping to talk to?"

Izuku paused for a moment, "All Might, he's the only person who was ever like a dad to me. I'd just want him to know that I was okay at least, that I'm really alive. Charlie's been teaching me some magic, we're trying to build up to me being able to get in contact with him. Until then I have to satisfy myself with spawning in my ingredients with it," Izuku chuckled, "You know, every night I make a little plate for him put it in the incinerator with a little prayer for his health. I hope he's doing okay." Izuku's happy expression fell and Vaggie looked at him worried.

"I'm sure he's okay. If he's the one who taught you then he's gotta be doing great!" She tried to cheer him up, with little success. But it got a small smile.


Sorry it takes so long with updates, my mind tends to wander to other things that hold my interest and then it just spirals from there
I'll try and do better, also I've gone through the past chapters and edited out Lilith, given we got the official first season of Hazbin Hotel which gave me plenty to work with
I'm not going to be following the order of events exactly, but I'll do me best to do so
Anyways, could all y'all give me ideas for songs for Izuku and Inko to sing?
Hope you enjoyed this chapter exploring All Might
Please leave your thoughts and feedback in the comments
Thanks for the Kudos

Chapter 13: Learning


Both Izuku and Toshinori learn something new


Quick point of clarification, Izuku does not know that he is healing Toshinori

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sorahiko took a deep breath as he walked along the sidewalk. A night spent in the hospital with two visits from Recovery Girl was enough for him to be discharged. His right arm was in a cast as it hadn't healed completely. He was however exhausted, but he needed to talk with someone before he went home to go to bed. Stopping in front of an old rundown apartment building he saw someone else coming along the side the opposite way he had been coming, "All- Yagi, this is a surprise." Toshinori looked at him confused, "Right, you didn't get a chance to see me without my mask, it's me, Snipe."

"Snipe?" Yagi took in the slightly tanned man with dreadlocks not done up like he does when in uniform, "How are you healing?"

"Pretty good, I'll just need some rest before I can see Recovery Girl again to fix this up. I was luckier than Sekijiro, how's your injuries?"

"Healed up, what're you doing here?" Toshinori gestured at the old building.

"I'm here to talk to my grandpa, he's got experience giving lessons from stuff like the USJ and I was hoping for some advice, what about you?"

"My sensei lives here, he taught me after my first teacher passed," Toshinori said slowly as he looked closer at the Sorahiko.

Sorahiko looked at the building, "Did Gramps get a roommate?"

Taking the key that his grandfather had given him Sorahiko opened the door and was greeted with a flying boot toe the face that he dodged to the side, "You don't call in years and then you text me out of the blue!? What the hell is- Sora?" A small old man in a pro hero suit looked at Sorahiko in surprise.

"Hey Gramps, you expecting company?" He gestured over to Toshinori.

Toshinori gave a quick bow, "Sensei, it's good to see you again." Snipe was pretty certain that Toshinori was trembling slightly.

"Toshi, I see you've met my grandson Sorahiko," Gran Torino, also known as Sorahiko Torino, crossed his arms at his old disciple, "Now will you explain what that text was about?"

"Can he be trusted with it?" Toshinori gestured to Sora.

"I know he can, now both of you get inside, it's cold." Torino walked back into his building with Toshinori and Sora following behind him.

~Hell, Hazbin Hotel~

"Okay, okay I think I got everything right for this," Charlie said as she lit the final of fourteen candles, "Are you ready?" She asked Izuku who was kneeling in the middle of the candles.

"As I can be, how is this going to work?"

Charlie grabbed an old book and opened it to a bookmarked page, "Well, it's been a long time since I last saw this done, not a lot of Hellborn possess the capacity for an Awakening and Sinners come down here already Awakened so I'm going off of the book and I don't know if it's become outdated. A friend of mine, well I don't know if she still considers us friends, couldn't say when I asked so we're gonna hope for the best!" She had a strained smile on her face, but Izuku looked at her attentively, trusting her completely. 'I don't want him to have to get better by consuming anymore souls, if he can Awaken then that opens up better ways for us to heal him.'

"I'll follow your lead."

Charlie took a deep breath, "Okay, cup both of your hands together like you're trying to cup water in them," Izuku did as instructed, "Now, channel what magic you do know into the palms of your hands but do not manifest anything." Izuku's hands began to glow a faint green, just as it had begun to do when he would summon forth ingredients for his recipes. Charlie had first started teaching him magic as a way for them to bond, but when Octavia told her about finding out if he could Awaken would tell them then it became her trying to get him to the level he needed for the ritual. "And now, bring forth a memory that holds the greatest value to you, and hold it, relive it." This was the part that she scared of, the memory was critical for the ritual, but Izuku's death would most likely be his most valuable memory, and to relive it would hurt him.

Izuku let out a grunt and lines all across his body began to glow green. There were some that framed his eyes, made his ears glow, but others took on weird shapes at certain points, little starbursts, and Charlie knew that was where his scars were. There were so many, how could someone do this to another? "Who are you?" Izuku said out loud, he had gone into the trance. "You looked so scared Kacchan, I couldn't just stand by and do nothing." "All Might." "What do you mean inherit?" The memory kept moving forward and Charlie thanked everything that it didn't seem to be Izuku's death. "I got in U.A." "Kacchan will after me, you go fight Iida."

Charlie's eyes widened, this wasn't right. The memory wouldn't switch over to another, that's not how the ritual works. "Izu?" She whispered at him, hoping to recenter the trance. Clearly something had gone wrong.

"I'm a Deku who can do it!" Izuku suddenly yelled out, startling Charlie. "I'm sorry Yagi-Sensei, I failed you." "Who are you mom?" And then Izuku's mouth opened and he roared.

The candles went out and the room was cast into near darkness, the only source of light being Izuku, "Well, this is interesting." Izuku said, but it wasn't his voice. It sounded female, older than him as well.

"Who are you?" Charlie jumped to her feet and pointed her trident at whatever was currently possessing Izuku's body.

"Me? I'm Nana, it's so nice to meet you Charlie. Thank you for taking care of Nine, I wish I could extend out our thanks to the others, but we can only talk while in this circle, could you extend it to them?" Nana smiled at Charlie, but it just looked wrong on Izuku's face. It wasn't his smile, it wasn't his voice, and the way she looked at Charlie wasn't him.

"Why are you possessing Izuku? What pantheon do you come from? Why did you call him Nine?" She fired off the most important questions and had not moved her trident. Never let your guard down around a possession, that's what her mom once told her.

"We were already within him, we just couldn't talk or anything. We're not part of any pantheon, at least I don't think we fall under any pantheon, although our situation is unique so who knows. And I called him Nine because he's the ninth wielder." Nana answered and Charlie could tell she was being honest, but it only raised more questions.

"So there's eight of you? Can I talk to Seven then? Or any of the others? And what is he the wielder of?" Charlie could feel herself begin to grow fearful, she had entered far into territory she had no experience with.

"I'm Seven, Eight has yet to fully join us but a fragment of him is here. The others are currently fighting off It, and as for what he is the wielder of, that is no longer my secret to tell. If you want to find out you have to ask him, he's the only one right now who has the right to tell anyone."

"Who is It?" Charlie asked, already dreading the answer.

"It is whatever someone forced into Nine's body, it's trying to turn him into something, but Priest has been helping us hold It back, he's been in here longer than us. Whatever It is, someone was trying to turn Nine into some sort of weapon. If the transformation goes through Nine will be completely erased, there will be no getting him back." Nana shared everything, not stopping despite Charlie wishing she would. "Priest knows of a way to heal Nine without erasing the souls of the sinners he consumes, it's the only way that we have been able to determine that can make it work, that can force it out of his body where you can capture it."

"How!? What does he need!?" Charlie almost broke the circle, everything was coming at her too fast, she couldn't handle it all.

"There is an arrow buried within the Colosseum in Rome, get it and stab it into him, it will awaken Priest's old power and grant a similar one to Nine. The sinners he's already consumed, they're being put to work for the defenses, and once they are done their souls will be released into Hell."

"What are you talking about? How is that possible!?"

"None of us know, not even Priest. What we do know is that Nine's ability to consume souls does not destroy them, it's almost as though it sends the souls to a new Hell, one that forces the Sinners through something, as though in preparation for something." The glow of the lines flickered as something began to appear within Izuku's still cupped palms, "The memory will be finishing soon, thought I had more time, find the arrow and we'll be able to explain more to you. And whatever you do, do not trust the shield, it lies about its true purpose!" Nana yelled out before the glow of the lines went dead.

Three small spheres appeared in Izuku's hands as he opened his eyes and stared at Charlie's trident, still pointed at him, and then he looked at Charlie, "Did something happen?"

"I..." Charlie put the trident away and took a few steps back, "I'll tell you later. Let's see what you've got." She kneeled in front of him and cupped her hands under his. They both looked at the three orbs, "Fire, Water, and Wind. There's a thread connecting these three together, what do they mean to you? What emotions do you feel when you focus on them?"

Izuku looked at the orb of fire, "Drive, hope, passion," He looked at the orb of water, "Despair, sadness, betrayal," Finally, he looked at the orb of wind, "Nothing."

"What do you mean nothing?"

Izuku could feel his heart hammering, it hurt to look at the orb of wind, "It's my death, everything went numb, I couldn't feel anything, I couldn't see anything. It was just, nothing."

Charlie looked at the order of the orbs, they matched up with what she understood was the order of events leading up to Izuku's death, that's why the thread was there. "Okay, so you can summon forth Fire, Water, and Wind and the thread indicates that you have the power to combine the magic. Honestly, these three magics can be used in cooking, Dad would always use them when he was whipping something up for me and Mom." She gave him a small smile and he gave her a shaky one.

"Well, guess I'll need to figure out how to use this in cooking. So what happened while I was... reliving some things?"

Charlie hesitated to answer, not because she couldn't but because she didn't know how to. "Okay, so I talked to someone who called themself Nana and Seven, and she called you Nine. Izuku, what are you the ninth wielder of?"

Izuku's went wide and he felt the urge to run, "I-I don't-" He almost lied, but Charlie held his hands firm and kept him there. He took a deep, shaky breath, "Promise you won't tell anyone without asking me first, not even Vaggie."

"I promise."

In another room of the hotel Tenya sat before the magic mirror that Inko had given him, with Vaggie watching him from the corner. This was going to be his first attempt to call his family, it had taken him a while to figure out how the mirror worked. When he called someone in the mortal world with it created a bubble around both mirrors, big enough to hold both callers and would synchronize them into a different flow of time, thus working around the difference in the flow of time between Hell and the mortal world. Reaching forward he placed his hand flat on the mirror, "Tensei Iida," And spoke his brother's name.

"Tenya? Tenya!" He could hear his brother yell out and rush to the mirror. Seeing his brother's face again after weeks, it did Tenya good. "Oh my god Tenya you're okay! Are you eating well? Have you been hurt? How are your engines, do you need to pull any of them out? Are you getting enough orange juice? Are you still exercising? I'm trying to figure out how to get you home, what do you need?"

"Tensei," Tenya smiled at his big brother, "I'm doing quite well actually. Surprisingly there are people who are quite hospitable in Hell. I haven't been hurt at all, I've been keeping up with my diet and exercise, my engines are just fine although I may have reached the point where I need to go to the next level, Charlie and Izuku ensure I have plenty of orange juice, and..." Tenya hesitated to say his final answer to Tensei's myriad of questions.

"You're going to stay for your friend aren't you?" Tenya tensed as his brother guessed his answer. Tensei let out a sigh, "I knew it, the way you talked about him, he inspired you."

"He's healing, slowly, and I cannot live up to the Ingenium name if I cannot be there for my friend!"

Tensei chuckled, "Okay, if that's the case let's go over details and figure out communications. So long as I know that you're okay, I can at least focus on everything better. And I know you'd help your friend even if his mother hadn't kidnapped you, but I still want to have a proper word with her about that." Tenya smiled, feeling the weight come off his shoulders hearing his brother accept his plan of action.

In another room of the hotel, Ochako was talking with her mom while Razzle and Dazzle watched her, "And I'm telling you mom, I hit the jackpot with them. They didn't judge me for why I decided to become a hero, they help me train and don't laugh at me when I puke, and if you could taste Izuku's cooking you and dad would be building him a restaurant in no time flat." While her mother hadn't been as receptive to Ochako wanting to stay and help Izuku, she did also accept it.

"Okay dear, I'm sorry your father couldn't be here, now that our debt has been cleared we've been able to take on so much more work, the company is out of the red now." Fuyo smiled at her daughter, "Now, what was this about you getting a bloody nose because one of your friends was in a skirt?" She gave her daughter a teasing smirk as Ochako turned beet red.

~Earth, Japan, Gran Torino's Home~

Sora looked between his grandfather and Toshinori several times, "So you mean to tell me, that Midoriya was originally quirkless until you gave him his quirk. A quirk that mind you, was literally destroying his bones from his first attempt at using on the very same day he got which was also the same day of the entrance exam, and you never faced that problem. Meanwhile Gramps helped train you when the previous wielder Nana Shimura, a hero who marked her name in history for catching several corrupt people, mostly heroes, and did so much against corruption there are at least eight international laws against corruption of pro heroes that were created because of her, died. Why didn't you bring him on to train Midoriya before the year started!?" He yelled at Toshinori.

"That's my fault," Sorahiko answered, "When Nana died I didn't take it well and I took my anger out on Toshi. By the time I met my wife and we had your mother our connection had been all but severed."

Sora looked at his grandfather in shock before looking at Toshinori, "He's... not wrong. It was a dark time for us both and neither of us took Teacher's death well."

Sora pinched the brow of his nose, "Okay, okay, clearly you both at least recognize that and are trying to do better so let's move on from that, why do you think All For One, a man who was alive for almost two hundred years and could steal quirks, whose face you caved in with one of your strongest attacks, is alive?"

"The Nomu possessed several quirks, Hyper Regeneration, Shock Absorption, as well as a few mutative such as his beak and physical size. While there have been other villains who have experimented with giving people multiple quirks he is the only one I've seen who almost made it work. Nana talked about an enforcer of his, supposedly a giant man with several quirks that her predecessor had warned her about. And I faced some of his lieutenants who had multiple quirks. Even if some mad scientist made Nomu All For One still helped them make the creature, of that I have no doubt," Toshinori spoke with absolute certainty.

Sora bounced his leg up and down, "Who else knows about this secret?"

"Nezu, Recovery Girl, Detective Tsukauchi, and his former sidekick Nighteye. Although he's not exactly trusted right now, given that he looked into Toshi's future without permission," Sorahiko answered, "If anyone else asides from those guys knows then they most likely were told by his successor."

"Young Izuku hadn't had a chance to tell anyone, but I did have plans to introduce him to some of my inner circle. Mirai though," Toshinori grimaced, "He had picked someone out to be my successor, Mirio Togata, and believed he knew better than me about what to do with the quirk."

"Togata?" Sora immediately zeroed in on that, "You're aware he's currently a student right?"

"He is? Mirai hadn't said, just that he was the perfect successor."

"Did Nighteye tell Togata about the quirk, does he know he was being groomed to take it?" Sora suddenly had a new focus, "One For All is an enhancer quirk, the direct opposite of Togata's, none of his training from what I've seen would help him if he actually got One For All, for that matter how long has Nighteye been on the lookout for a successor for you?"

"I don't know, we cut ties since I got my injury and when he called me about Togata was the first time we had spoken in years. To any of the other questions, I don't know," Toshinori shrugged. He was starting to see what Sora was getting at, "None of the others knew, at least as far as I'm aware, and I've never actually met him. I only saw a picture of him recently when Mirai sent me a letter with his school information, his history as an intern and rank projections."

"HE SENT YOU WHAT!?" Sora yelled jumping to his feet, "WHEN DID HE SEND YOU THAT!?"

"A few days before I began work at UA, I put it through the shredder once I saw what it was."

"God dammit!" Sora almost punched the wall, but he stopped short, "The laws that breaks, how many details did you see?"

"He included a small note that covered what was within, I'd only seen the picture of Togata before I saw the note. Like I said I immediately shredded it."

"I need to call Nezu, I don't understand how he could've gotten those records. Only UA staff can have them. What else do you need to talk about, make it quick."

Toshinori pursed his lips, "I'm going to be taking an extended vacation from heroics for a while so I can spend more time looking for Young Izuku, could you help Naomasa while he looks for any evidence that could tell us if All For One is alive?" He asked the question to both of them.

"Bah, of course I will. A chance to f*ck over that bastard before he can get the drop on us, like I would pass that up," Gran patted Toshinori on the shoulder, "I'll come over to UA and see if I can't help out with teaching the kids, keep an extra set of eyes on that Bakugou brat and make sure no one else gets hurt by him."

Sora took a deep breath and steadied his breathing, "I'll do what I can but right now my priority is my students. Is there anyone else you can trust with this secret that could help? If you're suggesting that a centuries old villain with hundreds of quirks at his disposal to use isn't dead, then we'll need more people."

"I'll see who else I can find, but for now except for one it's just everyone who knows about One For All," Toshinori stood up, "Now, I need to get going, let me know if you need any help with Mirai. I may be taking a break from heroics but that doesn't mean I won't help out when needed. I'll technically be on emergency stand by." He stuck his hand out to shake and Sora took it, "Thank you, Sora."

"Just keep us in the loop and we'll do the same," Sora nodded at him and they both left the apartment building, walking opposite of each other once again.

~Three hours later~

Toshinori stood before the entrance to a cemetery, holding a few things in hand. He walked in and moved forward to a specific grave in mind, one that he hadn't visited in a long time, but he could still remember where it was like he had seen it yesterday. Stopping in front of it he kneeled down and took the flowers he had gotten and put them in the little vase in front of the grave, then put some incense into the holder and lit it. He put his hands together in a quick prayer, "Hi mom, sorry I haven't come by in so long."

On the dirty grave was Kaito Yagi, the mother of Toshinori Yagi. She had died some years before he met Nana, but her support had given him the drive to become a hero. For a time in his early years, he'd been an active vigilante, and then he met Nana and everything changed. "I'll come by soon and clean this up, I'm sorry it's gotten so dirty," He smiled sadly at it. She'd been taken in a villain attack, an inferno just like the incident he had debuted in. "There's this kid, you would've loved him, I see so much of myself in him. He's hurt and I can't reach him, but I found something that could. I'm sorry to ask this, but will you please help me one more time?" He didn't expect an answer, but a small gust of wind guided the smoke from the incense to brush across his cheek, almost like how his mom would when putting him to bed.

Taking a shuddering breath Toshinori closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His great grandpa had said that in order to begin learning cursed energy, he must first be able to sense it. He focused on everything around him, he could hear a couple crying somewhere else within the cemetery, someone cleaning one of the graves, a gardener tending to a tree, the traffic driving along the nearby street, he stayed like that for a long time, just listening to the sorrow within the cemetery, until he heard a stuttering breath. Opening one of his eyes he turned his head slightly, not noticing how his eyes, which already glowed a bright dark blue, were almost glowing neon. He could see a misty shape of something, it looked vaguely humanoid. Closing his eye again he focused on the thing's breathing, how it was rasping and choking with each breath it took. "Can I offer you some Takoyaki?" It asked in a weirdly deep voice.

Toshinori's eyes snapped opened and he gave the thing his full attention, his eyes glowing neon blue. He could see it clearly now, and his previous assessment of it being humanoid was very much wrong. It had three arms near where its mouth was, but beneath it was the coiled-up legs of a centipede. He looked around him and he could see others, 'He was right, so these are curses.' He got to his feet and took a deep breath, and extending his hands out at his sides slightly, almost like he was getting ready to do a jumping jack, he flexed his hands as he focused on the palms of them while also focusing on the noises that the curses were making. They had yet to realize he could see them. At the centers of his palms a small pale blue flame appeared. Tendrils reached out from it and covered around his hand, and then began to go up his arm, following the image he kept in his mind. Once the energy was properly in position, he sent it out and it forced the curses to twist and conform, twisting into little tendrils and as they neared his hands, into white bandages. In a few minutes all of the curses within the cemetery had been turned into bandages the covered the entirety of his hands and went part way up his forearms.

'So, this is the technique Great Grandpa Koichi said belonged to our family, Curse Spirit Forging,' Toshinori thought as he looked at his covered hands and arms, 'Now I just need to get the attention of this Jujutsu Society.'


Hope you guys enjoyed this
I had wanted to include the Toshinori learned Jujutsu Sorcery in the last chapter but it wouldn't fit so I set up this chapter
Also, Izuku's weaving magic is inspired by the player powerset from Ghostwire Tokyo
Leave your thoughts and feedback in the comments
Thanks for the Kudos

The Prince - ProfessionalRanter - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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